This documentation site is for the versions of Synapse maintained by the Foundation (, available under the Apache 2.0 licence.
Contributions are welcome! Synapse is primarily written in
Python. As a developer, you may be interested in the
following documentation:
Read the Contributing Guide. It is meant
to walk new contributors through the process of developing and submitting a
change to the Synapse codebase (which is hosted on
Want to help keep Synapse going but don't know how to code? Synapse is a Foundation project. Consider becoming a
supporter on Liberapay,
Patreon or through
PayPal via a one-time donation.
If you are an organisation or enterprise and would like to sponsor development,
reach out to us over email at: support (at)
If you've found a security issue in Synapse or any other Foundation
project, please report it to us in accordance with our Security Disclosure
Policy. Thank you!