
data class RoomSummary(    val roomId: String,     val displayName: String = "",     val name: String = "",     val topic: String = "",     val avatarUrl: String = "",     val canonicalAlias: String? = null,     val aliases: List<String> = emptyList(),     val joinRules: RoomJoinRules? = null,     val isDirect: Boolean = false,     val directUserId: String? = null,     val directUserPresence: UserPresence? = null,     val joinedMembersCount: Int? = 0,     val invitedMembersCount: Int? = 0,     val latestPreviewableEvent: TimelineEvent? = null,     val otherMemberIds: List<String> = emptyList(),     val notificationCount: Int = 0,     val highlightCount: Int = 0,     val threadNotificationCount: Int = 0,     val threadHighlightCount: Int = 0,     val hasUnreadMessages: Boolean = false,     val tags: List<RoomTag> = emptyList(),     val membership: Membership = Membership.NONE,     val versioningState: VersioningState = VersioningState.NONE,     val readMarkerId: String? = null,     val userDrafts: List<UserDraft> = emptyList(),     val isEncrypted: Boolean,     val encryptionEventTs: Long?,     val typingUsers: List<SenderInfo>,     val inviterId: String? = null,     val breadcrumbsIndex: Int = NOT_IN_BREADCRUMBS,     val roomEncryptionTrustLevel: RoomEncryptionTrustLevel? = null,     val hasFailedSending: Boolean = false,     val roomType: String? = null,     val spaceParents: List<SpaceParentInfo>? = null,     val spaceChildren: List<SpaceChildInfo>? = null,     val directParentNames: List<String> = emptyList(),     val flattenParentIds: List<String> = emptyList(),     val roomEncryptionAlgorithm: RoomEncryptionAlgorithm? = null)

This class holds some data of a room. It can be retrieved by and


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fun RoomSummary(    roomId: String,     displayName: String = "",     name: String = "",     topic: String = "",     avatarUrl: String = "",     canonicalAlias: String? = null,     aliases: List<String> = emptyList(),     joinRules: RoomJoinRules? = null,     isDirect: Boolean = false,     directUserId: String? = null,     directUserPresence: UserPresence? = null,     joinedMembersCount: Int? = 0,     invitedMembersCount: Int? = 0,     latestPreviewableEvent: TimelineEvent? = null,     otherMemberIds: List<String> = emptyList(),     notificationCount: Int = 0,     highlightCount: Int = 0,     threadNotificationCount: Int = 0,     threadHighlightCount: Int = 0,     hasUnreadMessages: Boolean = false,     tags: List<RoomTag> = emptyList(),     membership: Membership = Membership.NONE,     versioningState: VersioningState = VersioningState.NONE,     readMarkerId: String? = null,     userDrafts: List<UserDraft> = emptyList(),     isEncrypted: Boolean,     encryptionEventTs: Long?,     typingUsers: List<SenderInfo>,     inviterId: String? = null,     breadcrumbsIndex: Int = NOT_IN_BREADCRUMBS,     roomEncryptionTrustLevel: RoomEncryptionTrustLevel? = null,     hasFailedSending: Boolean = false,     roomType: String? = null,     spaceParents: List<SpaceParentInfo>? = null,     spaceChildren: List<SpaceChildInfo>? = null,     directParentNames: List<String> = emptyList(),     flattenParentIds: List<String> = emptyList(),     roomEncryptionAlgorithm: RoomEncryptionAlgorithm? = null)


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object Companion


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fun hasTag(tag: String): Boolean

Test if the room has the provided tag.


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val aliases: List<String>

The list of all the aliases of this room. Content of the live state event

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val avatarUrl: String

The value of the live state event

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val breadcrumbsIndex: Int

Breadcrumb index, util to sort rooms by last seen.

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val canonicalAlias: String? = null

The value of the live state event

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val canStartCall: Boolean

True if a 1-1 call can be started, i.e. the room has exactly 2 joined members.

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val directParentNames: List<String>

The names of the room's direct space parents if any.

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val directUserId: String? = null

If isDirect is true, this is the id of the first other member of this room.

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val directUserPresence: UserPresence? = null

If isDirect is true, this it the presence of the first other member of this room.

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val displayName: String

Computed display name. The value of the state event if not empty, else can be the value returned by

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val encryptionEventTs: Long?

Timestamp of the state event.

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val flattenParentIds: List<String>

List of all the space parent Ids.

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val hasFailedSending: Boolean = false

True if a message has not been sent in this room.

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val hasNewMessages: Boolean

True if notificationCount is not 0.

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val hasUnreadMessages: Boolean = false

True if this room has unread messages.

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val highlightCount: Int = 0

Number of unread and highlighted message in this room.

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val invitedMembersCount: Int? = 0

Number of members who are invited to this room.

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val inviterId: String? = null

UserId of the user who has invited the current user to this room.

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val isDirect: Boolean = false

True is this room is referenced in the account data

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val isEncrypted: Boolean

True if this room is encrypted.

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val isFavorite: Boolean

True if the room has the tag m.favourite.

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val isLowPriority: Boolean

True if the room has the tag m.lowpriority.

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val isPublic: Boolean
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val isVersioned: Boolean
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val joinedMembersCount: Int? = 0

Number of members who have joined this room.

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val joinRules: RoomJoinRules? = null

The value of the live state event

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val latestPreviewableEvent: TimelineEvent? = null

Latest TimelineEvent which can be displayed in this room. Can be used in the room list.

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val membership: Membership

Current user membership in this room.

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val name: String

The value of the live state event

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val notificationCount: Int = 0

Number of unread message in this room.

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val otherMemberIds: List<String>

List of other member ids of this room.

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val readMarkerId: String? = null

Value of m.fully_read for this room.

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val roomEncryptionAlgorithm: RoomEncryptionAlgorithm? = null

Information about the encryption algorithm, if this room is encrypted.

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val roomEncryptionTrustLevel: RoomEncryptionTrustLevel? = null

The room encryption trust level.

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val roomId: String

The roomId of the room.

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val roomType: String? = null

The type of the room. Null for regular room.

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val spaceChildren: List<SpaceChildInfo>? = null

List of children space.

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val spaceParents: List<SpaceParentInfo>? = null

List of parent spaces.

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val tags: List<RoomTag>

List of tags in this room.

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val threadHighlightCount: Int = 0

Number of threads with highlighted messages in this room.

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val threadNotificationCount: Int = 0

Number of threads with unread messages in this room.

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val topic: String

The value of the live state event

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val typingUsers: List<SenderInfo>

List of users who are currently typing on this room.

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val userDrafts: List<UserDraft>

Message saved as draft for this room.

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val versioningState: VersioningState

Versioning state of this room.


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fun RoomSummary.toMatrixItem(): MatrixItem
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