
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class RoomSyncTimeline(    @Json(name = "events") val events: List<Event>? = null,     @Json(name = "limited") val limited: Boolean = false,     @Json(name = "prev_batch") val prevToken: String? = null)


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fun RoomSyncTimeline(    @Json(name = "events") events: List<Event>? = null,     @Json(name = "limited") limited: Boolean = false,     @Json(name = "prev_batch") prevToken: String? = null)


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val events: List<Event>? = null

List of events (array of Event).

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val limited: Boolean = false

Boolean which tells whether there are more events on the server.

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val prevToken: String? = null

If the batch was limited then this is a token that can be supplied to the server to retrieve more events.