
    Interface IStore

    A store for most of the data js-sdk needs to store, apart from crypto data

    interface IStore {
        accountData: Map<string, MatrixEvent>;
        on?: (
            event: "closed" | EventEmitterEvents | "degraded",
            handler: (...args: any[]) => void,
        ) => void;
        clearOutOfBandMembers(roomId: string): Promise<void>;
        deleteAllData(): Promise<void>;
        destroy(): Promise<void>;
        getAccountData(eventType: string): undefined | MatrixEvent;
        getClientOptions(): Promise<undefined | IStartClientOpts>;
        getFilter(userId: string, filterId: string): null | Filter;
        getFilterIdByName(filterName: string): null | string;
        getOldestToDeviceBatch(): Promise<null | IndexedToDeviceBatch>;
            roomId: string,
        ): Promise<null | IStateEventWithRoomId[]>;
        getPendingEvents(roomId: string): Promise<Partial<IEvent>[]>;
        getRoom(roomId: string): null | Room;
        getRooms(): Room[];
        getRoomSummaries(): RoomSummary[];
        getSavedSync(): Promise<null | ISavedSync>;
        getSavedSyncToken(): Promise<null | string>;
        getSyncToken(): null | string;
        getUser(userId: string): null | User;
        getUsers(): User[];
        isNewlyCreated(): Promise<boolean>;
        removeRoom(roomId: string): void;
        removeToDeviceBatch(id: number): Promise<void>;
        save(force?: boolean): Promise<void>;
        saveToDeviceBatches(batch: ToDeviceBatchWithTxnId[]): Promise<void>;
        scrollback(room: Room, limit: number): MatrixEvent[];
        setFilterIdByName(filterName: string, filterId?: string): void;
            roomId: string,
            membershipEvents: IStateEventWithRoomId[],
        ): Promise<void>;
        setPendingEvents(roomId: string, events: Partial<IEvent>[]): Promise<void>;
        setSyncData(syncData: ISyncResponse): Promise<void>;
        setSyncToken(token: string): void;
        setUserCreator(creator: UserCreator): void;
        startup(): Promise<void>;
        storeAccountDataEvents(events: MatrixEvent[]): void;
        storeClientOptions(options: IStartClientOpts): Promise<void>;
            room: Room,
            events: MatrixEvent[],
            token: null | string,
            toStart: boolean,
        ): void;
        storeFilter(filter: Filter): void;
        storeRoom(room: Room): void;
        storeUser(user: User): void;
        wantsSave(): boolean;

    Implemented by



    accountData: Map<string, MatrixEvent>
    on?: (
        event: "closed" | EventEmitterEvents | "degraded",
        handler: (...args: any[]) => void,
    ) => void


    • Delete all data from this store. Does nothing since this store doesn't store anything.

      Returns Promise<void>

      An immediately resolved promise.

    • Retrieve a filter.


      • userId: string
      • filterId: string

      Returns null | Filter

      A filter or null.

    • Retrieve a filter ID with the given name.


      • filterName: string

        The filter name.

      Returns null | string

      The filter ID or null.

    • Retrieve a room by its' room ID.


      • roomId: string

        The room ID.

      Returns null | Room

      The room or null.

    • Returns Promise<null | string>

      If there is a saved sync, the nextBatch token for this sync, otherwise null.

    • Retrieve a User by its' user ID.


      • userId: string

        The user ID.

      Returns null | User

      The user or null.

    • Permanently delete a room.


      • roomId: string

      Returns void

    • Removes a specific batch of to-device messages from the queue


      • id: number

      Returns Promise<void>

    • Retrieve scrollback for this room.


      • room: Room

        The matrix room

      • limit: number

        The max number of old events to retrieve.

      Returns MatrixEvent[]

      An array of objects which will be at most 'limit' length and at least 0. The objects are the raw event JSON.

    • Set a filter name to ID mapping.


      • filterName: string
      • OptionalfilterId: string

      Returns void

    • Stores the out-of-band membership events for this room. Note that it still makes sense to store an empty array as the OOB status for the room is marked as fetched, and getOutOfBandMembers will return an empty array instead of null


      Returns Promise<void>

      when all members have been stored

    • Set the sync token.


      • token: string

      Returns void

    • Set the user creator which is used for creating User objects


      • creator: UserCreator

        A callback that accepts an user-id and returns an User object

      Returns void

    • Store events for a room.


      • room: Room

        The room to store events for.

      • events: MatrixEvent[]

        The events to store.

      • token: null | string

        The token associated with these events.

      • toStart: boolean

        True if these are paginated results.

      Returns void

    • Store the given room.


      • room: Room

        The room to be stored. All properties must be stored.

      Returns void

    • We never want to save because we have nothing to save to.

      Returns boolean

      If the store wants to save