
    Enumeration OidcError

    Errors expected to be encountered during OIDC discovery, client registration, and authentication. Not intended to be displayed directly to the user.


    Enumeration Members

    CodeExchangeFailed: "Failed to exchange code for token"
    DynamicRegistrationFailed: "Dynamic registration failed"
    DynamicRegistrationInvalid: "Dynamic registration invalid response"
    DynamicRegistrationNotSupported: "Dynamic registration not supported"
    General: "Something went wrong with OIDC discovery"
    InvalidBearerTokenResponse: "Invalid bearer token response"
    InvalidIdToken: "Invalid ID token"
    Misconfigured: "OIDC is misconfigured"
    MissingOrInvalidStoredState: "State required to finish logging in is not found in storage."
    NotSupported: "OIDC authentication not supported"
    OpSupport: "Configured OIDC OP does not support required functions"