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data class FlowResult(val missingStages: List<Stage>, val completedStages: List<Stage>)

Information about the missing and completed Stage.

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sealed class RegisterThreePid
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sealed class RegistrationAvailability
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class RegistrationFlowResponse(    @Json(name = "flows") val flows: List<InteractiveAuthenticationFlow>? = null,     @Json(name = "completed") val completedStages: List<String>? = null,     @Json(name = "session") val session: String? = null,     @Json(name = "params") val params: JsonDict? = null)
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sealed class RegistrationResult

Either a session or an object containing data about registration stages.

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interface RegistrationWizard

Set of methods to be able to create an account on a homeserver.

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sealed class Stage

Registration stages.

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typealias TermPolicies = Map<*, *>


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fun RegistrationFlowResponse.nextUncompletedStage(flowIndex: Int = 0): String?
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fun RegistrationFlowResponse.toFlowResult(): FlowResult

Convert to something easier to handle on client side.