
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SpaceChildContent(    @Json(name = "via") val via: List<String>? = null,     @Json(name = "order") val order: String? = null,     @Json(name = "suggested") val suggested: Boolean? = false)


"content": {
    "via": [""],
    "order": "abcd",
    "default": true


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fun SpaceChildContent(    @Json(name = "via") via: List<String>? = null,     @Json(name = "order") order: String? = null,     @Json(name = "suggested") suggested: Boolean? = false)


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object Companion


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fun validOrder(): String?

Orders which are not strings, or do not consist solely of ascii characters in the range \x20 (space) to \x7F (~), or consist of more than 50 characters, are forbidden and should be ignored if received.).


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val order: String? = null

The order key is a string which is used to provide a default ordering of siblings in the room list. (Rooms are sorted based on a lexicographic ordering of order values; rooms with no order come last. orders which are not strings, or do not consist solely of ascii characters in the range \x20 (space) to \x7F (~), or consist of more than 50 characters, are forbidden and should be ignored if received.)

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val suggested: Boolean? = false

If suggested is set to true, that indicates that the child should be advertised to members of the space by the client. This could be done by showing them eagerly in the room list. This is should be ignored if auto_join is set to true.

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val via: List<String>? = null

Key which gives a list of candidate servers that can be used to join the room Children where via is not present are ignored.