
interface UserInteractiveAuthInterceptor

Some API endpoints require authentication that interacts with the user. The homeserver may provide many different ways of authenticating, such as user/password auth, login via a social network (OAuth2), login by confirming a token sent to their email address, etc.

The process takes the form of one or more 'stages'. At each stage the client submits a set of data for a given authentication type and awaits a response from the server, which will either be a final success or a request to perform an additional stage. This exchange continues until the final success.

For each endpoint, a server offers one or more 'flows' that the client can use to authenticate itself. Each flow comprises a series of stages, as described above. The client is free to choose which flow it follows, however the flow's stages must be completed in order. Failing to follow the flows in order must result in an HTTP 401 response. When all stages in a flow are complete, authentication is complete and the API call succeeds.


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abstract fun performStage(    flowResponse: RegistrationFlowResponse,     errCode: String?,     promise: Continuation<UIABaseAuth>)

When the API needs additional auth, this will be called. Implementation should check the flows from flow response and act accordingly. Updated auth should be provided using promise.resume, this allow implementation to perform an async operation (prompt for user password, open sso fallback) and then resume initial API call when done.