
enum KeysBackupState : Enum<KeysBackupState>

E2e keys backup states.

    V        deleteKeyBackupVersion (on current backup)
+---------------------->  UNKNOWN  <-------------
|                            |
|                            | checkAndStartKeysBackup (at startup or on new verified device or a new detected backup)
|                            V
|                     CHECKING BACKUP
|                            |
|    Network error           |
+<----------+----------------+-------> DISABLED <----------------------+
|           |                |            |                            |
|           |                |            | createKeysBackupVersion    |
|           V                |            V                            |
+<---  WRONG VERSION         |         ENABLING                        |
    |       ^                |            |                            |
    |       |                V       ok   |     error                  |
    |       |     +------> READY <--------+----------------------------+
    V       |     |          |
NOT TRUSTED  |     |          | on new key
    |     |          V
    |     |     WILL BACK UP (waiting a random duration)
    |     |          |
    |     |          |
    |     | ok       V
    |     +----- BACKING UP
    |                |
    |      Error     |


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Need to check the current backup version on the homeserver.

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Checking if backup is enabled on homeserver.

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Backup has been stopped because a new backup version has been detected on the homeserver.

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Backup from this device is not enabled.

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There is a backup available on the homeserver but it is not trusted. It is not trusted because the signature is invalid or the device that created it is not verified. Use KeysBackup.getKeysBackupTrust() to get trust details. Consequently, the backup from this device is not enabled.

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Backup is being enabled: the backup version is being created on the homeserver.

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Backup is enabled and ready to send backup to the homeserver.

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e2e keys are going to be sent to the homeserver.

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e2e keys are being sent to the homeserver.


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val name: String
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val ordinal: Int