Pending Verification Request
data class PendingVerificationRequest( val ageLocalTs: Long, val state: EVerificationState, val isIncoming: Boolean = false, val otherUserId: String, val otherDeviceId: String?, val roomId: String?, val transactionId: String, val cancelConclusion: CancelCode? = null, val isFinished: Boolean = false, val handledByOtherSession: Boolean = false, val targetDevices: List<String>? = null, val qrCodeText: String? = null, val isSasSupported: Boolean = false, val weShouldShowScanOption: Boolean = false, val weShouldDisplayQRCode: Boolean = false)
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Stores current pending verification requests.
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fun PendingVerificationRequest( ageLocalTs: Long, state: EVerificationState, isIncoming: Boolean = false, otherUserId: String, otherDeviceId: String?, roomId: String?, transactionId: String, cancelConclusion: CancelCode? = null, isFinished: Boolean = false, handledByOtherSession: Boolean = false, targetDevices: List<String>? = null, qrCodeText: String? = null, isSasSupported: Boolean = false, weShouldShowScanOption: Boolean = false, weShouldDisplayQRCode: Boolean = false)
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