
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class RegistrationFlowResponse(    @Json(name = "flows") val flows: List<InteractiveAuthenticationFlow>? = null,     @Json(name = "completed") val completedStages: List<String>? = null,     @Json(name = "session") val session: String? = null,     @Json(name = "params") val params: JsonDict? = null)


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fun RegistrationFlowResponse(    @Json(name = "flows") flows: List<InteractiveAuthenticationFlow>? = null,     @Json(name = "completed") completedStages: List<String>? = null,     @Json(name = "session") session: String? = null,     @Json(name = "params") params: JsonDict? = null)


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val completedStages: List<String>? = null

The list of stages the client has completed successfully.

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val flows: List<InteractiveAuthenticationFlow>? = null

The list of flows.

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val params: JsonDict? = null

The information that the client will need to know in order to use a given type of authentication. For each login stage type presented, that type may be present as a key in this dictionary. For example, the public key of reCAPTCHA stage could be given here. other example "params": { "m.login.sso": { "identity_providers": { "id": "google", "name": "Google", "icon": "https://..." } } }

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val session: String? = null

The session identifier that the client must pass back to the homeserver, if one is provided, in subsequent attempts to authenticate in the same API call.


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fun RegistrationFlowResponse.nextUncompletedStage(flowIndex: Int = 0): String?
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fun RegistrationFlowResponse.toFlowResult(): FlowResult

Convert to something easier to handle on client side.