Tests for equality between two [CollectStrategy
allShare with all (unblacklisted) devices.
deviceDevice based sharing strategy.
@deprecated: use one of allDevices, errorOnUnverifiedUserProblem or onlyTrustedDevices.
errorShare with all devices, except that errors for verified users cause sharing to fail with an error.
In this strategy, if a verified user has an unsigned device, or a verified user has replaced their identity, key sharing will fail with an error.
Otherwise, keys are shared with unsigned devices as normal.
Once the problematic devices are blacklisted or whitelisted the caller can try sharing a second time.
identityShare based on identity. Only distribute to devices signed by their owner. If a user has no published identity he will not receive any room keys.
onlyOnly share keys with devices that we "trust". A device is trusted if any of the following is true: - It was manually marked as trusted. - It was marked as verified via interactive verification. - It is signed by its owner identity, and this identity has been trusted via interactive verification. - It is the current own device of the user.
Strategy to collect the devices that should receive room keys for the current discussion.