
Setting up

To bridge Figma webhooks with Hookshot, you will need:

  • A personal access token with admin access to the team you intend to bridge.
  • A figma account that is on the professional tier, as the free tier does provide webhook access.
  • Your team ID. You can get this by going to the team page on Figma, and looking for the ID in the url (e.g. 12345 in


You can now set some configuration in the bridge config.yml

figma: publicUrl: instances: your-instance: teamId: your-team-id accessToken: your-personal-access-token passcode: your-webhook-passcode

your-instance should be a friendly name for your instance E.g. matrix-dot-org.

The publicUrl value must be the public path to /figma/webhook on the webhooks listener. E.g. if your load balancer points to the bridge's webhooks listener, you should use the path

The accessToken should be the personal access token for your account.

The passcode should be a randomly generated code which is used to authenticate requests from Figma.

The bridge will automatically set up a webhook on Figma for you upon startup, and will automatically reconfigure that webhook if the publicUrl or passcode changes.

Next steps

If you have followed these steps correctly, Figma should now be configured with hookshot đŸĨŗ.

To bridge a figma file into your room, you should:

  • Invite the bot user to the room.
  • Make sure the bot able to send state events (usually the Moderator power level in clients)
  • Say !hookshot figma file fileUrl where fileUrl is the URL to the figma file e.g
  • Figma comments will now be bridged into the room.