
    SlidingSync is a high-level data structure which controls the majority of sliding sync. It has no hooks into JS SDK except for needing a MatrixClient to perform the HTTP request. This means this class (and everything it uses) can be used in isolation from JS SDK if needed. To hook this up with the JS SDK, you need to use SlidingSyncSdk.

    Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)




    • Add a custom room subscription, referred to by an arbitrary name. If a subscription with this name already exists, it is replaced. No requests are sent by calling this method.


      • name: string

        The name of the subscription. Only used to reference this subscription in useCustomSubscription.

      • sub: MSC3575RoomSubscription

        The subscription information.

      Returns void

    • Get the room index data for a list.


      • key: string

        The list key

      Returns null | { joinedCount: number }

      The list data which contains the rooms in this list

    • Get the full request list parameters for a list index. This function is provided for callers to use in conjunction with setList to update fields on an existing list.


      • key: string

        The list key to get the params for.

      Returns null | MSC3575List

      A copy of the list params or undefined.

    • Get the room subscriptions for the sync API.

      Returns Set<string>

      A copy of the desired room subscriptions.

    • Modify the room subscriptions for the sync API. Calling this function will interrupt the /sync request to resend new subscriptions. If the /sync stream has not started, this will prepare the room subscriptions for when start() is called.


      • s: Set<string>

        The new desired room subscriptions.

      Returns void

    • Register an extension to send with the /sync request.


      • ext: Extension<any, any>

        The extension to register.

      Returns void

    • Resend a Sliding Sync request. Used when something has changed in the request.

      Returns void

    • Add or replace a list. Calling this function will interrupt the /sync request to resend new lists.


      • key: string

        The key to modify

      • list: MSC3575List

        The new list parameters.

      Returns void

      A promise which resolves to the transaction ID when it has been received down sync (or rejects with the transaction ID if the action was not applied e.g the request was cancelled immediately after sending, in which case the action will be applied in the subsequent request)

    • Set new ranges for an existing list. Calling this function when only the ranges have changed is more efficient than calling setList(index,list) as this function won't resend sticky params, whereas setList always will.


      • key: string

        The list key to modify

      • ranges: number[][]

        The new ranges to apply.

      Returns void

      A promise which resolves to the transaction ID when it has been received down sync (or rejects with the transaction ID if the action was not applied e.g the request was cancelled immediately after sending, in which case the action will be applied in the subsequent request)

    • Use a custom subscription previously added via addCustomSubscription. No requests are sent by calling this method. Use modifyRoomSubscriptions to resend subscription information.


      • roomId: string

        The room to use the subscription in.

      • name: string

        The name of the subscription. If this name is unknown, the default subscription will be used.

      Returns void