
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class CallRejectContent(    @Json(name = "call_id") val callId: String,     @Json(name = "party_id") val partyId: String? = null,     @Json(name = "version") val version: String?,     @Json(name = "reason") val reason: EndCallReason? = null) : CallSignalingContent

Sent by either party to signal their termination of the call. This can be sent either once the call has been established or before to abort the call.


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fun CallRejectContent(    @Json(name = "call_id") callId: String,     @Json(name = "party_id") partyId: String? = null,     @Json(name = "version") version: String?,     @Json(name = "reason") reason: EndCallReason? = null)


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open override val callId: String

Required. The ID of the call this event relates to.

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open override val partyId: String? = null

Required. ID to let user identify remote echo of their own events

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val reason: EndCallReason? = null

Optional error reason for the reject.

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open override val version: String?

Required. The version of the VoIP specification this message adheres to.