
    Enumeration VerificationPhase

    The current phase of a verification request.


    Enumeration Members

    Cancelled: 5

    An m.key.verification.cancel event has been sent or received at any time before the done event, cancelling the verification request

    Done: 6

    The verification request is complete.

    Normally this means that m.key.verification.done events have been sent and received.

    Ready: 3

    An m.key.verification.ready event has been sent or received, indicating the verification request is accepted.

    Requested: 2

    An m.key.verification.request event has been sent or received

    Started: 4

    The verification is in flight.

    This means that an m.key.verification.start event has been sent or received, choosing a verification method; however the verification has not yet completed or been cancelled.

    Unsent: 1

    Initial state: no event yet exchanged