
    Interface VerificationRequest

    An incoming, or outgoing, request to verify a user or a device via cross-signing.

    interface VerificationRequest {
        get accepting(): boolean;
        get cancellationCode(): null | string;
        get cancellingUserId(): undefined | string;
        get chosenMethod(): null | string;
        get declining(): boolean;
        get initiatedByMe(): boolean;
        get isSelfVerification(): boolean;
        get methods(): string[];
        get otherDeviceId(): undefined | string;
        get otherUserId(): string;
        get pending(): boolean;
        get phase(): VerificationPhase;
        get roomId(): undefined | string;
        get timeout(): null | number;
        get transactionId(): undefined | string;
        get verifier(): undefined | Verifier;
        accept(): Promise<void>;
        addListener<T extends EventEmitterEvents | Change>(
            event: T,
            listener: Listener<Change, VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap, T>,
        ): this;
            method: string,
            targetDevice?: { deviceId?: string; userId?: string },
        ): Verifier;
        cancel(params?: { code?: string; reason?: string }): Promise<void>;
        emit<T extends Change>(
            event: T,
            ...args: Parameters<VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap[T]>,
        ): boolean;
        emit<T extends Change>(
            event: T,
            ...args: Parameters<VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap[T]>,
        ): boolean;
        emitPromised<T extends Change>(
            event: T,
            ...args: Parameters<VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap[T]>,
        ): Promise<boolean>;
        emitPromised<T extends Change>(
            event: T,
            ...args: Parameters<VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap[T]>,
        ): Promise<boolean>;
        generateQRCode(): Promise<undefined | Uint8ClampedArray<ArrayBufferLike>>;
        getQRCodeBytes(): undefined | Uint8ClampedArray<ArrayBufferLike>;
        listenerCount(event: EventEmitterEvents | Change): number;
        listeners(event: EventEmitterEvents | Change): Function[];
        off<T extends EventEmitterEvents | Change>(
            event: T,
            listener: Listener<Change, VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap, T>,
        ): this;
        on<T extends EventEmitterEvents | Change>(
            event: T,
            listener: Listener<Change, VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap, T>,
        ): this;
        once<T extends EventEmitterEvents | Change>(
            event: T,
            listener: Listener<Change, VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap, T>,
        ): this;
        otherPartySupportsMethod(method: string): boolean;
        prependListener<T extends EventEmitterEvents | Change>(
            event: T,
            listener: Listener<Change, VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap, T>,
        ): this;
        prependOnceListener<T extends EventEmitterEvents | Change>(
            event: T,
            listener: Listener<Change, VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap, T>,
        ): this;
        rawListeners(event: EventEmitterEvents | Change): Function[];
        removeAllListeners(event?: EventEmitterEvents | Change): this;
        removeListener<T extends EventEmitterEvents | Change>(
            event: T,
            listener: Listener<Change, VerificationRequestEventHandlerMap, T>,
        ): this;
        scanQRCode(qrCodeData: Uint8ClampedArray): Promise<Verifier>;
        startVerification(method: string): Promise<Verifier>;

    Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)



    • get cancellationCode(): null | string

      If this request has been cancelled, the cancellation code (e.g m.user) which is responsible for cancelling this verification.

      Returns null | string

    • get cancellingUserId(): undefined | string

      The id of the user that cancelled the request.

      Only defined when phase is Cancelled

      Returns undefined | string

    • get initiatedByMe(): boolean

      True if this request was initiated by the local client.

      For in-room verifications, the initiator is who sent the m.key.verification.request event. For to-device verifications, the initiator is who sent the m.key.verification.start event.

      Returns boolean

    • get isSelfVerification(): boolean

      True if the other party in this request is one of this user's own devices.

      Returns boolean

    • get methods(): string[]

      once the phase is Started (and !initiatedByMe) or Ready: common methods supported by both sides

      Returns string[]

    • get otherDeviceId(): undefined | string

      For verifications via to-device messages: the ID of the other device. Otherwise, undefined.

      Returns undefined | string

    • get pending(): boolean

      True if the request has sent its initial event and needs more events to complete (ie it is in phase Requested, Ready or Started).

      Returns boolean

    • get roomId(): undefined | string

      For an in-room verification, the ID of the room.

      For to-device verifictions, undefined.

      Returns undefined | string

    • get timeout(): null | number

      The remaining number of ms before the request will be automatically cancelled.

      null indicates that there is no timeout

      Returns null | number

    • get transactionId(): undefined | string

      Unique ID for this verification request.

      An ID isn't assigned until the first message is sent, so this may be undefined in the early phases.

      Returns undefined | string


    • Create a Verifier to do this verification via a particular method.

      If a verifier has already been created for this request, returns that verifier.

      This does not send the m.key.verification.start event - to do so, call Verifier.verify on the returned verifier.

      If no previous events have been sent, pass in targetDevice to set who to direct this request to.


      • method: string

        the name of the verification method to use.

      • OptionaltargetDevice: { deviceId?: string; userId?: string }

        details of where to send the request to.

      Returns Verifier

      The verifier which will do the actual verification.

    • Cancels the request, sending a cancellation to the other party


      • Optionalparams: { code?: string; reason?: string }

        Details for the cancellation, including reason (defaults to "User declined"), and code (defaults to m.user). Deprecated: this parameter is ignored by the Rust cryptography implementation.

      Returns Promise<void>

      Promise which resolves when the event has been sent.

    • Checks whether the other party supports a given verification method. This is useful when setting up the QR code UI, as it is somewhat asymmetrical: if the other party supports SCAN_QR, we should show a QR code in the UI, and vice versa. For methods that need to be supported by both ends, use the methods property.


      • method: string

        the method to check

      Returns boolean

      true if the other party said they supported the method

    • Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.

      It is bad practice to remove listeners added elsewhere in the code, particularly when the EventEmitter instance was created by some other component or module (e.g. sockets or file streams).


      Returns this

      a reference to the EventEmitter, so that calls can be chained.

    • Send an m.key.verification.start event to start verification via a particular method.

      This is normally used when starting a verification via emojis (ie, method is set to


      • method: string

        the name of the verification method to use.

      Returns Promise<Verifier>

      The verifier which will do the actual verification.