
1// Copyright 2021 Kévin Commaille
2// Copyright 2022 The Foundation C.I.C.
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
16//! High-level media API.
18#[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
19use std::io::Read;
20use std::time::Duration;
21#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
22use std::{fmt, fs::File, path::Path};
24use eyeball::SharedObservable;
25use futures_util::future::try_join;
26use matrix_sdk_base::event_cache::store::media::IgnoreMediaRetentionPolicy;
27pub use matrix_sdk_base::{event_cache::store::media::MediaRetentionPolicy, media::*};
28use mime::Mime;
29use ruma::{
30    api::{
31        client::{authenticated_media, error::ErrorKind, media},
32        MatrixVersion,
33    },
34    assign,
35    events::room::{MediaSource, ThumbnailInfo},
36    MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch, MxcUri, OwnedMxcUri, TransactionId, UInt,
38#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
39use tempfile::{Builder as TempFileBuilder, NamedTempFile, TempDir};
40#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
41use tokio::{fs::File as TokioFile, io::AsyncWriteExt};
43use crate::{
44    attachment::Thumbnail, config::RequestConfig, futures::SendRequest, Client, Error, Result,
45    TransmissionProgress,
48/// A conservative upload speed of 1Mbps
49const DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SPEED: u64 = 125_000;
50/// 5 min minimal upload request timeout, used to clamp the request timeout.
51const MIN_UPLOAD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60 * 5);
52/// The server name used to generate local MXC URIs.
53// This mustn't represent a potentially valid media server, otherwise it'd be
54// possible for an attacker to return malicious content under some
55// preconditions (e.g. the cache store has been cleared before the upload
56// took place). To mitigate against this, we use the .localhost TLD,
57// which is guaranteed to be on the local machine. As a result, the only attack
58// possible would be coming from the user themselves, which we consider a
59// non-threat.
60const LOCAL_MXC_SERVER_NAME: &str = "send-queue.localhost";
62/// A high-level API to interact with the media API.
63#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
64pub struct Media {
65    /// The underlying HTTP client.
66    client: Client,
69/// A file handle that takes ownership of a media file on disk. When the handle
70/// is dropped, the file will be removed from the disk.
72#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
73pub struct MediaFileHandle {
74    /// The temporary file that contains the media.
75    file: NamedTempFile,
76    /// An intermediary temporary directory used in certain cases.
77    ///
78    /// Only stored for its `Drop` semantics.
79    _directory: Option<TempDir>,
82#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
83impl MediaFileHandle {
84    /// Get the media file's path.
85    pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
86        self.file.path()
87    }
89    /// Persist the media file to the given path.
90    pub fn persist(self, path: &Path) -> Result<File, PersistError> {
91        self.file.persist(path).map_err(|e| PersistError {
92            error: e.error,
93            file: Self { file: e.file, _directory: self._directory },
94        })
95    }
98/// Error returned when [`MediaFileHandle::persist`] fails.
99#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
100pub struct PersistError {
101    /// The underlying IO error.
102    pub error: std::io::Error,
103    /// The temporary file that couldn't be persisted.
104    pub file: MediaFileHandle,
107#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "wasm32", tarpaulin_include)))]
108impl fmt::Debug for PersistError {
109    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
110        write!(f, "PersistError({:?})", self.error)
111    }
114#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "wasm32", tarpaulin_include)))]
115impl fmt::Display for PersistError {
116    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
117        write!(f, "failed to persist temporary file: {}", self.error)
118    }
121/// A preallocated MXC URI created by [`Media::create_content_uri()`], and
122/// to be used with [`Media::upload_preallocated()`].
124pub struct PreallocatedMxcUri {
125    /// The URI for the media URI.
126    pub uri: OwnedMxcUri,
127    /// The expiration date for the media URI.
128    expire_date: Option<MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch>,
131/// An error that happened in the realm of media.
132#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
133pub enum MediaError {
134    /// A preallocated MXC URI has expired.
135    #[error("a preallocated MXC URI has expired")]
136    ExpiredPreallocatedMxcUri,
138    /// Preallocated media already had content, cannot overwrite.
139    #[error("preallocated media already had content, cannot overwrite")]
140    CannotOverwriteMedia,
142    /// Local-only media content was not found.
143    #[error("local-only media content was not found")]
144    LocalMediaNotFound,
147/// `IntoFuture` returned by [`Media::upload`].
148pub type SendUploadRequest = SendRequest<media::create_content::v3::Request>;
150impl Media {
151    pub(crate) fn new(client: Client) -> Self {
152        Self { client }
153    }
155    /// Upload some media to the server.
156    ///
157    /// # Arguments
158    ///
159    /// * `content_type` - The type of the media, this will be used as the
160    ///   content-type header.
161    ///
162    /// * `data` - Vector of bytes to be uploaded to the server.
163    ///
164    /// * `request_config` - Optional request configuration for the HTTP client,
165    ///   overriding the default. If not provided, a reasonable timeout value is
166    ///   inferred.
167    ///
168    /// # Examples
169    ///
170    /// ```no_run
171    /// # use std::fs;
172    /// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, ruma::room_id};
173    /// # use url::Url;
174    /// # use mime;
175    /// # async {
176    /// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080")?;
177    /// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).await?;
178    /// let image = fs::read("/home/example/my-cat.jpg")?;
179    ///
180    /// let response =
181    ///, image, None).await?;
182    ///
183    /// println!("Cat URI: {}", response.content_uri);
184    /// # anyhow::Ok(()) };
185    /// ```
186    pub fn upload(
187        &self,
188        content_type: &Mime,
189        data: Vec<u8>,
190        request_config: Option<RequestConfig>,
191    ) -> SendUploadRequest {
192        let request_config = request_config.unwrap_or_else(|| {
193            self.client.request_config().timeout(Self::reasonable_upload_timeout(&data))
194        });
196        let request = assign!(media::create_content::v3::Request::new(data), {
197            content_type: Some(content_type.essence_str().to_owned()),
198        });
200        self.client.send(request).with_request_config(request_config)
201    }
203    /// Returns a reasonable upload timeout for an upload, based on the size of
204    /// the data to be uploaded.
205    pub(crate) fn reasonable_upload_timeout(data: &[u8]) -> Duration {
206        std::cmp::max(
207            Duration::from_secs(data.len() as u64 / DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SPEED),
209        )
210    }
212    /// Preallocates an MXC URI for a media that will be uploaded soon.
213    ///
214    /// This preallocates an URI *before* any content is uploaded to the server.
215    /// The resulting preallocated MXC URI can then be consumed with
216    /// [`Media::upload_preallocated`].
217    ///
218    /// # Examples
219    ///
220    /// ```no_run
221    /// # use std::fs;
222    /// # use matrix_sdk::{Client, ruma::room_id};
223    /// # use url::Url;
224    /// # use mime;
225    /// # async {
226    /// # let homeserver = Url::parse("http://localhost:8080")?;
227    /// # let mut client = Client::new(homeserver).await?;
228    ///
229    /// let preallocated =;
230    /// println!("Cat URI: {}", preallocated.uri);
231    ///
232    /// let image = fs::read("/home/example/my-cat.jpg")?;
233    /// client
234    ///     .media()
235    ///     .upload_preallocated(preallocated, &mime::IMAGE_JPEG, image)
236    ///     .await?;
237    ///
238    /// # anyhow::Ok(()) };
239    /// ```
240    pub async fn create_content_uri(&self) -> Result<PreallocatedMxcUri> {
241        // Note: this request doesn't have any parameters.
242        let request = media::create_mxc_uri::v1::Request::default();
244        let response = self.client.send(request).await?;
246        Ok(PreallocatedMxcUri {
247            uri: response.content_uri,
248            expire_date: response.unused_expires_at,
249        })
250    }
252    /// Fills the content of a preallocated MXC URI with the given content type
253    /// and data.
254    ///
255    /// The URI must have been preallocated with [`Self::create_content_uri`].
256    /// See this method's documentation for a full example.
257    pub async fn upload_preallocated(
258        &self,
259        uri: PreallocatedMxcUri,
260        content_type: &Mime,
261        data: Vec<u8>,
262    ) -> Result<()> {
263        // Do a best-effort at reporting an expired MXC URI here; otherwise the server
264        // may complain about it later.
265        if let Some(expire_date) = uri.expire_date {
266            if MilliSecondsSinceUnixEpoch::now() >= expire_date {
267                return Err(Error::Media(MediaError::ExpiredPreallocatedMxcUri));
268            }
269        }
271        let timeout = std::cmp::max(
272            Duration::from_secs(data.len() as u64 / DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SPEED),
274        );
276        let request = assign!(media::create_content_async::v3::Request::from_url(&uri.uri, data)?, {
277            content_type: Some(content_type.as_ref().to_owned()),
278        });
280        let request_config = self.client.request_config().timeout(timeout);
282        if let Err(err) = self.client.send(request).with_request_config(request_config).await {
283            match err.client_api_error_kind() {
284                Some(ErrorKind::CannotOverwriteMedia) => {
285                    Err(Error::Media(MediaError::CannotOverwriteMedia))
286                }
288                // Unfortunately, the spec says a server will return 404 for either an expired MXC
289                // ID or a non-existing MXC ID. Do a best-effort guess to recognize an expired MXC
290                // ID based on the error string, which will work with Synapse (as of 2024-10-23).
291                Some(ErrorKind::Unknown) if err.to_string().contains("expired") => {
292                    Err(Error::Media(MediaError::ExpiredPreallocatedMxcUri))
293                }
295                _ => Err(err.into()),
296            }
297        } else {
298            Ok(())
299        }
300    }
302    /// Gets a media file by copying it to a temporary location on disk.
303    ///
304    /// The file won't be encrypted even if it is encrypted on the server.
305    ///
306    /// Returns a `MediaFileHandle` which takes ownership of the file. When the
307    /// handle is dropped, the file will be deleted from the temporary location.
308    ///
309    /// # Arguments
310    ///
311    /// * `request` - The `MediaRequest` of the content.
312    ///
313    /// * `filename` - The filename specified in the event. It is suggested to
314    ///   use the `filename()` method on the event's content instead of using
315    ///   the `filename` field directly. If not provided, a random name will be
316    ///   generated.
317    ///
318    /// * `content_type` - The type of the media, this will be used to set the
319    ///   temporary file's extension when one isn't included in the filename.
320    ///
321    /// * `use_cache` - If we should use the media cache for this request.
322    ///
323    /// * `temp_dir` - Path to a directory where temporary directories can be
324    ///   created. If not provided, a default, global temporary directory will
325    ///   be used; this may not work properly on Android, where the default
326    ///   location may require root access on some older Android versions.
327    #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
328    pub async fn get_media_file(
329        &self,
330        request: &MediaRequestParameters,
331        filename: Option<String>,
332        content_type: &Mime,
333        use_cache: bool,
334        temp_dir: Option<String>,
335    ) -> Result<MediaFileHandle> {
336        let data = self.get_media_content(request, use_cache).await?;
338        let inferred_extension = mime2ext::mime2ext(content_type);
340        let filename_as_path = filename.as_ref().map(Path::new);
342        let (sanitized_filename, filename_has_extension) = if let Some(path) = filename_as_path {
343            let sanitized_filename = path.file_name().and_then(|f| f.to_str());
344            let filename_has_extension = path.extension().is_some();
345            (sanitized_filename, filename_has_extension)
346        } else {
347            (None, false)
348        };
350        let (temp_file, temp_dir) =
351            match (sanitized_filename, filename_has_extension, inferred_extension) {
352                // If the file name has an extension use that
353                (Some(filename_with_extension), true, _) => {
354                    // Use an intermediary directory to avoid conflicts
355                    let temp_dir =;
356                    let temp_file = TempFileBuilder::new()
357                        .prefix(filename_with_extension)
358                        .rand_bytes(0)
359                        .tempfile_in(&temp_dir)?;
360                    (temp_file, Some(temp_dir))
361                }
362                // If the file name doesn't have an extension try inferring one for it
363                (Some(filename), false, Some(inferred_extension)) => {
364                    // Use an intermediary directory to avoid conflicts
365                    let temp_dir =;
366                    let temp_file = TempFileBuilder::new()
367                        .prefix(filename)
368                        .suffix(&(".".to_owned() + inferred_extension))
369                        .rand_bytes(0)
370                        .tempfile_in(&temp_dir)?;
371                    (temp_file, Some(temp_dir))
372                }
373                // If the only thing we have is an inferred extension then use that together with a
374                // randomly generated file name
375                (None, _, Some(inferred_extension)) => (
376                    TempFileBuilder::new()
377                        .suffix(&&(".".to_owned() + inferred_extension))
378                        .tempfile()?,
379                    None,
380                ),
381                // Otherwise just use a completely random file name
382                _ => (TempFileBuilder::new().tempfile()?, None),
383            };
385        let mut file = TokioFile::from_std(temp_file.reopen()?);
386        file.write_all(&data).await?;
387        // Make sure the file metadata is flushed to disk.
388        file.sync_all().await?;
390        Ok(MediaFileHandle { file: temp_file, _directory: temp_dir })
391    }
393    /// Get a media file's content.
394    ///
395    /// If the content is encrypted and encryption is enabled, the content will
396    /// be decrypted.
397    ///
398    /// # Arguments
399    ///
400    /// * `request` - The `MediaRequest` of the content.
401    ///
402    /// * `use_cache` - If we should use the media cache for this request.
403    pub async fn get_media_content(
404        &self,
405        request: &MediaRequestParameters,
406        use_cache: bool,
407    ) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
408        // Ignore request parameters for local medias, notably those pending in the send
409        // queue.
410        if let Some(uri) = Self::as_local_uri(&request.source) {
411            return self.get_local_media_content(uri).await;
412        }
414        // Read from the cache.
415        if use_cache {
416            if let Some(content) =
417                self.client.event_cache_store().lock().await?.get_media_content(request).await?
418            {
419                return Ok(content);
420            }
421        };
423        // Use the authenticated endpoints when the server supports Matrix 1.11 or the
424        // authenticated media stable feature.
425        const AUTHENTICATED_MEDIA_STABLE_FEATURE: &str = "org.matrix.msc3916.stable";
427        let (use_auth, request_config) =
428            if self.client.server_versions().await?.contains(&MatrixVersion::V1_11) {
429                (true, None)
430            } else if self
431                .client
432                .unstable_features()
433                .await?
435                .is_some_and(|is_supported| *is_supported)
436            {
437                // We need to force the use of the stable endpoint with the Matrix version
438                // because Ruma does not handle stable features.
439                let request_config = self.client.request_config();
440                (true, Some(request_config.force_matrix_version(MatrixVersion::V1_11)))
441            } else {
442                (false, None)
443            };
445        let content: Vec<u8> = match &request.source {
446            MediaSource::Encrypted(file) => {
447                let content = if use_auth {
448                    let request =
449                        authenticated_media::get_content::v1::Request::from_uri(&file.url)?;
450                    self.client.send(request).with_request_config(request_config).await?.file
451                } else {
452                    #[allow(deprecated)]
453                    let request = media::get_content::v3::Request::from_url(&file.url)?;
454                    self.client.send(request).await?.file
455                };
457                #[cfg(feature = "e2e-encryption")]
458                let content = {
459                    let content_len = content.len();
460                    let mut cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(content);
461                    let mut reader = matrix_sdk_base::crypto::AttachmentDecryptor::new(
462                        &mut cursor,
463                        file.as_ref().clone().into(),
464                    )?;
466                    // Encrypted size should be the same as the decrypted size,
467                    // rounded up to a cipher block.
468                    let mut decrypted = Vec::with_capacity(content_len);
470                    reader.read_to_end(&mut decrypted)?;
472                    decrypted
473                };
475                content
476            }
478            MediaSource::Plain(uri) => {
479                if let MediaFormat::Thumbnail(settings) = &request.format {
480                    if use_auth {
481                        let mut request =
482                            authenticated_media::get_content_thumbnail::v1::Request::from_uri(
483                                uri,
484                                settings.width,
485                                settings.height,
486                            )?;
487                        request.method = Some(settings.method.clone());
488                        request.animated = Some(settings.animated);
490                        self.client.send(request).with_request_config(request_config).await?.file
491                    } else {
492                        #[allow(deprecated)]
493                        let request = {
494                            let mut request = media::get_content_thumbnail::v3::Request::from_url(
495                                uri,
496                                settings.width,
497                                settings.height,
498                            )?;
499                            request.method = Some(settings.method.clone());
500                            request.animated = Some(settings.animated);
501                            request
502                        };
504                        self.client.send(request).await?.file
505                    }
506                } else if use_auth {
507                    let request = authenticated_media::get_content::v1::Request::from_uri(uri)?;
508                    self.client.send(request).with_request_config(request_config).await?.file
509                } else {
510                    #[allow(deprecated)]
511                    let request = media::get_content::v3::Request::from_url(uri)?;
512                    self.client.send(request).await?.file
513                }
514            }
515        };
517        if use_cache {
518            self.client
519                .event_cache_store()
520                .lock()
521                .await?
522                .add_media_content(request, content.clone(), IgnoreMediaRetentionPolicy::No)
523                .await?;
524        }
526        Ok(content)
527    }
529    /// Get a media file's content that is only available in the media cache.
530    ///
531    /// # Arguments
532    ///
533    /// * `uri` - The local MXC URI of the media content.
534    async fn get_local_media_content(&self, uri: &MxcUri) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
535        // Read from the cache.
536        self.client
537            .event_cache_store()
538            .lock()
539            .await?
540            .get_media_content_for_uri(uri)
541            .await?
542            .ok_or_else(|| MediaError::LocalMediaNotFound.into())
543    }
545    /// Remove a media file's content from the store.
546    ///
547    /// # Arguments
548    ///
549    /// * `request` - The `MediaRequest` of the content.
550    pub async fn remove_media_content(&self, request: &MediaRequestParameters) -> Result<()> {
551        Ok(self.client.event_cache_store().lock().await?.remove_media_content(request).await?)
552    }
554    /// Delete all the media content corresponding to the given
555    /// uri from the store.
556    ///
557    /// # Arguments
558    ///
559    /// * `uri` - The `MxcUri` of the files.
560    pub async fn remove_media_content_for_uri(&self, uri: &MxcUri) -> Result<()> {
561        Ok(self.client.event_cache_store().lock().await?.remove_media_content_for_uri(uri).await?)
562    }
564    /// Get the file of the given media event content.
565    ///
566    /// If the content is encrypted and encryption is enabled, the content will
567    /// be decrypted.
568    ///
569    /// Returns `Ok(None)` if the event content has no file.
570    ///
571    /// This is a convenience method that calls the
572    /// [`get_media_content`](#method.get_media_content) method.
573    ///
574    /// # Arguments
575    ///
576    /// * `event_content` - The media event content.
577    ///
578    /// * `use_cache` - If we should use the media cache for this file.
579    pub async fn get_file(
580        &self,
581        event_content: &impl MediaEventContent,
582        use_cache: bool,
583    ) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
584        let Some(source) = event_content.source() else { return Ok(None) };
585        let file = self
586            .get_media_content(
587                &MediaRequestParameters { source, format: MediaFormat::File },
588                use_cache,
589            )
590            .await?;
591        Ok(Some(file))
592    }
594    /// Remove the file of the given media event content from the cache.
595    ///
596    /// This is a convenience method that calls the
597    /// [`remove_media_content`](#method.remove_media_content) method.
598    ///
599    /// # Arguments
600    ///
601    /// * `event_content` - The media event content.
602    pub async fn remove_file(&self, event_content: &impl MediaEventContent) -> Result<()> {
603        if let Some(source) = event_content.source() {
604            self.remove_media_content(&MediaRequestParameters {
605                source,
606                format: MediaFormat::File,
607            })
608            .await?;
609        }
611        Ok(())
612    }
614    /// Get a thumbnail of the given media event content.
615    ///
616    /// If the content is encrypted and encryption is enabled, the content will
617    /// be decrypted.
618    ///
619    /// Returns `Ok(None)` if the event content has no thumbnail.
620    ///
621    /// This is a convenience method that calls the
622    /// [`get_media_content`](#method.get_media_content) method.
623    ///
624    /// # Arguments
625    ///
626    /// * `event_content` - The media event content.
627    ///
628    /// * `settings` - The _desired_ settings of the thumbnail. The actual
629    ///   thumbnail may not match the settings specified.
630    ///
631    /// * `use_cache` - If we should use the media cache for this thumbnail.
632    pub async fn get_thumbnail(
633        &self,
634        event_content: &impl MediaEventContent,
635        settings: MediaThumbnailSettings,
636        use_cache: bool,
637    ) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
638        let Some(source) = event_content.thumbnail_source() else { return Ok(None) };
639        let thumbnail = self
640            .get_media_content(
641                &MediaRequestParameters { source, format: MediaFormat::Thumbnail(settings) },
642                use_cache,
643            )
644            .await?;
645        Ok(Some(thumbnail))
646    }
648    /// Remove the thumbnail of the given media event content from the cache.
649    ///
650    /// This is a convenience method that calls the
651    /// [`remove_media_content`](#method.remove_media_content) method.
652    ///
653    /// # Arguments
654    ///
655    /// * `event_content` - The media event content.
656    ///
657    /// * `size` - The _desired_ settings of the thumbnail. Must match the
658    ///   settings requested with [`get_thumbnail`](#method.get_thumbnail).
659    pub async fn remove_thumbnail(
660        &self,
661        event_content: &impl MediaEventContent,
662        settings: MediaThumbnailSettings,
663    ) -> Result<()> {
664        if let Some(source) = event_content.source() {
665            self.remove_media_content(&MediaRequestParameters {
666                source,
667                format: MediaFormat::Thumbnail(settings),
668            })
669            .await?
670        }
672        Ok(())
673    }
675    /// Set the [`MediaRetentionPolicy`] to use for deciding whether to store or
676    /// keep media content.
677    ///
678    /// It is used:
679    ///
680    /// * When a media needs to be cached, to check that it does not exceed the
681    ///   max file size.
682    ///
683    /// * When [`Media::clean_up_media_cache()`], to check that all media
684    ///   content in the store fits those criteria.
685    ///
686    /// To apply the new policy to the media cache right away,
687    /// [`Media::clean_up_media_cache()`] should be called after this.
688    ///
689    /// By default, an empty `MediaRetentionPolicy` is used, which means that no
690    /// criteria are applied.
691    ///
692    /// # Arguments
693    ///
694    /// * `policy` - The `MediaRetentionPolicy` to use.
695    pub async fn set_media_retention_policy(&self, policy: MediaRetentionPolicy) -> Result<()> {
696        self.client.event_cache_store().lock().await?.set_media_retention_policy(policy).await?;
697        Ok(())
698    }
700    /// Get the current `MediaRetentionPolicy`.
701    pub async fn media_retention_policy(&self) -> Result<MediaRetentionPolicy> {
702        Ok(self.client.event_cache_store().lock().await?.media_retention_policy())
703    }
705    /// Clean up the media cache with the current [`MediaRetentionPolicy`].
706    ///
707    /// If there is already an ongoing cleanup, this is a noop.
708    pub async fn clean_up_media_cache(&self) -> Result<()> {
709        self.client.event_cache_store().lock().await?.clean_up_media_cache().await?;
710        Ok(())
711    }
713    /// Upload the file bytes in `data` and return the source information.
714    pub(crate) async fn upload_plain_media_and_thumbnail(
715        &self,
716        content_type: &Mime,
717        data: Vec<u8>,
718        thumbnail: Option<Thumbnail>,
719        send_progress: SharedObservable<TransmissionProgress>,
720    ) -> Result<(MediaSource, Option<(MediaSource, Box<ThumbnailInfo>)>)> {
721        let upload_thumbnail = self.upload_thumbnail(thumbnail, send_progress.clone());
723        let upload_attachment = async move {
724            self.upload(content_type, data, None)
725                .with_send_progress_observable(send_progress)
726                .await
727                .map_err(Error::from)
728        };
730        let (thumbnail, response) = try_join(upload_thumbnail, upload_attachment).await?;
732        Ok((MediaSource::Plain(response.content_uri), thumbnail))
733    }
735    /// Uploads an unencrypted thumbnail to the media repository, and returns
736    /// its source and extra information.
737    async fn upload_thumbnail(
738        &self,
739        thumbnail: Option<Thumbnail>,
740        send_progress: SharedObservable<TransmissionProgress>,
741    ) -> Result<Option<(MediaSource, Box<ThumbnailInfo>)>> {
742        let Some(thumbnail) = thumbnail else {
743            return Ok(None);
744        };
746        let (data, content_type, thumbnail_info) = thumbnail.into_parts();
748        let response = self
749            .upload(&content_type, data, None)
750            .with_send_progress_observable(send_progress)
751            .await?;
752        let url = response.content_uri;
754        Ok(Some((MediaSource::Plain(url), thumbnail_info)))
755    }
757    /// Create an [`OwnedMxcUri`] for a file or thumbnail we want to store
758    /// locally before sending it.
759    ///
760    /// This uses a MXC ID that is only locally valid.
761    pub(crate) fn make_local_uri(txn_id: &TransactionId) -> OwnedMxcUri {
762        OwnedMxcUri::from(format!("mxc://{LOCAL_MXC_SERVER_NAME}/{txn_id}"))
763    }
765    /// Create a [`MediaRequest`] for a file we want to store locally before
766    /// sending it.
767    ///
768    /// This uses a MXC ID that is only locally valid.
769    pub(crate) fn make_local_file_media_request(txn_id: &TransactionId) -> MediaRequestParameters {
770        MediaRequestParameters {
771            source: MediaSource::Plain(Self::make_local_uri(txn_id)),
772            format: MediaFormat::File,
773        }
774    }
776    /// Create a [`MediaRequest`] for a file we want to store locally before
777    /// sending it.
778    ///
779    /// This uses a MXC ID that is only locally valid.
780    pub(crate) fn make_local_thumbnail_media_request(
781        txn_id: &TransactionId,
782        height: UInt,
783        width: UInt,
784    ) -> MediaRequestParameters {
785        MediaRequestParameters {
786            source: MediaSource::Plain(Self::make_local_uri(txn_id)),
787            format: MediaFormat::Thumbnail(MediaThumbnailSettings::new(width, height)),
788        }
789    }
791    /// Returns the local MXC URI contained by the given source, if any.
792    ///
793    /// A local MXC URI is a URI that was generated with `make_local_uri`.
794    fn as_local_uri(source: &MediaSource) -> Option<&MxcUri> {
795        let uri = match source {
796            MediaSource::Plain(uri) => uri,
797            MediaSource::Encrypted(file) => &file.url,
798        };
800        uri.server_name()
801            .is_ok_and(|server_name| server_name == LOCAL_MXC_SERVER_NAME)
802            .then_some(uri)
803    }
807mod tests {
808    use assert_matches2::assert_matches;
809    use ruma::{
810        events::room::{EncryptedFile, MediaSource},
811        mxc_uri, owned_mxc_uri, uint, MxcUri,
812    };
813    use serde_json::json;
815    use super::Media;
817    /// Create an `EncryptedFile` with the given MXC URI.
818    fn encrypted_file(mxc_uri: &MxcUri) -> Box<EncryptedFile> {
819        Box::new(
820            serde_json::from_value(json!({
821                "url": mxc_uri,
822                "key": {
823                    "kty": "oct",
824                    "key_ops": ["encrypt", "decrypt"],
825                    "alg": "A256CTR",
826                    "k": "b50ACIv6LMn9AfMCFD1POJI_UAFWIclxAN1kWrEO2X8",
827                    "ext": true,
828                },
829                "iv": "AK1wyzigZtQAAAABAAAAKK",
830                "hashes": {
831                    "sha256": "foobar",
832                },
833                "v": "v2",
834            }))
835            .unwrap(),
836        )
837    }
839    #[test]
840    fn test_as_local_uri() {
841        let txn_id = "abcdef";
843        // Request generated with `make_local_file_media_request`.
844        let request = Media::make_local_file_media_request(txn_id.into());
845        assert_matches!(Media::as_local_uri(&request.source), Some(uri));
846        assert_eq!(uri.media_id(), Ok(txn_id));
848        // Request generated with `make_local_thumbnail_media_request`.
849        let request =
850            Media::make_local_thumbnail_media_request(txn_id.into(), uint!(100), uint!(100));
851        assert_matches!(Media::as_local_uri(&request.source), Some(uri));
852        assert_eq!(uri.media_id(), Ok(txn_id));
854        // Local plain source.
855        let source = MediaSource::Plain(Media::make_local_uri(txn_id.into()));
856        assert_matches!(Media::as_local_uri(&source), Some(uri));
857        assert_eq!(uri.media_id(), Ok(txn_id));
859        // Local encrypted source.
860        let source = MediaSource::Encrypted(encrypted_file(&Media::make_local_uri(txn_id.into())));
861        assert_matches!(Media::as_local_uri(&source), Some(uri));
862        assert_eq!(uri.media_id(), Ok(txn_id));
864        // Test non-local plain source.
865        let source = MediaSource::Plain(owned_mxc_uri!("mxc://server.local/poiuyt"));
866        assert_matches!(Media::as_local_uri(&source), None);
868        // Test non-local encrypted source.
869        let source = MediaSource::Encrypted(encrypted_file(mxc_uri!("mxc://server.local/mlkjhg")));
870        assert_matches!(Media::as_local_uri(&source), None);
872        // Test invalid MXC URI.
873        let source = MediaSource::Plain("https://server.local/nbvcxw".into());
874        assert_matches!(Media::as_local_uri(&source), None);
875    }