
data class RoomSummaryQueryParams(    val roomId: QueryStringValue,     val displayName: QueryStringValue,     val canonicalAlias: QueryStringValue,     val memberships: List<Membership>,     val roomCategoryFilter: RoomCategoryFilter?,     val roomTagQueryFilter: RoomTagQueryFilter?,     val excludeType: List<String?>?,     val includeType: List<String?>?,     val spaceFilter: SpaceFilter)

This class can be used to filter room summaries to use with RoomService. It provides a Builder. roomSummaryQueryParams and spaceSummaryQueryParams can also be used to build an instance of this class.


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fun RoomSummaryQueryParams(    roomId: QueryStringValue,     displayName: QueryStringValue,     canonicalAlias: QueryStringValue,     memberships: List<Membership>,     roomCategoryFilter: RoomCategoryFilter?,     roomTagQueryFilter: RoomTagQueryFilter?,     excludeType: List<String?>?,     includeType: List<String?>?,     spaceFilter: SpaceFilter)


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class Builder

Builder for RoomSummaryQueryParams. roomSummaryQueryParams and spaceSummaryQueryParams can also be used to build an instance of RoomSummaryQueryParams.


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val canonicalAlias: QueryStringValue

Query for the canonical alias of the room.

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val displayName: QueryStringValue

Query for the displayName of the room. The display name can be the value of the state event, or a value returned by

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val excludeType: List<String?>?

Used to filter room by room type.

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val includeType: List<String?>?

Used to filter room by room type.

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val memberships: List<Membership>

Used to filter room by membership.

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val roomCategoryFilter: RoomCategoryFilter?

Used to filter room by room category.

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val roomId: QueryStringValue

Query for the roomId.

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val roomTagQueryFilter: RoomTagQueryFilter?

Used to filter room by room tag.

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val spaceFilter: SpaceFilter

Used to filter room using the current space.