
    Interface IStartClientOpts

    interface IStartClientOpts {
        clientWellKnownPollPeriod?: number;
        disablePresence?: boolean;
        filter?: Filter;
        includeArchivedRooms?: boolean;
        initialSyncLimit?: number;
        lazyLoadMembers?: boolean;
        pendingEventOrdering?: PendingEventOrdering;
        pollTimeout?: number;
        resolveInvitesToProfiles?: boolean;
        slidingSync?: SlidingSync;
        threadSupport?: boolean;

    Hierarchy (View Summary)



    clientWellKnownPollPeriod?: number

    The number of seconds between polls to /.well-known/matrix/client, undefined to disable. This should be in the order of hours. Default: undefined.

    disablePresence?: boolean

    True to perform syncing without automatically updating presence.

    filter?: Filter

    The filter to apply to /sync calls.

    includeArchivedRooms?: boolean

    True to put archived=true</code> on the <code>/initialSync request. Default: false.

    initialSyncLimit?: number

    The event limit= to apply to initial sync. Default: 8.

    lazyLoadMembers?: boolean

    True to not load all membership events during initial sync but fetch them when needed by calling loadOutOfBandMembers This will override the filter option at this moment.

    pendingEventOrdering?: PendingEventOrdering

    Controls where pending messages appear in a room's timeline. If "chronological", messages will appear in the timeline when the call to sendEvent was made. If "detached", pending messages will appear in a separate list, accessible via Room#getPendingEvents. Default: "chronological".

    pollTimeout?: number

    The number of milliseconds to wait on /sync. Default: 30000 (30 seconds).

    resolveInvitesToProfiles?: boolean

    True to do /profile requests on every invite event if the displayname/avatar_url is not known for this user ID. Default: false.

    slidingSync?: SlidingSync
    threadSupport?: boolean

    Will organises events in threaded conversations when a thread relation is encountered