
    Interface IAuthData

    Data returned in the body of a 401 response from a UIA endpoint.

    interface IAuthData {
        completed?: string[];
        flows?: UIAFlow[];
        params?: Record<string, Record<string, any>>;
        session?: string;


    completed?: string[]

    A list of the stages the client has completed successfully

    flows?: UIAFlow[]

    A list of the login flows supported by the server for this API.

    params?: Record<string, Record<string, any>>

    Contains any information that the client will need to know in order to use a given type of authentication. For each login type presented, that type may be present as a key in this dictionary. For example, the public part of an OAuth client ID could be given here.

    session?: string

    This is a session identifier that the client must pass back to the home server, if one is provided, in subsequent attempts to authenticate in the same API call.