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data class ThreadDetails(    val isRootThread: Boolean = false,     val numberOfThreads: Int = 0,     val threadSummarySenderInfo: SenderInfo? = null,     val threadSummaryLatestEvent: Event? = null,     val lastMessageTimestamp: Long? = null,     val threadNotificationState: ThreadNotificationState = ThreadNotificationState.NO_NEW_MESSAGE,     val isThread: Boolean = false,     val lastRootThreadEdition: String? = null)

This class contains all the details needed for threads. Is is mainly used from within an Event.

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data class ThreadNotificationBadgeState(val numberOfLocalUnreadThreads: Int = 0, val isUserMentioned: Boolean = false)

This class defines the state of a thread notification badge.

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enum ThreadNotificationState : Enum<ThreadNotificationState>

This class defines the state of a thread notification.

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data class ThreadTimelineEvent(val timelineEvent: TimelineEvent, val isParticipating: Boolean)

This class contains a thread TimelineEvent along with a boolean that determines if the current user has participated in that event.