
interface PermalinkService

Useful methods to create permalink (like links or client permalinks). See to setup a custom permalink base url.


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object Companion
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enum SpanTemplateType : Enum<PermalinkService.SpanTemplateType>


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abstract fun createMentionSpanTemplate(type: PermalinkService.SpanTemplateType, forceMatrixTo: Boolean = false): String

Creates a HTML or Markdown mention span template. Can be used to replace a mention with a permalink to mentioned user. Ex: "%2\$s" or "%2\$s"

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abstract fun createPermalink(id: String, forceMatrixTo: Boolean = false): String?

Creates a permalink for an id (can be a user Id, etc.). For a roomId, consider using createRoomPermalink Ex: ""

abstract fun createPermalink(event: Event, forceMatrixTo: Boolean = false): String?

Creates a permalink for an event. Ex: "!$"

abstract fun createPermalink(    roomId: String,     eventId: String,     forceMatrixTo: Boolean = false): String

Creates a permalink for an event. If you have an event you can use createPermalink Ex: "!$"

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abstract fun createRoomPermalink(    roomId: String,     viaServers: List<String>? = null,     forceMatrixTo: Boolean = false): String?

Creates a permalink for a roomId, including the via parameters.

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abstract fun getLinkedId(url: String): String?

Extract the linked id from the universal link.

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abstract fun isPermalinkSupported(supportedHosts: Array<String>, url: String): Boolean

Check if the url is a permalink. It must be a link or a link with host provided by the string-array permalink_supported_hosts in the config file