
interface ThreadsService

This interface defines methods to interact with thread related features. It's the dynamic threads implementation and the homeserver must return a capability entry for threads. If the server do not support m.thread then should be used instead


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abstract fun enhanceThreadWithEditions(threads: List<ThreadSummary>): List<ThreadSummary>

Enhance the provided ThreadSummaryList by adding the latest message edition for that thread.

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abstract suspend fun fetchThreadList(    nextBatchId: String?,     limit: Int,     filter: ThreadFilter = ThreadFilter.ALL): FetchThreadsResult
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abstract suspend fun fetchThreadTimeline(    rootThreadEventId: String,     from: String,     limit: Int)

Fetch all thread replies for the specified thread using the /relations api.

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abstract suspend fun getAllThreadSummaries(): List<ThreadSummary>

Returns a list of all the ThreadSummary that exists at the room level.

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abstract suspend fun getPagedThreadsList(userParticipating: Boolean, pagedListConfig: PagedList.Config): ThreadLivePageResult