
interface ThreadsLocalService

This interface defines methods to interact with thread related features. It's the local threads implementation and assumes that the homeserver do not support threads


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abstract fun getAllThreads(): List<TimelineEvent>

Returns a list of all the thread root TimelineEvents that exists at the room level.

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abstract fun getAllThreadsLive(): LiveData<List<TimelineEvent>>

Returns a LiveData list of all the thread root TimelineEvents that exists at the room level.

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abstract fun getMarkedThreadNotifications(): List<TimelineEvent>

Returns a list of all the marked unread threads that exists at the room level.

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abstract fun getMarkedThreadNotificationsLive(): LiveData<List<TimelineEvent>>

Returns a LiveData list of all the marked unread threads that exists at the room level.

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abstract fun isUserParticipatingInThread(rootThreadEventId: String): Boolean

Returns whether or not the current user is participating in the thread.

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abstract fun mapEventsWithEdition(threads: List<TimelineEvent>): List<TimelineEvent>

Enhance the provided root thread TimelineEvent List by adding the latest message edition for that thread.

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abstract suspend fun markThreadAsRead(rootThreadEventId: String)

Marks the current thread as read in local DB. note: read receipts within threads are not yet supported with the API