
    Interface IEventDecryptionResult

    The result of a (successful) call to CryptoBackend.decryptEvent

    interface IEventDecryptionResult {
        claimedEd25519Key?: string;
        clearEvent: IClearEvent;
        forwardingCurve25519KeyChain?: string[];
        senderCurve25519Key?: string;
        untrusted?: boolean;


    claimedEd25519Key?: string

    ed25519 key claimed by the sender of this event. See MatrixEvent#getClaimedEd25519Key.

    clearEvent: IClearEvent

    The plaintext payload for the event (typically containing type and content fields).

    forwardingCurve25519KeyChain?: string[]

    List of curve25519 keys involved in telling us about the senderCurve25519Key and claimedEd25519Key. See MatrixEvent#getForwardingCurve25519KeyChain.

    senderCurve25519Key?: string

    Key owned by the sender of this event. See MatrixEvent#getSenderKey.

    untrusted?: boolean

    Whether the keys for this event have been received via an unauthenticated source (eg via key forwards, or restored from backup)