
1// Copyright 2023 Kévin Commaille.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15use std::{
16    convert::Infallible,
17    future::IntoFuture,
18    io::{self, Write},
19    ops::Range,
20    path::{Path, PathBuf},
21    sync::{Arc, Mutex},
24use anyhow::{anyhow, bail};
25use axum::{
26    http::{Method, Request, StatusCode},
27    response::IntoResponse,
28    routing::any_service,
30use futures_util::StreamExt;
31use matrix_sdk::{
32    authentication::oidc::{
33        registrations::ClientId,
34        requests::account_management::AccountManagementActionFull,
35        types::{
36            iana::oauth::OAuthClientAuthenticationMethod,
37            oidc::ApplicationType,
38            registration::{ClientMetadata, Localized, VerifiedClientMetadata},
39            requests::GrantType,
40        },
41        AuthorizationCode, AuthorizationResponse, OidcAuthorizationData, OidcSession, UserSession,
42    },
43    config::SyncSettings,
44    encryption::{recovery::RecoveryState, CrossSigningResetAuthType},
45    room::Room,
46    ruma::events::room::message::{MessageType, OriginalSyncRoomMessageEvent},
47    Client, ClientBuildError, Result, RoomState,
49use matrix_sdk_ui::sync_service::SyncService;
50use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, thread_rng, Rng};
51use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
52use tokio::{fs, io::AsyncBufReadExt as _, net::TcpListener, sync::oneshot};
53use tower::service_fn;
54use url::Url;
56/// A command-line tool to demonstrate the steps requiring an interaction with
57/// an OpenID Connect provider for a Matrix client, using the Authorization Code
58/// flow.
60/// You can test this against one of the servers from the OIDC playground:
61/// <https://github.com/element-hq/oidc-playground>.
63/// To use this, just run `cargo run -p example-oidc-cli`, and everything
64/// is interactive after that. You might want to set the `RUST_LOG` environment
65/// variable to `warn` to reduce the noise in the logs. The program exits
66/// whenever an unexpected error occurs.
68/// To reset the login, simply use the `logout` command or delete the folder
69/// containing the session file, the location is shown in the logs. Note that
70/// the database must be deleted too as it can't be reused.
72async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
73    tracing_subscriber::fmt::init();
75    // The folder containing this example's data.
76    let data_dir =
77        dirs::data_dir().expect("no data_dir directory found").join("matrix_sdk/oidc_cli");
78    // The file where the session is persisted.
79    let session_file = data_dir.join("session.json");
81    let cli = if session_file.exists() {
82        OidcCli::from_stored_session(session_file).await?
83    } else {
84        OidcCli::new(&data_dir, session_file).await?
85    };
87    cli.run().await
90/// The available commands once the client is logged in.
91fn help() {
92    println!("Usage: [command] [args…]\n");
93    println!("Commands:");
94    println!("  whoami                 Get information about this session");
95    println!("  account                Get the URL to manage this account");
96    println!("  watch [sliding?]       Watch new incoming messages until an error occurs");
97    println!("  refresh                Refresh the access token");
98    println!("  recover                Recover the E2EE secrets from secret storage");
99    println!("  logout                 Log out of this account");
100    println!("  exit                   Exit this program");
101    println!("  help                   Show this message\n");
104/// The data needed to re-build a client.
105#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
106struct ClientSession {
107    /// The URL of the homeserver of the user.
108    homeserver: String,
110    /// The path of the database.
111    db_path: PathBuf,
113    /// The passphrase of the database.
114    passphrase: String,
117/// The data needed to restore an OpenID Connect session.
118#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
119struct Credentials {
120    /// The client ID obtained after registration.
121    client_id: String,
124/// The full session to persist.
125#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
126struct StoredSession {
127    /// The data to re-build the client.
128    client_session: ClientSession,
130    /// The OIDC user session.
131    user_session: UserSession,
133    /// The OIDC client credentials.
134    client_credentials: Credentials,
137/// An OpenID Connect CLI.
138#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
139struct OidcCli {
140    /// The Matrix client.
141    client: Client,
143    /// Whether this is a restored client.
144    restored: bool,
146    /// The path to the file storing the session.
147    session_file: PathBuf,
150impl OidcCli {
151    /// Create a new session by logging in.
152    async fn new(data_dir: &Path, session_file: PathBuf) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
153        println!("No previous session found, logging in…");
155        let (client, client_session) = build_client(data_dir).await?;
156        let cli = Self { client, restored: false, session_file };
158        let client_id = cli.register_client().await?;
159        cli.login().await?;
161        // Persist the session to reuse it later.
162        // This is not very secure, for simplicity. If the system provides a way of
163        // storing secrets securely, it should be used instead.
164        // Note that we could also build the user session from the login response.
165        let user_session =
166            cli.client.oidc().user_session().expect("A logged-in client should have a session");
168        // The client registration data should be persisted separately than the user
169        // session, to be reused for other sessions or user accounts with the same
170        // issuer.
171        // Also, client metadata should be persisted as it might change depending on
172        // the provider metadata.
173        let client_credentials = Credentials { client_id };
175        let serialized_session = serde_json::to_string(&StoredSession {
176            client_session,
177            user_session,
178            client_credentials,
179        })?;
180        fs::write(&cli.session_file, serialized_session).await?;
182        println!("Session persisted in {}", cli.session_file.to_string_lossy());
184        cli.setup_background_save();
186        Ok(cli)
187    }
189    /// Register the OIDC client with the provider.
190    ///
191    /// Returns the ID of the client returned by the provider.
192    async fn register_client(&self) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
193        let oidc = self.client.oidc();
195        let provider_metadata = oidc.provider_metadata().await?;
197        if provider_metadata.registration_endpoint.is_none() {
198            // This would require to register with the provider manually, which
199            // we don't support here.
200            bail!(
201                "This provider doesn't support dynamic registration.\n\
202                Please select another homeserver."
203            );
204        }
206        let metadata = client_metadata();
208        // During registration, we have the option of providing a software statement,
209        // which is a digitally signed version of the client metadata. That would allow
210        // to update the metadata later without changing the client ID, but requires to
211        // have a way to serve public keys online to validate the signature of
212        // the JWT.
213        let res = oidc.register_client(metadata.clone(), None).await?;
215        println!("\nRegistered successfully");
217        Ok(res.client_id)
218    }
220    /// Login via the OIDC Authorization Code flow.
221    async fn login(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
222        let oidc = self.client.oidc();
224        // We create a loop here so the user can retry if an error happens.
225        loop {
226            // Here we spawn a server to listen on the loopback interface. Another option
227            // would be to register a custom URI scheme with the system and handle
228            // the redirect when the custom URI scheme is opened.
229            let (redirect_uri, data_rx, signal_tx) = spawn_local_server().await?;
231            let OidcAuthorizationData { url, state } =
232                oidc.login(redirect_uri, None)?.build().await?;
234            let authorization_code = match use_auth_url(&url, &state, data_rx, signal_tx).await {
235                Ok(code) => code,
236                Err(err) => {
237                    oidc.abort_authorization(&state).await;
238                    return Err(err);
239                }
240            };
242            let res = oidc.finish_authorization(authorization_code).await;
244            if let Err(err) = res {
245                println!("Error: failed to login: {err}");
246                println!("Please try again.\n");
247                continue;
248            }
250            match oidc.finish_login().await {
251                Ok(()) => {
252                    let user_id = self.client.user_id().expect("Got a user ID");
253                    println!("Logged in as {user_id}");
254                    break;
255                }
256                Err(err) => {
257                    println!("Error: failed to finish login: {err}");
258                    println!("Please try again.\n");
259                    continue;
260                }
261            }
262        }
264        Ok(())
265    }
267    /// Restore a previous session from a file.
268    async fn from_stored_session(session_file: PathBuf) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
269        println!("Previous session found in '{}'", session_file.to_string_lossy());
271        // The session was serialized as JSON in a file.
272        let serialized_session = fs::read_to_string(&session_file).await?;
273        let StoredSession { client_session, user_session, client_credentials } =
274            serde_json::from_str(&serialized_session)?;
276        // Build the client with the previous settings from the session.
277        let client = Client::builder()
278            .homeserver_url(client_session.homeserver)
279            .handle_refresh_tokens()
280            .sqlite_store(client_session.db_path, Some(&client_session.passphrase))
281            .build()
282            .await?;
284        println!("Restoring session for {}…", user_session.meta.user_id);
286        let session = OidcSession {
287            client_id: ClientId(client_credentials.client_id),
288            metadata: client_metadata(),
289            user: user_session,
290        };
291        // Restore the Matrix user session.
292        client.restore_session(session).await?;
294        let this = Self { client, restored: true, session_file };
296        this.setup_background_save();
298        Ok(this)
299    }
301    /// Run the main program.
302    async fn run(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
303        help();
305        loop {
306            let mut input = String::new();
308            print!("\nEnter command: ");
309            io::stdout().flush().expect("Unable to write to stdout");
311            io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("Unable to read user input");
313            let mut args = input.trim().split_ascii_whitespace();
314            let cmd = args.next();
316            match cmd {
317                Some("whoami") => {
318                    self.whoami();
319                }
320                Some("account") => {
321                    self.account(None).await;
322                }
323                Some("profile") => {
324                    self.account(Some(AccountManagementActionFull::Profile)).await;
325                }
326                Some("sessions") => {
327                    self.account(Some(AccountManagementActionFull::SessionsList)).await;
328                }
329                Some("watch") => match args.next() {
330                    Some(sub) => {
331                        if sub == "sliding" {
332                            self.watch_sliding_sync().await?;
333                        } else {
334                            println!("unknown subcommand for watch: available is 'sliding'");
335                        }
336                    }
337                    None => self.watch().await?,
338                },
339                Some("refresh") => {
340                    self.refresh_token().await?;
341                }
342                Some("recover") => {
343                    self.recover().await?;
344                }
345                Some("reset-cross-signing") => {
346                    self.reset_cross_signing().await?;
347                }
348                Some("logout") => {
349                    self.logout().await?;
350                    break;
351                }
352                Some("exit") => {
353                    break;
354                }
355                Some("help") => {
356                    help();
357                }
358                Some(cmd) => {
359                    println!("Error: unknown command '{cmd}'\n");
360                    help();
361                }
362                None => {
363                    println!("Error: no command\n");
364                    help()
365                }
366            };
367        }
369        Ok(())
370    }
372    async fn recover(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
373        let recovery = self.client.encryption().recovery();
375        println!("Please enter your recovery key:");
377        let mut input = String::new();
378        io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("error: unable to read user input");
380        let input = input.trim();
382        recovery.recover(input).await?;
384        match recovery.state() {
385            RecoveryState::Enabled => println!("Successfully recovered all the E2EE secrets."),
386            RecoveryState::Disabled => println!("Error recovering, recovery is disabled."),
387            RecoveryState::Incomplete => println!("Couldn't recover all E2EE secrets."),
388            _ => unreachable!("We should know our recovery state by now"),
389        }
391        Ok(())
392    }
394    async fn reset_cross_signing(&self) -> Result<()> {
395        let encryption = self.client.encryption();
397        if let Some(handle) = encryption.reset_cross_signing().await? {
398            match handle.auth_type() {
399                CrossSigningResetAuthType::Uiaa(_) => {
400                    unimplemented!("This should never happen, this is after all the OIDC example.")
401                }
402                CrossSigningResetAuthType::Oidc(o) => {
403                    println!(
404                        "To reset your end-to-end encryption cross-signing identity, \
405                        you first need to approve it at {}",
406                        o.approval_url
407                    );
408                    handle.auth(None).await?;
409                }
410            }
411        }
413        print!("Successfully reset cross-signing");
415        Ok(())
416    }
418    /// Get information about this session.
419    fn whoami(&self) {
420        let client = &self.client;
421        let oidc = client.oidc();
423        let user_id = client.user_id().expect("A logged in client has a user ID");
424        let device_id = client.device_id().expect("A logged in client has a device ID");
425        let homeserver = client.homeserver();
426        let issuer = oidc.issuer().expect("A logged in OIDC client has an issuer");
428        println!("\nUser ID: {user_id}");
429        println!("Device ID: {device_id}");
430        println!("Homeserver URL: {homeserver}");
431        println!("OpenID Connect provider: {issuer}");
432    }
434    /// Get the account management URL.
435    async fn account(&self, action: Option<AccountManagementActionFull>) {
436        match self.client.oidc().fetch_account_management_url(action).await {
437            Ok(Some(url)) => {
438                println!("\nTo manage your account, visit: {url}");
439            }
440            _ => {
441                println!("\nThis homeserver does not provide the URL to manage your account")
442            }
443        }
444    }
446    /// Watch incoming messages.
447    async fn watch(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
448        let client = &self.client;
450        // If this is a new client, ignore previous messages to not fill the logs.
451        // Note that this might not work as intended, the initial sync might have failed
452        // in a previous session.
453        if !self.restored {
454            client.sync_once(SyncSettings::default()).await.unwrap();
455        }
457        // Listen to room messages.
458        let handle = client.add_event_handler(on_room_message);
460        // Sync.
461        let mut sync_stream = Box::pin(client.sync_stream(SyncSettings::default()).await);
462        while let Some(res) = sync_stream.next().await {
463            if let Err(err) = res {
464                client.remove_event_handler(handle);
465                return Err(err.into());
466            }
467        }
469        Ok(())
470    }
472    /// This watches for incoming responses using the high-level sliding sync
473    /// helpers (`SyncService`).
474    async fn watch_sliding_sync(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
475        let sync_service = Arc::new(SyncService::builder(self.client.clone()).build().await?);
477        sync_service.start().await;
479        println!("press enter to exit the sync loop");
481        let mut sync_service_state = sync_service.state();
483        let sync_service_clone = sync_service.clone();
484        let task = tokio::spawn(async move {
485            // Only fail after getting 5 errors in a row. When we're in an always-refail
486            // scenario, we move from the Error to the Running state for a bit
487            // until we fail again, so we need to track both failure state and
488            // running state, hence `num_errors` and `num_running`:
489            // - if we failed and num_running was 1, then this is a failure following a
490            //   failure.
491            // - otherwise, we recovered from the failure and we can plain continue.
493            let mut num_errors = 0;
494            let mut num_running = 0;
496            let mut _unused = String::new();
497            let mut stdin = tokio::io::BufReader::new(tokio::io::stdin());
499            loop {
500                // Concurrently wait for an update from the sync service OR for the user to
501                // press enter and leave early.
502                tokio::select! {
503                    res = sync_service_state.next() => {
504                        if let Some(state) = res {
505                            match state {
506                                matrix_sdk_ui::sync_service::State::Idle
507                                | matrix_sdk_ui::sync_service::State::Terminated => {
508                                    num_errors = 0;
509                                    num_running = 0;
510                                }
512                                matrix_sdk_ui::sync_service::State::Running => {
513                                    num_running += 1;
514                                    if num_running > 1 {
515                                        num_errors = 0;
516                                    }
517                                }
519                                matrix_sdk_ui::sync_service::State::Error | matrix_sdk_ui::sync_service::State::Offline => {
520                                    num_errors += 1;
521                                    num_running = 0;
523                                    if num_errors == 5 {
524                                        println!("ran into 5 errors in a row, terminating");
525                                        break;
526                                    }
528                                    sync_service_clone.start().await;
529                                }
530                            }
531                            println!("New sync service state update: {state:?}");
532                        } else {
533                            break;
534                        }
535                    }
537                    _ = stdin.read_line(&mut _unused) => {
538                        println!("Stopping loop because of user request");
539                        sync_service.stop().await;
541                        break;
542                    }
543                }
544            }
545        });
547        println!("waiting for sync service to stop...");
548        task.await.unwrap();
550        println!("done!");
551        Ok(())
552    }
554    /// Sets up this client so that it automatically saves the session onto disk
555    /// whenever there are new tokens that have been received.
556    ///
557    /// This should always be set up whenever automatic refresh is happening.
558    fn setup_background_save(&self) {
559        let this = self.clone();
560        tokio::spawn(async move {
561            while let Ok(update) = this.client.subscribe_to_session_changes().recv().await {
562                match update {
563                    matrix_sdk::SessionChange::UnknownToken { soft_logout } => {
564                        println!("Received an unknown token error; soft logout? {soft_logout:?}");
565                    }
566                    matrix_sdk::SessionChange::TokensRefreshed => {
567                        // The tokens have been refreshed, persist them to disk.
568                        if let Err(err) = this.update_stored_session().await {
569                            println!("Unable to store a session in the background: {err}");
570                        }
571                    }
572                }
573            }
574        });
575    }
577    /// Update the session stored on the system.
578    ///
579    /// This should be called everytime the access token (and possibly refresh
580    /// token) has changed.
581    async fn update_stored_session(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
582        println!("Updating the stored session...");
584        let serialized_session = fs::read_to_string(&self.session_file).await?;
585        let mut session = serde_json::from_str::<StoredSession>(&serialized_session)?;
587        let user_session =
588            self.client.oidc().user_session().expect("A logged in client has a session");
589        session.user_session = user_session;
591        let serialized_session = serde_json::to_string(&session)?;
592        fs::write(&self.session_file, serialized_session).await?;
594        println!("Updating the stored session: done!");
595        Ok(())
596    }
598    /// Refresh the access token.
599    async fn refresh_token(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
600        self.client.oidc().refresh_access_token().await?;
602        // The session will automatically be refreshed because of the task persisting
603        // the full session upon refresh in `setup_background_save`.
605        println!("\nToken refreshed successfully");
607        Ok(())
608    }
610    /// Log out from this session.
611    async fn logout(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
612        // Log out via OIDC.
613        let url_builder = self.client.oidc().logout().await?;
615        // Delete the stored session and database.
616        let data_dir = self.session_file.parent().expect("The file has a parent directory");
617        fs::remove_dir_all(data_dir).await?;
619        println!("\nLogged out successfully");
621        if let Some(url_builder) = url_builder {
622            let data = url_builder.build()?;
623            println!(
624                "\nTo log out from your account in the provider's interface, visit: {}",
625                data.url
626            );
627        }
629        println!("\nExiting…");
631        Ok(())
632    }
635/// Build a new client.
637/// Returns the client, the data required to restore the client, and the OIDC
638/// issuer advertised by the homeserver.
639async fn build_client(data_dir: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<(Client, ClientSession)> {
640    let db_path = data_dir.join("db");
642    // Generate a random passphrase.
643    let mut rng = thread_rng();
644    let passphrase: String =
645        (&mut rng).sample_iter(Alphanumeric).take(32).map(char::from).collect();
647    // We create a loop here so the user can retry if an error happens.
648    loop {
649        let mut homeserver = String::new();
651        print!("\nHomeserver: ");
652        io::stdout().flush().expect("Unable to write to stdout");
653        io::stdin().read_line(&mut homeserver).expect("Unable to read user input");
655        let homeserver = homeserver.trim();
657        println!("\nChecking homeserver…");
659        match Client::builder()
660            // Try autodiscovery or test the URL.
661            .server_name_or_homeserver_url(homeserver)
662            // Make sure to automatically refresh tokens if needs be.
663            .handle_refresh_tokens()
664            // We use the sqlite store, which is available by default. This is the crucial part to
665            // persist the encryption setup.
666            // Note that other store backends are available and you can even implement your own.
667            .sqlite_store(&db_path, Some(&passphrase))
668            .build()
669            .await
670        {
671            Ok(client) => {
672                // Check if the homeserver advertises OAuth 2.0 server metadata.
673                match client.oidc().provider_metadata().await {
674                    Ok(server_metadata) => {
675                        println!(
676                            "Found OAuth 2.0 server metadata with issuer: {}",
677                            server_metadata.issuer()
678                        );
680                        let homeserver = client.homeserver().to_string();
681                        return Ok((client, ClientSession { homeserver, db_path, passphrase }));
682                    }
683                    Err(error) => {
684                        if error.is_not_supported() {
685                            println!(
686                                "This homeserver doesn't advertise OAuth 2.0 server metadata."
687                            );
688                        } else {
689                            println!("Error fetching the OAuth 2.0 server metadata: {error:?}");
690                        }
691                        // The client already initialized the store so we need to remove it.
692                        fs::remove_dir_all(data_dir).await?;
693                    }
694                }
695            }
696            Err(error) => match &error {
697                ClientBuildError::AutoDiscovery(_)
698                | ClientBuildError::Url(_)
699                | ClientBuildError::Http(_) => {
700                    println!("Error checking the homeserver: {error}");
701                    println!("Please try again\n");
702                    // The client already initialized the store so we need to remove it.
703                    fs::remove_dir_all(data_dir).await?;
704                }
705                ClientBuildError::InvalidServerName => {
706                    println!("Error: not a valid server name");
707                    println!("Please try again\n");
708                }
709                _ => {
710                    // Forward other errors, it's unlikely we can retry with a different outcome.
711                    return Err(error.into());
712                }
713            },
714        }
715    }
718/// Generate the OIDC client metadata.
720/// For simplicity, we use most of the default values here, but usually this
721/// should be adapted to the provider metadata to make interactions as secure as
722/// possible, for example by using the most secure signing algorithms supported
723/// by the provider.
724fn client_metadata() -> VerifiedClientMetadata {
725    let redirect_uri = Url::parse("").expect("Couldn't parse redirect URI");
726    let client_uri = Url::parse("https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk")
727        .expect("Couldn't parse client URI");
729    ClientMetadata {
730        // This is a native application (in contrast to a web application, that runs in a browser).
731        application_type: Some(ApplicationType::Native),
732        // Native clients should be able to register the loopback interface and then point to any
733        // port when needing a redirect URI. An alternative is to use a custom URI scheme registered
734        // with the OS.
735        redirect_uris: Some(vec![redirect_uri]),
736        // We are going to use the Authorization Code flow, and of course we want to be able to
737        // refresh our access token.
738        grant_types: Some(vec![GrantType::RefreshToken, GrantType::AuthorizationCode]),
739        // A native client shouldn't use authentication as the credentials could be intercepted.
740        // Other protections are in place for the different requests.
741        token_endpoint_auth_method: Some(OAuthClientAuthenticationMethod::None),
742        // The following fields should be displayed in the OIDC provider interface as part of the
743        // process to get the user's consent. It means that these should contain real data so the
744        // user can make sure that they allow the proper application.
745        // We are cheating here because this is an example.
746        client_name: Some(Localized::new("matrix-rust-sdk-oidc-cli".to_owned(), [])),
747        contacts: Some(vec!["root@".to_owned()]),
748        client_uri: Some(Localized::new(client_uri.clone(), [])),
749        policy_uri: Some(Localized::new(client_uri.clone(), [])),
750        tos_uri: Some(Localized::new(client_uri, [])),
751        ..Default::default()
752    }
753    .validate()
754    .unwrap()
757/// Open the authorization URL and wait for it to be complete.
759/// Returns the code to obtain the access token.
760async fn use_auth_url(
761    url: &Url,
762    state: &str,
763    data_rx: oneshot::Receiver<String>,
764    signal_tx: oneshot::Sender<()>,
765) -> anyhow::Result<AuthorizationCode> {
766    println!("\nPlease authenticate yourself at: {url}\n");
767    println!("Then proceed to the authorization.\n");
769    let response_query = data_rx.await?;
770    signal_tx.send(()).expect("Receiver is still alive");
772    let code = match AuthorizationResponse::parse_query(&response_query)? {
773        AuthorizationResponse::Success(code) => code,
774        AuthorizationResponse::Error(err) => {
775            let err = err.error;
776            return Err(anyhow!("{}: {:?}", err.error, err.error_description));
777        }
778    };
780    // Here we only manage one authorization at a time so, if the state string is
781    // wrong, it is an error. Some clients might want to allow several
782    // authorizations at once, in which case the state string can be used to
783    // identify the session that was authorized.
784    if code.state != state {
785        bail!("State strings don't match")
786    }
788    Ok(code)
791/// Spawn a local server to listen on redirects at the end of the authorization
792/// process.
794/// Returns the URL the server listens to, the receiver that will receive the
795/// data returned by the provider and a sender to shutdown the server.
796async fn spawn_local_server(
797) -> anyhow::Result<(Url, oneshot::Receiver<String>, oneshot::Sender<()>)> {
798    /// The range of ports the SSO server will try to bind to randomly.
799    ///
800    /// This is used to avoid binding to a port blocked by browsers.
801    /// See <https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#port-blocking>.
802    const SSO_SERVER_BIND_RANGE: Range<u16> = 20000..30000;
803    /// The number of times the SSO server will try to bind to a random port
804    const SSO_SERVER_BIND_TRIES: u8 = 10;
806    // The channel used to shutdown the server when we are done with it.
807    let (signal_tx, signal_rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
808    // The channel used to transmit the data received a the redirect URL.
809    let (data_tx, data_rx) = oneshot::channel::<String>();
810    let data_tx_mutex = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(data_tx)));
812    // We bind to the IPv4 loopback interface.
813    let mut redirect_url = Url::parse("")
814        .expect("Couldn't parse good known loopback interface URL");
816    // Bind a TCP listener to a random port.
817    let listener = {
818        let host = redirect_url.host_str().expect("The redirect URL doesn't have a host");
819        let mut n = 0u8;
821        loop {
822            let port = thread_rng().gen_range(SSO_SERVER_BIND_RANGE);
823            match TcpListener::bind((host, port)).await {
824                Ok(l) => {
825                    redirect_url
826                        .set_port(Some(port))
827                        .expect("Could not set new port on redirect URL");
828                    break l;
829                }
830                Err(_) if n < SSO_SERVER_BIND_TRIES => {
831                    n += 1;
832                }
833                Err(e) => {
834                    return Err(e.into());
835                }
836            }
837        }
838    };
840    // Set up the server.
841    let router = any_service(service_fn(move |request: Request<_>| {
842        let data_tx_mutex = data_tx_mutex.clone();
843        async move {
844            // Reject methods others than HEAD or GET.
845            if request.method() != Method::HEAD && request.method() != Method::GET {
846                return Ok::<_, Infallible>(StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.into_response());
847            }
849            // We only need to get the first response so we consume the transmitter the
850            // first time.
851            if let Some(data_tx) = data_tx_mutex.lock().unwrap().take() {
852                let query_string = request.uri().query().unwrap_or_default();
854                data_tx.send(query_string.to_owned()).expect("The receiver is still alive");
855            }
857            Ok("The authorization step is complete. You can close this page and go back to the oidc-cli.".into_response())
858        }
859    }));
861    let server = axum::serve(listener, router)
862        .with_graceful_shutdown(async {
863            signal_rx.await.ok();
864        })
865        .into_future();
867    tokio::spawn(server);
869    Ok((redirect_url, data_rx, signal_tx))
872/// Handle room messages.
873async fn on_room_message(event: OriginalSyncRoomMessageEvent, room: Room) {
874    // We only want to log text messages in joined rooms.
875    if room.state() != RoomState::Joined {
876        return;
877    }
878    let MessageType::Text(text_content) = &event.content.msgtype else { return };
880    let room_name = match room.display_name().await {
881        Ok(room_name) => room_name.to_string(),
882        Err(error) => {
883            println!("Error getting room display name: {error}");
884            // Let's fallback to the room ID.
885            room.room_id().to_string()
886        }
887    };
889    println!("[{room_name}] {}: {}", event.sender, text_content.body)