
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class EncryptedSecretContent(    @Json(name = "ciphertext") val ciphertext: String? = null,     @Json(name = "mac") val mac: String? = null,     @Json(name = "ephemeral") val ephemeral: String? = null,     @Json(name = "iv") val initializationVector: String? = null) : AccountDataContent

The account_data will have an encrypted property that is a map from key ID to an object. The algorithm from the m.secret_storage.key.key ID data for the given key defines how the other properties are interpreted, though it's expected that most encryption schemes would have ciphertext and mac properties, where the ciphertext property is the unpadded base64-encoded ciphertext, and the mac is used to ensure the integrity of the data.


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fun EncryptedSecretContent(    @Json(name = "ciphertext") ciphertext: String? = null,     @Json(name = "mac") mac: String? = null,     @Json(name = "ephemeral") ephemeral: String? = null,     @Json(name = "iv") initializationVector: String? = null)


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object Companion


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val ciphertext: String? = null

unpadded base64-encoded ciphertext.

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val ephemeral: String? = null
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val initializationVector: String? = null
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val mac: String? = null