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Welcome to the WebAssembly + JavaScript binding for the Rust matrix-sdk-crypto library! WebAssembly can run anywhere, but these bindings are designed to run on a JavaScript host. These bindings are part of the matrix-rust-sdk project, which is a library implementation of a Matrix client-server.

matrix-sdk-crypto is a no-network-IO implementation of a state machine, named OlmMachine, that handles E2EE (End-to-End Encryption) for Matrix clients.


  1. Install in your project:

    npm install --save @matrix-org/matrix-sdk-crypto-wasm


    yarn add @matrix-org/matrix-sdk-crypto-wasm
  2. Import the library into your project and initialise it.

    It is recommended that you use a dynamic import, particularly in a Web environment, because the WASM artifiact is large:

    async function loadCrypto(userId, deviceId) {
    const matrixSdkCrypto = await import("@matrix-org/matrix-sdk-crypto-wasm");
    await matrixSdkCrypto.initAsync();

    // Optional: enable tracing in the rust-sdk
    new matrixSdkCrypto.Tracing(matrixSdkCrypto.LoggerLevel.Trace).turnOn();

    // Create a new OlmMachine
    // The following will use an in-memory store. It is recommended to use
    // indexedDB where that is available.
    // See https://matrix-org.github.io/matrix-rust-sdk-crypto-wasm/classes/OlmMachine.html#initialize
    const olmMachine = await matrixSdkCrypto.OlmMachine.initialize(
    new matrixSdkCrypto.UserId(userId),
    new matrixSdkCrypto.DeviceId(deviceId),

    return olmMachine;


These WebAssembly bindings are written in Rust. To build them, you need to install the Rust compiler, see the Install Rust Page. Then, the workflow is pretty classical by using yarn, see the Downloading and installing Node.js and npm Page and installing yarn.

Once the Rust compiler, Node.js and yarn are installed, you can run the following commands:

$ yarn install
$ yarn build # or 'yarn build:dev' to make an unoptimised build
$ yarn test

The compiled output should be generated in the pkg/ directory.

Local development with matrix-rust-sdk

To build based on a local matrix-rust-sdk, add something like this to your .cargo/config file:

matrix-sdk-base = { path = "../matrix-rust-sdk/crates/matrix-sdk-base" }
matrix-sdk-common = { path = "../matrix-rust-sdk/crates/matrix-sdk-common" }
matrix-sdk-crypto = { path = "../matrix-rust-sdk/crates/matrix-sdk-crypto" }
matrix-sdk-indexeddb = { path = "../matrix-rust-sdk/crates/matrix-sdk-indexeddb" }
matrix-sdk-qrcode = { path = "../matrix-rust-sdk/crates/matrix-sdk-qrcode" }


The documentation can be found online.

To generate the documentation locally, please run the following command:

$ yarn doc

The documentation is generated in the ./docs directory.


Thank you! See the contributing doc for more info.

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