
    Enumeration CallErrorCode


    Enumeration Members

    AnsweredElsewhere: "answered_elsewhere"

    A different device answered the call

    CreateAnswer: "create_answer"

    An answer could not be created

    CreateOffer: "create_offer"

    An offer could not be created

    IceFailed: "ice_failed"

    No media connection could be established to the other party

    InviteTimeout: "invite_timeout"

    The invite timed out whilst waiting for an answer

    LocalOfferFailed: "local_offer_failed"

    An error code when the local client failed to create an offer.

    NewSession: "new_session"

    A call from the same user was found with a new session id

    NoUserMedia: "no_user_media"

    An error code when there is no local mic/camera to use. This may be because the hardware isn't plugged in, or the user has explicitly denied access.

    Replaced: "replaced"

    The call was replaced by another call

    SendAnswer: "send_answer"

    Error code used when we fail to send the answer for some reason other than there being unknown devices

    SendInvite: "send_invite"

    Error code used when we fail to send the invite for some reason other than there being unknown devices

    SetLocalDescription: "set_local_description"

    The session description from this side could not be set

    SetRemoteDescription: "set_remote_description"

    The session description from the other side could not be set

    SignallingFailed: "signalling_timeout"

    Signalling for the call could not be sent (other than the initial invite)

    Transferred: "transferred"

    We transferred the call off to somewhere else

    UnknownDevices: "unknown_devices"

    Error code used when a call event failed to send because unknown devices were present in the room

    UserBusy: "user_busy"

    The remote party is busy

    UserHangup: "user_hangup"

    The user chose to end the call