Constructor will always fail. To create a new OlmMachine
, please use
the initialize
Why this pattern? initialize
returns a Promise
. Returning a
deviceThe time, in milliseconds since the unix epoch, at which the Account
backing this OlmMachine
was created.
An Account
is created when an OlmMachine
is first instantiated
against a given Store
, at which point it creates identity keys etc.
This method returns the timestamp, according to the local clock, at
which that happened.
deviceThe unique device ID that identifies this OlmMachine
displayGet the display name of our own device.
identityGet the public parts of our Olm identity keys.
Whether room key forwarding is enabled.
If room key forwarding is enabled, we will automatically reply to
incoming m.room_key_request
messages from verified devices by
forwarding the requested key (if we have it).
Whether automatic transmission of room key requests is enabled.
Room key requests allow the device to request room keys that it might
have missed in the original share using m.room_key_request
userThe unique user ID that owns this OlmMachine
Encrypt a batch of room keys and return a request that needs to be sent out to backup the room keys.
Returns an optional KeysBackupRequest.
Create a new cross signing identity and get the upload request to push the new public keys to the server.
Warning: This will delete any existing cross signing keys that might exist on the server and thus will reset the trust between all the devices.
Uploading these keys will require user interactive auth.
, whether the method should create a new identity or use the
existing one during the request. If set to true, the request will
attempt to upload a new identity. If set to false, the request will
attempt to upload the existing identity. Since the uploading process
requires user interactive authentication, which involves sending out
the same request multiple times, setting this argument to false
enables you to reuse the same request.Returns a CrossSigningBootstrapRequests.
Get the status of the private cross signing keys.
This can be used to check which private cross signing keys we have stored locally.
Decrypt an event from a room timeline.
, the event that should be decrypted.room_id
, the ID of the room where the event was sent to.A Promise
which resolves to a DecryptedRoomEvent instance, or
rejects with a MegolmDecryptionError instance.
Manage dehydrated devices
Delete all secrets with the given secret name from the inbox.
Should be called after handling the secrets with
- The name of the secret to delete.Activate the given backup key to be used with the given backup version.
Warning: The caller needs to make sure that the given BackupKey
trusted, otherwise we might be encrypting room keys that a malicious
party could decrypt.
The verifyBackup method can be used to do so.
Returns Promise<void>
Encrypt a room message for the given room.
Note: A room key needs to be shared with the group of users that are members in the given room. If this is not done this method will panic.
The usual flow to encrypt an event using this state machine is as follows:
Get the one-time key claim request to establish 1:1 Olm sessions for
the room members of the room we wish to participate in. This is done
using the get_missing_sessions()
method. This method call should be locked per call.
Share a room key with all the room members using the
. This method call should
be locked per room.
Encrypt the event using this method.
Send the encrypted event to the server.
After the room key is shared steps 1 and 2 will become noops, unless there's some changes in the room membership or in the list of devices a member has.
is the ID of the room for which the message should
be encrypted. event_type
is the type of the event. content
is the plaintext content of the message that should be
Panics if a group session for the given room wasn't shared beforehand.
Export all the private cross signing keys we have.
The export will contain the seeds for the ed25519 keys as unpadded base64 encoded strings.
Returns null
if we don’t have any private cross signing keys;
otherwise returns a CrossSigningKeyExport
Export the keys that match the given predicate.
is a closure that will be called for every known
, which represents a room key. If the closure
returns true
, the InboundGroupSession
will be included in the
export; otherwise it won't.
Returns a Promise containing a Result containing a String which is a JSON-encoded array of ExportedRoomKey objects.
Export all the secrets we have in the store into a SecretsBundle.
This method will export all the private cross-signing keys and, if available, the private part of a backup key and its accompanying version.
The method will fail if we don't have all three private cross-signing keys available.
Warning: Only export this and share it with a trusted recipient, i.e. if an existing device is sharing this with a new device.
Get the backup keys we have saved in our store.
Returns a Promise
for BackupKeys.
Get a specific device of a user.
- The unique ID of the user that the device belongs to.
- The unique ID of the device.
- The amount of time we should wait for a /keys/query
response before returning if the user's device list has been marked as
stale. Note, this assumes that the requests from OlmMachine.outgoingRequests are being processed and sent out.
If unset, we will return immediately even if the device list is stale.
If the device is known, a Device. Otherwise, undefined
Get the cross signing user identity of a user.
Returns a promise for an OwnUserIdentity, a
OtherUserIdentity, or undefined
Get the a key claiming request for the user/device pairs that we are missing Olm sessions for.
Returns null
if no key claiming request needs to be sent
out, otherwise it returns a KeysClaimRequest
Sessions need to be established between devices so group sessions for a room can be shared with them.
This should be called every time a group session needs to be shared as well as between sync calls. After a sync some devices may request room keys without us having a valid Olm session with them, making it impossible to server the room key request, thus it’s necessary to check for missing sessions between sync as well.
Note: Care should be taken that only one such request at a time is in flight, e.g. using a lock.
The response of a successful key claiming requests needs to be
passed to the OlmMachine
with the mark_request_as_sent
represents the list of users that we should check if
we lack a session with one of their devices. This can be an
empty iterator when calling this method between sync requests.
Items inside users
will be invalidated by this method. Be careful not
to use the UserId
s after this method has been called.
Get encryption info for a decrypted timeline event.
This recalculates the EncryptionInfo
data that is returned by
, based on the current
verification status of the sender, etc.
Returns an error for an unencrypted event.
- The event to get information for.room_id
- The ID of the room where the event was sent to.Get the stored room settings, such as the encryption algorithm or whether to encrypt only for trusted devices.
These settings can be modified via setRoomSettings.
Get all the secrets with the given secret_name we have currently
The only secret this will currently return is the
Usually you would just register a callback with
], but if the client is shut down
before handling them, this method can be used to retrieve them.
This method should therefore be called at client startup to retrieve any
secrets received during the previous session.
The secrets are guaranteed to have been received over a 1-to-1 encrypted to_device message from one of the user's own verified devices.
Returns a Promise
for a Set
of String
corresponding to the secret
If the secret is valid and handled, the secret inbox should be cleared
by calling delete_secrets_from_inbox
Get a map holding all the devices of a user.
- The unique ID of the user that the device belongs to.
- The amount of time we should wait for a /keys/query
response before returning if the user's device list has been marked as
stale. Note, this assumes that the requests from OlmMachine.outgoingRequests are being processed and sent out.
If unset, we will return immediately even if the device list is stale.
A UserDevices object.
timeout_secs: null | numberOptional
timeout_secs: null | numberGet a verification object for the given user ID with the given flow ID (a to-device request ID if the verification has been requested by a to-device request, or a room event ID if the verification has been requested by a room event).
It returns a “Verification
object”, which is either a Sas
or Qr
Get a verification request object with the given flow ID.
Import the given room keys into our store.
: keys that were retrieved from backup and that
should be added to our store (provided they are better than our
current versions of those keys). Specifically, it should be a Map from
RoomId, to a Map from session ID to a (decrypted) session data
: an optional callback that takes 3 arguments:
(the number of keys that have successfully been imported),
(the total number of keys), and failures
(the number of keys
that failed to import), and returns nothing.
Import our private cross signing keys.
The keys should be provided as unpadded-base64-encoded strings.
Returns a CrossSigningStatus
master_key: null | stringOptional
self_signing_key: null | stringOptional
user_signing_key: null | stringOptional
master_key: null | stringOptional
self_signing_key: null | stringOptional
user_signing_key: null | stringImport the given room keys into our store.
is a JSON-encoded list of previously exported keys that
should be imported into our store. If we already have a better
version of a key, the key will not be imported.
is a closure that takes 2 BigInt
and total
, and returns nothing.
Returns a RoomKeyImportResult.
Import the given room keys into our store.
Mostly, a deprecated alias for importExportedRoomKeys
, though the
return type is different.
Returns a String containing a JSON-encoded object, holding three properties:
(the total number of keys found in the export data).imported_count
(the number of keys that were imported).keys
(the keys that were imported; a map from room id to a map of
the sender key to a list of session ids).Import and persists secrets from a SecretsBundle.
This method will import all the private cross-signing keys and, if available, the private part of a backup key and its accompanying version into the store.
Warning: Only import this from a trusted source, i.e. if an existing device is sharing this with a new device. The imported cross-signing keys will create a OwnUserIdentity and mark it as verified.
The backup key will be persisted in the store and can be enabled using the BackupMachine.
The provided SecretsBundle
is freed by this method; be careful not to
use it once this method has been called.
Invalidate the currently active outbound group session for the given room.
Returns true if a session was invalidated, false if there was no session to invalidate.
Mark the request with the given request ID as sent (see
Arguments are:
represents the unique ID of the request that was sent
out. This is needed to couple the response with the now sent out
represents the type of the request that was sent out.response
represents the response that was received from the server
after the outgoing request was sent out.Get the outgoing requests that need to be sent out.
This returns a list of values, each of which can be any of:
Those requests need to be sent out to the server and the responses need to be passed back to the state machine using OlmMachine.markRequestAsSent.
Generate an "out-of-band" key query request for the given set of users.
This can be useful if we need the results from getIdentity
to be as up-to-date as possible.
Returns a KeysQueryRequest
object. The response of the request should
be passed to the OlmMachine
with the mark_request_as_sent
Items inside users
will be invalidated by this method. Be careful not
to use the UserId
s after this method has been called.
Handle to-device events and one-time key counts from a sync response.
This will decrypt and handle to-device events returning the decrypted versions of them.
To decrypt an event from the room timeline call
: the JSON-encoded to-device evens from the /sync
: the mapping of changed and left devices, from the
: The number of one-time keys on the server,
from the /sync
response. A Map
from string (encryption algorithm)
to number (number of keys).unused_fallback_keys
: Optionally, a Set
of unused fallback keys on
the server, from the /sync
response. If this is set, it is used to
determine if new fallback keys should be uploaded.A list of JSON strings, containing the decrypted to-device events.
unused_fallback_keys: null | Set<any>Optional
unused_fallback_keys: null | Set<string>Receive a verification event.
This method can be used to pass verification events that are happening
in rooms to the OlmMachine
. The event should be in the decrypted form.
Register a callback which will be called whenever there is an update to a device.
should be a function that takes a single argument (an array
of user IDs as strings) and returns a Promise.
Register a callback which will be called whenever a secret
) is received.
The only secret this will currently broadcast is the
(the cross signing secrets are handled internally).
To request a secret from other devices, a client sends an
device event with action
set to request
set to the identifier of the secret. A device that wishes to
share the secret will reply with an m.secret.send
event, encrypted
using olm.
The secrets are guaranteed to have been received over a 1-to-1 encrypted to_device message from a one of the user's own verified devices.
See for more information.
should be a function that takes 2 arguments: the secret name
(string) and value (string).
Note: if the secret is valid and handled on the javascript side, the
secret inbox should be cleared by calling
Register a callback which will be called whenever we receive a notification that some room keys have been withheld.
should be a function that takes a single argument (an array
of RoomKeyWithheldInfo) and returns a Promise.
Register a callback which will be called whenever there is an update to a room key.
should be a function that takes a single argument (an array
of RoomKeyInfo) and returns a Promise.
Register a callback which will be called whenever there is an update to a user identity.
should be a function that takes a single argument (a UserId) and returns a Promise.
Request missing local secrets from our other trusted devices.
"Local secrets" refers to secrets which can be shared between trusted devices, such as private cross-signing keys, and the megolm backup decryption key.
This method will cause the sdk to generated outgoing secret requests
) to get the missing secrets. These requests will
then be returned by a future call to OlmMachine#outgoingRequests.
A Promise
for a bool
result, which will be true if secrets were
missing, and a request was generated.
Get the number of backed up room keys and the total number of room keys. Returns a RoomKeyCounts.
Store the backup decryption key in the crypto store.
This is useful if the client wants to support gossiping of the backup key.
Returns Promise<void>
Store encryption settings for the given room.
This method checks if the new settings are "safe" -- ie, that they do not represent a downgrade in encryption security from any previous settings. Attempts to downgrade security will result in an error.
If the settings are valid, they will be persisted to the crypto store. These settings are not used directly by this library, but the saved settings can be retrieved via getRoomSettings.
Get to-device requests to share a room key with users in a room.
is the room ID. users
is an array of UserId
objects. encryption_settings
are an EncryptionSettings
Note: Care should be taken that only one such request at a time is in flight for the same room, e.g. using a lock.
Returns an array of ToDeviceRequest
Items inside users
will be invalidated by this method. Be careful not
to use the UserId
s after this method has been called.
Sign the given message using our device key and if available cross-signing master key.
Get the list of users whose devices we are currently tracking.
A user can be marked for tracking using the
Returns a Set<UserId>
Update the list of tracked users.
The OlmMachine maintains a list of users whose devices we are keeping track of: these are known as "tracked users". These must be users that we share a room with, so that the server sends us updates for their device lists.
- An array of user ids that should be added to the list of
tracked usersAny users that hadn't been seen before will be flagged for a key query
immediately, and whenever receive_sync_changes
receives a
"changed" notification for that user in the future.
Users that were already in the list are unaffected.
Items inside users
will be invalidated by this method. Be careful not
to use the UserId
s after this method has been called.
Check if the given backup has been verified by us or by another of our devices that we trust.
The backup_info
should be a Javascript object with the following
"algorithm": "m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2",
"auth_data": {
"signatures": {}
Returns a SignatureVerification object.
decryptTry to decrypt a reader into a list of exported room keys.
is the result from
. passphrase
is the passphrase that was
used when calling encrypt_exported_room_keys
encryptEncrypt the list of exported room keys using the given passphrase.
is a list of sessions that should be encrypted
(it's generally returned by export_room_keys
). passphrase
is the
passphrase that will be used to encrypt the exported room keys. And
is the number of rounds that should be used for the key
derivation when the passphrase gets turned into an AES key. More rounds
are increasingly computationnally intensive and as such help against
brute-force attacks. Should be at least 10_000
, while values in the
ranges should be preferred.
initCreate a new OlmMachine
backed by an existing store.
- represents the unique ID of the user that owns this
- represents the unique ID of the device
that owns this machine.
- the connection to the crypto store to be used for
this machine.
initializeCreate a new OlmMachine
The created machine will keep the encryption keys either in a IndexedDB based store, or in a memory store and once the objects is dropped, the keys will be lost.
- represents the unique ID of the user that owns this
- represents the unique ID of the device
that owns this machine.
- The name that should be used to open the IndexedDB
based database. If this isn't provided, a memory-only store will be
used. Note the memory-only store will lose your E2EE keys when the
gets dropped.
- The passphrase that should be used to encrypt the
IndexedDB-based store.
State machine implementation of the Olm/Megolm encryption protocol used for Matrix end to end encryption.