
1// Copyright 2020 The Foundation C.I.C.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15use std::{
16    collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap},
17    ops::Deref,
18    sync::{
19        atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
20        Arc,
21    },
24use matrix_sdk_common::{deserialized_responses::WithheldCode, locks::RwLock};
25use ruma::{
26    api::client::keys::upload_signatures::v3::Request as SignatureUploadRequest,
27    events::{key::verification::VerificationMethod, AnyToDeviceEventContent},
28    serde::Raw,
29    DeviceId, DeviceKeyAlgorithm, DeviceKeyId, MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch, OwnedDeviceId,
30    OwnedDeviceKeyId, UInt, UserId,
32use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
33use serde_json::Value;
34use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace, warn};
35use vodozemac::{olm::SessionConfig, Curve25519PublicKey, Ed25519PublicKey};
37use super::{atomic_bool_deserializer, atomic_bool_serializer};
38#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing", doc))]
39use crate::OlmMachine;
40use crate::{
41    error::{EventError, MismatchedIdentityKeysError, OlmError, OlmResult, SignatureError},
42    identities::{OwnUserIdentityData, UserIdentityData},
43    olm::{
44        InboundGroupSession, OutboundGroupSession, Session, ShareInfo, SignedJsonObject, VerifyJson,
45    },
46    store::{
47        caches::SequenceNumber, Changes, CryptoStoreWrapper, DeviceChanges, Result as StoreResult,
48    },
49    types::{
50        events::{
51            forwarded_room_key::ForwardedRoomKeyContent,
52            room::encrypted::ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent, EventType,
53        },
54        requests::{OutgoingVerificationRequest, ToDeviceRequest},
55        DeviceKey, DeviceKeys, EventEncryptionAlgorithm, Signatures, SignedKey,
56    },
57    verification::VerificationMachine,
58    Account, Sas, VerificationRequest,
61pub enum MaybeEncryptedRoomKey {
62    Encrypted {
63        used_session: Session,
64        share_info: ShareInfo,
65        message: Raw<AnyToDeviceEventContent>,
66    },
67    Withheld {
68        code: WithheldCode,
69    },
72/// A read-only version of a `Device`.
73#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
74pub struct DeviceData {
75    #[serde(alias = "inner")]
76    pub(crate) device_keys: Arc<DeviceKeys>,
77    #[serde(
78        serialize_with = "atomic_bool_serializer",
79        deserialize_with = "atomic_bool_deserializer"
80    )]
81    deleted: Arc<AtomicBool>,
82    trust_state: Arc<RwLock<LocalTrust>>,
83    /// Flag remembering if we successfully sent an `m.no_olm` withheld code to
84    /// this device.
85    #[serde(
86        default,
87        serialize_with = "atomic_bool_serializer",
88        deserialize_with = "atomic_bool_deserializer"
89    )]
90    withheld_code_sent: Arc<AtomicBool>,
91    /// First time this device was seen in milliseconds since epoch.
92    /// Default to epoch for migration purpose.
93    #[serde(default = "default_timestamp")]
94    first_time_seen_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch,
95    /// The number of times the device has tried to unwedge Olm sessions with
96    /// us.
97    #[serde(default)]
98    pub(crate) olm_wedging_index: SequenceNumber,
101fn default_timestamp() -> MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch {
102    MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch(UInt::default())
106impl std::fmt::Debug for DeviceData {
107    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
108        f.debug_struct("DeviceData")
109            .field("user_id", &self.user_id())
110            .field("device_id", &self.device_id())
111            .field("display_name", &self.display_name())
112            .field("keys", self.keys())
113            .field("deleted", &self.deleted.load(Ordering::SeqCst))
114            .field("trust_state", &self.trust_state)
115            .field("withheld_code_sent", &self.withheld_code_sent)
116            .finish()
117    }
120/// A device represents a E2EE capable client of an user.
122pub struct Device {
123    pub(crate) inner: DeviceData,
124    pub(crate) verification_machine: VerificationMachine,
125    pub(crate) own_identity: Option<OwnUserIdentityData>,
126    pub(crate) device_owner_identity: Option<UserIdentityData>,
130impl std::fmt::Debug for Device {
131    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
132        f.debug_struct("Device").field("device", &self.inner).finish()
133    }
136impl Deref for Device {
137    type Target = DeviceData;
139    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
140        &self.inner
141    }
144impl Device {
145    /// Start a interactive verification with this `Device`
146    ///
147    /// Returns a `Sas` object and a to-device request that needs to be sent
148    /// out.
149    ///
150    /// This method has been deprecated in the spec and the
151    /// [`request_verification()`] method should be used instead.
152    ///
153    /// [`request_verification()`]: #method.request_verification
154    pub async fn start_verification(&self) -> StoreResult<(Sas, ToDeviceRequest)> {
155        let (sas, request) = self.verification_machine.start_sas(self.inner.clone()).await?;
157        if let OutgoingVerificationRequest::ToDevice(r) = request {
158            Ok((sas, r))
159        } else {
160            panic!("Invalid verification request type");
161        }
162    }
164    /// Is this our own device?
165    pub fn is_our_own_device(&self) -> bool {
166        let own_ed25519_key =;
167        let own_curve25519_key =;
169        self.user_id() == self.verification_machine.own_user_id()
170            && self.device_id() == self.verification_machine.own_device_id()
171            && self.ed25519_key().is_some_and(|k| k == own_ed25519_key)
172            && self.curve25519_key().is_some_and(|k| k == own_curve25519_key)
173    }
175    /// Does the given `InboundGroupSession` belong to this device?
176    ///
177    /// An `InboundGroupSession` is exchanged between devices as an Olm
178    /// encrypted `m.room_key` event. This method determines if this `Device`
179    /// can be confirmed as the creator and owner of the `m.room_key`.
180    pub fn is_owner_of_session(
181        &self,
182        session: &InboundGroupSession,
183    ) -> Result<bool, MismatchedIdentityKeysError> {
184        if session.has_been_imported() {
185            // An imported room key means that we did not receive the room key as a
186            // `m.room_key` event when the room key was initially exchanged.
187            //
188            // This could mean a couple of things:
189            //      1. We received the room key as a `m.forwarded_room_key`.
190            //      2. We imported the room key through a file export.
191            //      3. We imported the room key through a backup.
192            //
193            // To be certain that a `Device` is the owner of a room key we need to have a
194            // proof that the `Curve25519` key of this `Device` was used to
195            // initially exchange the room key. This proof is provided by the Olm decryption
196            // step, see below for further clarification.
197            //
198            // Each of the above room key methods that receive room keys do not contain this
199            // proof and we received only a claim that the room key is tied to a
200            // `Curve25519` key.
201            //
202            // Since there's no way to verify that the claim is true, we say that we don't
203            // know that the room key belongs to this device.
204            Ok(false)
205        } else if let Some(key) =
206            session.signing_keys().get(&DeviceKeyAlgorithm::Ed25519).and_then(|k| k.ed25519())
207        {
208            // Room keys are received as an `` to-device message using the
209            // `m.olm` algorithm. Upon decryption of the `` to-device
210            // message, the decrypted content will contain also an `Ed25519` public key[1].
211            //
212            // The inclusion of this key means that the `Curve25519` key of the `Device` and
213            // Olm `Session`, established using the DH authentication of the
214            // double ratchet, "binds" the `Ed25519` key of the `Device`. In other words, it
215            // prevents an attack in which Mallory publishes Bob's public `Curve25519` key
216            // as her own, and subsequently forwards an Olm message she received from Bob to
217            // Alice, claiming that she, Mallory, originated the Olm message (leading Alice
218            // to believe that Mallory also sent the messages in the subsequent Megolm
219            // session).
220            //
221            // On the other hand, the `Ed25519` key binds the `Curve25519` key
222            // using a signature which is uploaded to the server as
223            // `device_keys` and downloaded by us using a `/keys/query` request.
224            //
225            // A `Device` is considered to be the owner of a room key iff:
226            //     1. The `Curve25519` key that was used to establish the Olm `Session` that
227            //        was used to decrypt the to-device message is binding the `Ed25519` key
228            //        of this `Device` via the content of the to-device message, and:
229            //     2. The `Ed25519` key of this device has signed a `device_keys` object
230            //        that contains the `Curve25519` key from step 1.
231            //
232            // We don't need to check the signature of the `Device` here, since we don't
233            // accept a `Device` unless it has a valid `Ed25519` signature.
234            //
235            // We do check that the `Curve25519` that was used to decrypt the event carrying
236            // the `m.room_key` and the `Ed25519` key that was part of the
237            // decrypted content matches the keys found in this `Device`.
238            //
239            // ```text
240            //                                              ┌───────────────────────┐
241            //                                              │ EncryptedToDeviceEvent│
242            //                                              └───────────────────────┘
243            //                                                         │
244            //    ┌──────────────────────────────────┐                 │
245            //    │              Device              │                 ▼
246            //    ├──────────────────────────────────┤        ┌──────────────────┐
247            //    │            Device Keys           │        │      Session     │
248            //    ├────────────────┬─────────────────┤        ├──────────────────┤
249            //    │   Ed25519 Key  │  Curve25519 Key │◄──────►│  Curve25519 Key  │
250            //    └────────────────┴─────────────────┘        └──────────────────┘
251            //            ▲                                            │
252            //            │                                            │
253            //            │                                            │ Decrypt
254            //            │                                            │
255            //            │                                            ▼
256            //            │                                 ┌───────────────────────┐
257            //            │                                 │  DecryptedOlmV1Event  │
258            //            │                                 ├───────────────────────┤
259            //            │                                 │         keys          │
260            //            │                                 ├───────────────────────┤
261            //            └────────────────────────────────►│       Ed25519 Key     │
262            //                                              └───────────────────────┘
263            // ```
264            //
265            // [1]:
266            let ed25519_comparison = self.ed25519_key().map(|k| k == key);
267            let curve25519_comparison = self.curve25519_key().map(|k| k == session.sender_key());
269            match (ed25519_comparison, curve25519_comparison) {
270                // If we have any of the keys but they don't turn out to match, refuse to decrypt
271                // instead.
272                (_, Some(false)) | (Some(false), _) => Err(MismatchedIdentityKeysError {
273                    key_ed25519: key.into(),
274                    device_ed25519: self.ed25519_key().map(Into::into),
275                    key_curve25519: session.sender_key().into(),
276                    device_curve25519: self.curve25519_key().map(Into::into),
277                }),
278                // If both keys match, we have ourselves an owner.
279                (Some(true), Some(true)) => Ok(true),
280                // In the remaining cases, the device is missing at least one of the required
281                // identity keys, so we default to a negative answer.
282                _ => Ok(false),
283            }
284        } else {
285            Ok(false)
286        }
287    }
289    /// Is this device cross signed by its owner?
290    pub fn is_cross_signed_by_owner(&self) -> bool {
291        self.device_owner_identity
292            .as_ref()
293            .is_some_and(|owner_identity| self.inner.is_cross_signed_by_owner(owner_identity))
294    }
296    /// Is the device owner verified by us?
297    pub fn is_device_owner_verified(&self) -> bool {
298        self.device_owner_identity.as_ref().is_some_and(|id| match id {
299            UserIdentityData::Own(own_identity) => own_identity.is_verified(),
300            UserIdentityData::Other(other_identity) => {
301                self.own_identity.as_ref().is_some_and(|oi| oi.is_identity_verified(other_identity))
302            }
303        })
304    }
306    /// Request an interactive verification with this `Device`.
307    ///
308    /// Returns a `VerificationRequest` object and a to-device request that
309    /// needs to be sent out.
310    pub fn request_verification(&self) -> (VerificationRequest, OutgoingVerificationRequest) {
311        self.request_verification_helper(None)
312    }
314    /// Request an interactive verification with this `Device`.
315    ///
316    /// Returns a `VerificationRequest` object and a to-device request that
317    /// needs to be sent out.
318    ///
319    /// # Arguments
320    ///
321    /// * `methods` - The verification methods that we want to support.
322    pub fn request_verification_with_methods(
323        &self,
324        methods: Vec<VerificationMethod>,
325    ) -> (VerificationRequest, OutgoingVerificationRequest) {
326        self.request_verification_helper(Some(methods))
327    }
329    fn request_verification_helper(
330        &self,
331        methods: Option<Vec<VerificationMethod>>,
332    ) -> (VerificationRequest, OutgoingVerificationRequest) {
333        self.verification_machine.request_to_device_verification(
334            self.user_id(),
335            vec![self.device_id().to_owned()],
336            methods,
337        )
338    }
340    /// Get the most recently created session that belongs to this device.
341    pub(crate) async fn get_most_recent_session(&self) -> OlmResult<Option<Session>> {
342        self.inner.get_most_recent_session(
343    }
345    /// Is this device considered to be verified.
346    ///
347    /// This method returns true if either [`is_locally_trusted()`] returns true
348    /// or if [`is_cross_signing_trusted()`] returns true.
349    ///
350    /// [`is_locally_trusted()`]: #method.is_locally_trusted
351    /// [`is_cross_signing_trusted()`]: #method.is_cross_signing_trusted
352    pub fn is_verified(&self) -> bool {
353        self.inner.is_verified(&self.own_identity, &self.device_owner_identity)
354    }
356    /// Is this device considered to be verified using cross signing.
357    pub fn is_cross_signing_trusted(&self) -> bool {
358        self.inner.is_cross_signing_trusted(&self.own_identity, &self.device_owner_identity)
359    }
361    /// Manually verify this device.
362    ///
363    /// This method will attempt to sign the device using our private cross
364    /// signing key.
365    ///
366    /// This method will always fail if the device belongs to someone else, we
367    /// can only sign our own devices.
368    ///
369    /// It can also fail if we don't have the private part of our self-signing
370    /// key.
371    ///
372    /// Returns a request that needs to be sent out for the device to be marked
373    /// as verified.
374    pub async fn verify(&self) -> Result<SignatureUploadRequest, SignatureError> {
375        if self.user_id() == self.verification_machine.own_user_id() {
376            Ok(self
377                .verification_machine
378                .store
379                .private_identity
380                .lock()
381                .await
382                .sign_device(&self.inner)
383                .await?)
384        } else {
385            Err(SignatureError::UserIdMismatch)
386        }
387    }
389    /// Set the local trust state of the device to the given state.
390    ///
391    /// This won't affect any cross signing trust state, this only sets a flag
392    /// marking to have the given trust state.
393    ///
394    /// # Arguments
395    ///
396    /// * `trust_state` - The new trust state that should be set for the device.
397    pub async fn set_local_trust(&self, trust_state: LocalTrust) -> StoreResult<()> {
398        self.inner.set_trust_state(trust_state);
400        let changes = Changes {
401            devices: DeviceChanges { changed: vec![self.inner.clone()], ..Default::default() },
402            ..Default::default()
403        };
406    }
408    /// Encrypt the given content for this `Device`.
409    ///
410    /// # Arguments
411    ///
412    /// * `content` - The content of the event that should be encrypted.
413    pub(crate) async fn encrypt(
414        &self,
415        event_type: &str,
416        content: impl Serialize,
417    ) -> OlmResult<(Session, Raw<ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent>)> {
418        self.inner.encrypt(, event_type, content).await
419    }
421    /// Encrypt the given inbound group session as a forwarded room key for this
422    /// device.
423    pub async fn encrypt_room_key_for_forwarding(
424        &self,
425        session: InboundGroupSession,
426        message_index: Option<u32>,
427    ) -> OlmResult<(Session, Raw<ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent>)> {
428        let (event_type, content) = {
429            let export = if let Some(index) = message_index {
430                session.export_at_index(index).await
431            } else {
432                session.export().await
433            };
434            let content: ForwardedRoomKeyContent = export.try_into()?;
436            (content.event_type(), content)
437        };
439        self.encrypt(event_type, content).await
440    }
442    /// Encrypt an event for this device.
443    ///
444    /// Beware that the 1-to-1 session must be established prior to this
445    /// call by using the [`OlmMachine::get_missing_sessions`] method.
446    ///
447    /// Notable limitation: The caller is responsible for sending the encrypted
448    /// event to the target device, this encryption method supports out-of-order
449    /// messages to a certain extent (2000 messages), if multiple messages are
450    /// encrypted using this method they should be sent in the same order as
451    /// they are encrypted.
452    ///
453    /// *Note*: To instead encrypt an event meant for a room use the
454    /// [`OlmMachine::encrypt_room_event()`] method instead.
455    ///
456    /// # Arguments
457    /// * `event_type` - The type of the event to be sent.
458    /// * `content` - The content of the event to be sent. This should be a type
459    ///   that implements the `Serialize` trait.
460    ///
461    /// # Returns
462    ///
463    /// The encrypted raw content to be shared with your preferred transport
464    /// layer (usually to-device), [`OlmError::MissingSession`] if there is
465    /// no established session with the device.
466    pub async fn encrypt_event_raw(
467        &self,
468        event_type: &str,
469        content: &Value,
470    ) -> OlmResult<Raw<ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent>> {
471        let (used_session, raw_encrypted) = self.encrypt(event_type, content).await?;
473        // Persist the used session
474        self.verification_machine
475            .store
476            .save_changes(Changes { sessions: vec![used_session], ..Default::default() })
477            .await?;
479        Ok(raw_encrypted)
480    }
482    /// True if this device is an [MSC3814]( dehydrated device.
483    pub fn is_dehydrated(&self) -> bool {
484        self.inner.is_dehydrated()
485    }
488/// A read only view over all devices belonging to a user.
490pub struct UserDevices {
491    pub(crate) inner: HashMap<OwnedDeviceId, DeviceData>,
492    pub(crate) verification_machine: VerificationMachine,
493    pub(crate) own_identity: Option<OwnUserIdentityData>,
494    pub(crate) device_owner_identity: Option<UserIdentityData>,
497impl UserDevices {
498    /// Get the specific device with the given device ID.
499    pub fn get(&self, device_id: &DeviceId) -> Option<Device> {
500        self.inner.get(device_id).map(|d| Device {
501            inner: d.clone(),
502            verification_machine: self.verification_machine.clone(),
503            own_identity: self.own_identity.clone(),
504            device_owner_identity: self.device_owner_identity.clone(),
505        })
506    }
508    fn own_user_id(&self) -> &UserId {
509        self.verification_machine.own_user_id()
510    }
512    fn own_device_id(&self) -> &DeviceId {
513        self.verification_machine.own_device_id()
514    }
516    /// Returns true if there is at least one devices of this user that is
517    /// considered to be verified, false otherwise.
518    ///
519    /// This won't consider your own device as verified, as your own device is
520    /// always implicitly verified.
521    pub fn is_any_verified(&self) -> bool {
522        self.inner
523            .values()
524            .filter(|d| {
525                !(d.user_id() == self.own_user_id() && d.device_id() == self.own_device_id())
526            })
527            .any(|d| d.is_verified(&self.own_identity, &self.device_owner_identity))
528    }
530    /// Iterator over all the device ids of the user devices.
531    pub fn keys(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &DeviceId> {
532        self.inner.keys().map(Deref::deref)
533    }
535    /// Iterator over all the devices of the user devices.
536    pub fn devices(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Device> + '_ {
537        self.inner.values().map(move |d| Device {
538            inner: d.clone(),
539            verification_machine: self.verification_machine.clone(),
540            own_identity: self.own_identity.clone(),
541            device_owner_identity: self.device_owner_identity.clone(),
542        })
543    }
546/// The local trust state of a device.
547#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
548#[cfg_attr(feature = "uniffi", derive(uniffi::Enum))]
549pub enum LocalTrust {
550    /// The device has been verified and is trusted.
551    Verified = 0,
552    /// The device been blacklisted from communicating.
553    BlackListed = 1,
554    /// The trust state of the device is being ignored.
555    Ignored = 2,
556    /// The trust state is unset.
557    Unset = 3,
560impl From<i64> for LocalTrust {
561    fn from(state: i64) -> Self {
562        match state {
563            0 => LocalTrust::Verified,
564            1 => LocalTrust::BlackListed,
565            2 => LocalTrust::Ignored,
566            3 => LocalTrust::Unset,
567            _ => LocalTrust::Unset,
568        }
569    }
572impl DeviceData {
573    /// Create a new Device, this constructor skips signature verification of
574    /// the keys, `TryFrom` should be used for completely new devices we
575    /// receive.
576    pub fn new(device_keys: DeviceKeys, trust_state: LocalTrust) -> Self {
577        Self {
578            device_keys: device_keys.into(),
579            trust_state: Arc::new(RwLock::new(trust_state)),
580            deleted: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
581            withheld_code_sent: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
582            first_time_seen_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now(),
583            olm_wedging_index: Default::default(),
584        }
585    }
587    /// The user id of the device owner.
588    pub fn user_id(&self) -> &UserId {
589        &self.device_keys.user_id
590    }
592    /// The unique ID of the device.
593    pub fn device_id(&self) -> &DeviceId {
594        &self.device_keys.device_id
595    }
597    /// Get the human readable name of the device.
598    pub fn display_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
599        self.device_keys.unsigned.device_display_name.as_deref()
600    }
602    /// Get the key of the given key algorithm belonging to this device.
603    pub fn get_key(&self, algorithm: DeviceKeyAlgorithm) -> Option<&DeviceKey> {
604        self.device_keys.get_key(algorithm)
605    }
607    /// Get the Curve25519 key of the given device.
608    pub fn curve25519_key(&self) -> Option<Curve25519PublicKey> {
609        self.device_keys.curve25519_key()
610    }
612    /// Get the Ed25519 key of the given device.
613    pub fn ed25519_key(&self) -> Option<Ed25519PublicKey> {
614        self.device_keys.ed25519_key()
615    }
617    /// Get a map containing all the device keys.
618    pub fn keys(&self) -> &BTreeMap<OwnedDeviceKeyId, DeviceKey> {
619        &self.device_keys.keys
620    }
622    /// Get a map containing all the device signatures.
623    pub fn signatures(&self) -> &Signatures {
624        &self.device_keys.signatures
625    }
627    /// Get the trust state of the device.
628    pub fn local_trust_state(&self) -> LocalTrust {
629        *
630    }
632    /// Is the device locally marked as trusted.
633    pub fn is_locally_trusted(&self) -> bool {
634        self.local_trust_state() == LocalTrust::Verified
635    }
637    /// Is the device locally marked as blacklisted.
638    ///
639    /// Blacklisted devices won't receive any group sessions.
640    pub fn is_blacklisted(&self) -> bool {
641        self.local_trust_state() == LocalTrust::BlackListed
642    }
644    /// Set the trust state of the device to the given state.
645    ///
646    /// Note: This should only done in the crypto store where the trust state
647    /// can be stored.
648    pub(crate) fn set_trust_state(&self, state: LocalTrust) {
649        *self.trust_state.write() = state;
650    }
652    pub(crate) fn mark_withheld_code_as_sent(&self) {
653, Ordering::Relaxed)
654    }
656    /// Returns true if the `m.no_olm` withheld code was already sent to this
657    /// device.
658    pub fn was_withheld_code_sent(&self) -> bool {
659        self.withheld_code_sent.load(Ordering::Relaxed)
660    }
662    /// Get the list of algorithms this device supports.
663    pub fn algorithms(&self) -> &[EventEncryptionAlgorithm] {
664        &self.device_keys.algorithms
665    }
667    /// Does this device support any of our known Olm encryption algorithms.
668    pub fn supports_olm(&self) -> bool {
669        #[cfg(feature = "experimental-algorithms")]
670        {
671            self.algorithms().contains(&EventEncryptionAlgorithm::OlmV1Curve25519AesSha2)
672                || self.algorithms().contains(&EventEncryptionAlgorithm::OlmV2Curve25519AesSha2)
673        }
675        #[cfg(not(feature = "experimental-algorithms"))]
676        {
677            self.algorithms().contains(&EventEncryptionAlgorithm::OlmV1Curve25519AesSha2)
678        }
679    }
681    /// Find and return the most recently created Olm [`Session`] we are sharing
682    /// with this device.
683    pub(crate) async fn get_most_recent_session(
684        &self,
685        store: &CryptoStoreWrapper,
686    ) -> OlmResult<Option<Session>> {
687        if let Some(sender_key) = self.curve25519_key() {
688            if let Some(sessions) = store.get_sessions(&sender_key.to_base64()).await? {
689                let mut sessions = sessions.lock().await;
690                sessions.sort_by_key(|s| s.creation_time);
692                Ok(sessions.last().cloned())
693            } else {
694                Ok(None)
695            }
696        } else {
697            warn!(
698                "Trying to find an Olm session of a device, but the device doesn't have a \
699                Curve25519 key",
700            );
702            Err(EventError::MissingSenderKey.into())
703        }
704    }
706    /// Does this device support the olm.v2.curve25519-aes-sha2 encryption
707    /// algorithm.
708    #[cfg(feature = "experimental-algorithms")]
709    pub fn supports_olm_v2(&self) -> bool {
710        self.algorithms().contains(&EventEncryptionAlgorithm::OlmV2Curve25519AesSha2)
711    }
713    /// Get the optimal `SessionConfig` for this device.
714    pub fn olm_session_config(&self) -> SessionConfig {
715        #[cfg(feature = "experimental-algorithms")]
716        if self.supports_olm_v2() {
717            SessionConfig::version_2()
718        } else {
719            SessionConfig::version_1()
720        }
722        #[cfg(not(feature = "experimental-algorithms"))]
723        SessionConfig::version_1()
724    }
726    /// Is the device deleted.
727    pub fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool {
728        self.deleted.load(Ordering::Relaxed)
729    }
731    pub(crate) fn is_verified(
732        &self,
733        own_identity: &Option<OwnUserIdentityData>,
734        device_owner: &Option<UserIdentityData>,
735    ) -> bool {
736        self.is_locally_trusted() || self.is_cross_signing_trusted(own_identity, device_owner)
737    }
739    pub(crate) fn is_cross_signing_trusted(
740        &self,
741        own_identity: &Option<OwnUserIdentityData>,
742        device_owner: &Option<UserIdentityData>,
743    ) -> bool {
744        own_identity.as_ref().zip(device_owner.as_ref()).is_some_and(
745            |(own_identity, device_identity)| {
746                match device_identity {
747                    UserIdentityData::Own(_) => {
748                        own_identity.is_verified() && own_identity.is_device_signed(self)
749                    }
751                    // If it's a device from someone else, first check
752                    // that our user has verified the other user and then
753                    // check if the other user has signed this device.
754                    UserIdentityData::Other(device_identity) => {
755                        own_identity.is_identity_verified(device_identity)
756                            && device_identity.is_device_signed(self)
757                    }
758                }
759            },
760        )
761    }
763    pub(crate) fn is_cross_signed_by_owner(
764        &self,
765        device_owner_identity: &UserIdentityData,
766    ) -> bool {
767        match device_owner_identity {
768            // If it's one of our own devices, just check that
769            // we signed the device.
770            UserIdentityData::Own(identity) => identity.is_device_signed(self),
771            // If it's a device from someone else, check
772            // if the other user has signed this device.
773            UserIdentityData::Other(device_identity) => device_identity.is_device_signed(self),
774        }
775    }
777    /// Encrypt the given content for this device.
778    ///
779    /// # Arguments
780    ///
781    /// * `store` - The crypto store. Used to find an established Olm session
782    ///   for this device.
783    /// * `event_type` - The type of the event that should be encrypted.
784    /// * `content` - The content of the event that should be encrypted.
785    ///
786    /// # Returns
787    ///
788    /// On success, a tuple `(session, content)`, where `session` is the Olm
789    /// [`Session`] that was used to encrypt the content, and `content` is
790    /// the content for the `` to-device event.
791    ///
792    /// If an Olm session has not already been established with this device,
793    /// returns `Err(OlmError::MissingSession)`.
794    #[instrument(
795        skip_all,
796        fields(
797            recipient = ?self.user_id(),
798            recipient_device = ?self.device_id(),
799            recipient_key = ?self.curve25519_key(),
800            event_type,
801            message_id,
802        ))
803    ]
804    pub(crate) async fn encrypt(
805        &self,
806        store: &CryptoStoreWrapper,
807        event_type: &str,
808        content: impl Serialize,
809    ) -> OlmResult<(Session, Raw<ToDeviceEncryptedEventContent>)> {
810        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
811        let message_id = ulid::Ulid::new().to_string();
812        #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
813        let message_id = ruma::TransactionId::new().to_string();
815        tracing::Span::current().record("message_id", &message_id);
817        let session = self.get_most_recent_session(store).await?;
819        if let Some(mut session) = session {
820            let message = session.encrypt(self, event_type, content, Some(message_id)).await?;
821            Ok((session, message))
822        } else {
823            trace!("Trying to encrypt an event for a device, but no Olm session is found.");
824            Err(OlmError::MissingSession)
825        }
826    }
828    pub(crate) async fn maybe_encrypt_room_key(
829        &self,
830        store: &CryptoStoreWrapper,
831        session: OutboundGroupSession,
832    ) -> OlmResult<MaybeEncryptedRoomKey> {
833        let content = session.as_content().await;
834        let message_index = session.message_index().await;
835        let event_type = content.event_type();
837        match self.encrypt(store, event_type, content).await {
838            Ok((session, encrypted)) => Ok(MaybeEncryptedRoomKey::Encrypted {
839                share_info: ShareInfo::new_shared(
840                    session.sender_key().to_owned(),
841                    message_index,
842                    self.olm_wedging_index,
843                ),
844                used_session: session,
845                message: encrypted.cast(),
846            }),
848            Err(OlmError::MissingSession | OlmError::EventError(EventError::MissingSenderKey)) => {
849                Ok(MaybeEncryptedRoomKey::Withheld { code: WithheldCode::NoOlm })
850            }
851            Err(e) => Err(e),
852        }
853    }
855    /// Update a device with a new device keys struct.
856    ///
857    /// Returns `true` if any changes were made to the data.
858    pub(crate) fn update_device(
859        &mut self,
860        device_keys: &DeviceKeys,
861    ) -> Result<bool, SignatureError> {
862        self.verify_device_keys(device_keys)?;
864        if self.user_id() != device_keys.user_id || self.device_id() != device_keys.device_id {
865            Err(SignatureError::UserIdMismatch)
866        } else if self.ed25519_key() != device_keys.ed25519_key() {
867            Err(SignatureError::SigningKeyChanged(
868                self.ed25519_key().map(Box::new),
869                device_keys.ed25519_key().map(Box::new),
870            ))
871        } else if self.device_keys.as_ref() != device_keys {
872            debug!(
873                user_id = ?self.user_id(),
874                device_id = ?self.device_id(),
875                keys = ?self.keys(),
876                "Updated a device",
877            );
879            self.device_keys = device_keys.clone().into();
881            Ok(true)
882        } else {
883            // no changes needed
884            Ok(false)
885        }
886    }
888    /// Return the device keys
889    pub fn as_device_keys(&self) -> &DeviceKeys {
890        &self.device_keys
891    }
893    /// Check if the given JSON is signed by this device key.
894    ///
895    /// This method should only be used if an object's signature needs to be
896    /// checked multiple times, and you'd like to avoid performing the
897    /// canonicalization step each time.
898    ///
899    /// **Note**: Use this method with caution, the `canonical_json` needs to be
900    /// correctly canonicalized and make sure that the object you are checking
901    /// the signature for is allowed to be signed by a device.
902    pub(crate) fn has_signed_raw(
903        &self,
904        signatures: &Signatures,
905        canonical_json: &str,
906    ) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
907        let key = self.ed25519_key().ok_or(SignatureError::MissingSigningKey)?;
908        let user_id = self.user_id();
909        let key_id = &DeviceKeyId::from_parts(DeviceKeyAlgorithm::Ed25519, self.device_id());
911        key.verify_canonicalized_json(user_id, key_id, signatures, canonical_json)
912    }
914    fn has_signed(&self, signed_object: &impl SignedJsonObject) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
915        let key = self.ed25519_key().ok_or(SignatureError::MissingSigningKey)?;
916        let user_id = self.user_id();
917        let key_id = &DeviceKeyId::from_parts(DeviceKeyAlgorithm::Ed25519, self.device_id());
919        key.verify_json(user_id, key_id, signed_object)
920    }
922    pub(crate) fn verify_device_keys(
923        &self,
924        device_keys: &DeviceKeys,
925    ) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
926        self.has_signed(device_keys)
927    }
929    pub(crate) fn verify_one_time_key(
930        &self,
931        one_time_key: &SignedKey,
932    ) -> Result<(), SignatureError> {
933        self.has_signed(one_time_key)
934    }
936    /// Mark the device as deleted.
937    pub(crate) fn mark_as_deleted(&self) {
938, Ordering::Relaxed);
939    }
941    #[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
942    #[allow(dead_code)]
943    /// Generate the Device from a reference of an OlmMachine.
944    pub async fn from_machine_test_helper(
945        machine: &OlmMachine,
946    ) -> Result<DeviceData, crate::CryptoStoreError> {
947        Ok(DeviceData::from_account(&*
948    }
950    /// Create [`DeviceData`] from an [`Account`].
951    ///
952    /// We will have our own device data in the store once we receive a
953    /// `/keys/query` response, but this is useful to create it before we
954    /// receive such a response.
955    ///
956    /// It also makes it easier to check that the server doesn't lie about our
957    /// own device.
958    ///
959    /// *Don't* use this after we received a `/keys/query` response, other
960    /// users/devices might add signatures to our own device, which can't be
961    /// replicated locally.
962    pub fn from_account(account: &Account) -> DeviceData {
963        let device_keys = account.device_keys();
964        let mut device = DeviceData::try_from(&device_keys)
965            .expect("Creating a device from our own account should always succeed");
966        device.first_time_seen_ts = account.creation_local_time();
968        device
969    }
971    /// Get the local timestamp of when this device was first persisted, in
972    /// milliseconds since epoch (client local time).
973    pub fn first_time_seen_ts(&self) -> MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch {
974        self.first_time_seen_ts
975    }
977    /// True if this device is an [MSC3814]( dehydrated device.
978    pub fn is_dehydrated(&self) -> bool {
979        self.device_keys.dehydrated.unwrap_or(false)
980    }
983impl TryFrom<&DeviceKeys> for DeviceData {
984    type Error = SignatureError;
986    fn try_from(device_keys: &DeviceKeys) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
987        let device = Self {
988            device_keys: device_keys.clone().into(),
989            deleted: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
990            trust_state: Arc::new(RwLock::new(LocalTrust::Unset)),
991            withheld_code_sent: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
992            first_time_seen_ts: MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now(),
993            olm_wedging_index: Default::default(),
994        };
996        device.verify_device_keys(device_keys)?;
997        Ok(device)
998    }
1001impl PartialEq for DeviceData {
1002    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
1003        self.user_id() == other.user_id() && self.device_id() == other.device_id()
1004    }
1007/// Testing Facilities for Device Management
1008#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
1010pub(crate) mod testing {
1011    use serde_json::json;
1013    use crate::{identities::DeviceData, types::DeviceKeys};
1015    /// Generate default DeviceKeys for tests
1016    pub fn device_keys() -> DeviceKeys {
1017        let device_keys = json!({
1018          "algorithms": vec![
1019              "m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2",
1020              "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"
1021          ],
1022          "device_id": "BNYQQWUMXO",
1023          "user_id": "@example:localhost",
1024          "keys": {
1025              "curve25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "xfgbLIC5WAl1OIkpOzoxpCe8FsRDT6nch7NQsOb15nc",
1026              "ed25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "2/5LWJMow5zhJqakV88SIc7q/1pa8fmkfgAzx72w9G4"
1027          },
1028          "signatures": {
1029              "@example:localhost": {
1030                  "ed25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "kTwMrbsLJJM/uFGOj/oqlCaRuw7i9p/6eGrTlXjo8UJMCFAetoyWzoMcF35vSe4S6FTx8RJmqX6rM7ep53MHDQ"
1031              }
1032          },
1033          "unsigned": {
1034              "device_display_name": "Alice's mobile phone"
1035          }
1036        });
1038        serde_json::from_value(device_keys).unwrap()
1039    }
1041    /// Generate default [`DeviceData`] for tests
1042    pub fn get_device() -> DeviceData {
1043        let device_keys = device_keys();
1044        DeviceData::try_from(&device_keys).unwrap()
1045    }
1049pub(crate) mod tests {
1050    use ruma::{user_id, MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch};
1051    use serde_json::json;
1052    use vodozemac::{Curve25519PublicKey, Ed25519PublicKey};
1054    use super::testing::{device_keys, get_device};
1055    use crate::{identities::LocalTrust, DeviceData};
1057    #[test]
1058    fn create_a_device() {
1059        let now = MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now();
1060        let user_id = user_id!("@example:localhost");
1061        let device_id = "BNYQQWUMXO";
1063        let device = get_device();
1065        assert_eq!(user_id, device.user_id());
1066        assert_eq!(device_id, device.device_id());
1067        assert_eq!(device.algorithms().len(), 2);
1068        assert_eq!(LocalTrust::Unset, device.local_trust_state());
1069        assert_eq!("Alice's mobile phone", device.display_name().unwrap());
1070        assert_eq!(
1071            device.curve25519_key().unwrap(),
1072            Curve25519PublicKey::from_base64("xfgbLIC5WAl1OIkpOzoxpCe8FsRDT6nch7NQsOb15nc")
1073                .unwrap(),
1074        );
1075        assert_eq!(
1076            device.ed25519_key().unwrap(),
1077            Ed25519PublicKey::from_base64("2/5LWJMow5zhJqakV88SIc7q/1pa8fmkfgAzx72w9G4").unwrap(),
1078        );
1080        let then = MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now();
1082        assert!(device.first_time_seen_ts() >= now);
1083        assert!(device.first_time_seen_ts() <= then);
1084    }
1086    #[test]
1087    fn update_a_device() {
1088        let mut device = get_device();
1090        assert_eq!("Alice's mobile phone", device.display_name().unwrap());
1092        let display_name = "Alice's work computer".to_owned();
1094        let mut device_keys = device_keys();
1095        device_keys.unsigned.device_display_name = Some(display_name.clone());
1096        assert!(device.update_device(&device_keys).unwrap());
1097        assert_eq!(&display_name, device.display_name().as_ref().unwrap());
1099        // A second call to `update_device` with the same data should return `false`.
1100        assert!(!device.update_device(&device_keys).unwrap());
1101    }
1103    #[test]
1104    #[allow(clippy::redundant_clone)]
1105    fn delete_a_device() {
1106        let device = get_device();
1107        assert!(!device.is_deleted());
1109        let device_clone = device.clone();
1111        device.mark_as_deleted();
1112        assert!(device.is_deleted());
1113        assert!(device_clone.is_deleted());
1114    }
1116    #[test]
1117    fn deserialize_device() {
1118        let user_id = user_id!("@example:localhost");
1119        let device_id = "BNYQQWUMXO";
1121        let device = json!({
1122            "inner": {
1123                "user_id": user_id,
1124                "device_id": device_id,
1125                "algorithms": ["m.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2","m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"],
1126                "keys": {
1127                    "curve25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "xfgbLIC5WAl1OIkpOzoxpCe8FsRDT6nch7NQsOb15nc",
1128                    "ed25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "2/5LWJMow5zhJqakV88SIc7q/1pa8fmkfgAzx72w9G4"
1129                },
1130                "signatures": {
1131                    "@example:localhost": {
1132                        "ed25519:BNYQQWUMXO": "kTwMrbsLJJM/uFGOj/oqlCaRuw7i9p/6eGrTlXjo8UJMCFAetoyWzoMcF35vSe4S6FTx8RJmqX6rM7ep53MHDQ"
1133                    }
1134                },
1135                "unsigned": {
1136                    "device_display_name": "Alice's mobile phone"
1137                }
1138            },
1139            "deleted": false,
1140            "trust_state": "Verified",
1141            "withheld_code_sent": false,
1142            "first_time_seen_ts": 1696931068314u64
1143        });
1145        let device: DeviceData =
1146            serde_json::from_value(device).expect("We should be able to deserialize our device");
1148        assert_eq!(user_id, device.user_id());
1149        assert_eq!(device_id, device.device_id());
1150        assert_eq!(device.algorithms().len(), 2);
1151        assert_eq!(LocalTrust::Verified, device.local_trust_state());
1152        assert_eq!("Alice's mobile phone", device.display_name().unwrap());
1153        assert_eq!(
1154            device.curve25519_key().unwrap(),
1155            Curve25519PublicKey::from_base64("xfgbLIC5WAl1OIkpOzoxpCe8FsRDT6nch7NQsOb15nc")
1156                .unwrap(),
1157        );
1158        assert_eq!(
1159            device.ed25519_key().unwrap(),
1160            Ed25519PublicKey::from_base64("2/5LWJMow5zhJqakV88SIc7q/1pa8fmkfgAzx72w9G4").unwrap(),
1161        );
1162    }