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List of Qr states


Enumeration Members

Cancelled: 5

Verification cancelled or failed.

Confirmed: 2

Our user has confirmed that the other device scanned successfully. We have sent an m.key.verification.done.

Created: 0

We have received the other device's details (from the m.key.verification.request or m.key.verification.ready) and established the shared secret, so can display the QR code.

Done: 4

Verification complete: we have received an m.key.verification.done from the other side.

Reciprocated: 3

We have scanned the other side's QR code and are able to send a m.key.verification.start message with method: m.reciprocate.v1.

Call Qr::reciprocate to build the start message.

Note that, despite the name of this state, we have not necessarily yet sent the m.reciprocate.v1 message.

Scanned: 1

The other side has scanned our QR code and sent an m.key.verification.start message with method: m.reciprocate.v1 with matching shared secret.

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