
    Class AllDevicesIsolationMode

    A type of DeviceIsolationMode.

    Message encryption keys are shared with all devices in the room, except in case of verified user problems (see errorOnVerifiedUserProblems).

    Events from all senders are always decrypted (and should be decorated with message shields in case of authenticity warnings, see EventEncryptionInfo).



    • Parameters

      • errorOnVerifiedUserProblems: boolean

        Behavior when sharing keys to remote devices.

        If set to true, sharing keys will fail (i.e. message sending will fail) with an error if:

        • The user was previously verified but is not anymore, or:
        • A verified user has some unverified devices (not cross-signed).

        If false, the keys will be distributed as usual. In this case, the client UX should display warnings to inform the user about problematic devices/users, and stop them hitting this case.

      Returns AllDevicesIsolationMode


    errorOnVerifiedUserProblems: boolean

    Behavior when sharing keys to remote devices.

    If set to true, sharing keys will fail (i.e. message sending will fail) with an error if:

    • The user was previously verified but is not anymore, or:
    • A verified user has some unverified devices (not cross-signed).

    If false, the keys will be distributed as usual. In this case, the client UX should display warnings to inform the user about problematic devices/users, and stop them hitting this case.

    kind: AllDevicesIsolationMode = DeviceIsolationModeKind.AllDevicesIsolationMode