
    Class MatrixClient

    Represents a Matrix Client. Only directly construct this if you want to use custom modules. Normally, createClient should be used as it specifies 'sensible' defaults for these modules.

    Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)






    _unstable_getDelayedEvents _unstable_getSharedRooms _unstable_sendDelayedEvent _unstable_sendDelayedStateEvent _unstable_updateDelayedEvent addListener addPushRule addThreePidOnly agreeToTerms backPaginateRoomEventsSearch ban bindThreePid buildSyncApiOptions bulkLookupThreePids cancelPendingEvent cancelUpload checkTurnServers claimOneTimeKeys clearStores createAlias createCall createFilter createGroupCall createMessagesRequest createRoom createThreadListMessagesRequest deactivateAccount deactivateSynapseUser decryptEventIfNeeded deleteAccountData deleteAlias deleteDevice deleteExtendedProfileProperty deleteKeysFromBackup deleteMultipleDevices deletePushRule deleteRoomTag deleteThreePid doesServerForceEncryptionForPreset doesServerSupportExtendedProfiles doesServerSupportThread doesServerSupportUnstableFeature downloadKeysForUsers emit emitPromised encryptAndSendEvent fetchCapabilities fetchClientWellKnown fetchRelations fetchRoomEvent forget generateClientSecret getAccessToken getAccountData getAccountDataFromServer getAuthIssuer getAuthMetadata getCachedCapabilities getCanResetTimelineCallback getCapabilities getCasLoginUrl getClientWellKnown getCrypto getCurrentUploads getDevice getDeviceId getDevices getDomain getEventMapper getEventTimeline getExtendedProfile getExtendedProfileProperty getFallbackAuthUrl getFilter getGroupCallForRoom getHomeserverUrl getIdentityAccount getIdentityHashDetails getIdentityServerUrl getIgnoredUsers getJoinedRoomMembers getJoinedRooms getKeyChanges getLatestTimeline getLivekitServiceURL getLocalAliases getMediaConfig getMediaHandler getNotifTimelineSet getOpenIdToken getOrCreateFilter getPresence getProfileInfo getPushActionsForEvent getPushDetailsForEvent getPushers getPushRules getRefreshToken getRoom getRoomDirectoryVisibility getRoomHierarchy getRoomIdForAlias getRoomPushRule getRooms getRoomSummary getRoomTags getRoomUpgradeHistory getSafeUserId getScheduler getSessionId getSsoLoginUrl getStateEvent getSyncState getSyncStateData getTerms getThirdpartyLocation getThirdpartyProtocols getThirdpartyUser getThreadTimeline getThreePids getTurnServers getTurnServersExpiry getUrlPreview getUseE2eForGroupCall getUser getUserId getUserIdLocalpart getUsers getVersions getVisibleRooms hasLazyLoadMembersEnabled identityHashedLookup initRustCrypto invite inviteByEmail inviteByThreePid isFallbackICEServerAllowed isGuest isInitialSyncComplete isKeyBackupKeyStored isLoggedIn isRoomEncrypted isSynapseAdministrator isUserIgnored isUsernameAvailable isVersionSupported joinRoom kick knockRoom leave leaveRoomChain listenerCount listeners login loginFlows loginRequest loginWithPassword loginWithToken logout lookupThreePid makeTxnId members mxcUrlToHttp off on once paginateEventTimeline patchExtendedProfile peekInRoom prependListener prependOnceListener processAggregatedTimelineEvents processBeaconEvents processRoomEventsSearch processThreadEvents processThreadRoots publicRooms queueToDevice rawListeners redactEvent refreshToken register registerGuest registerRequest registerWithIdentityServer relations removeAllListeners removeListener removePusher reportEvent reportRoom requestAdd3pidEmailToken requestAdd3pidMsisdnToken requestEmailToken requestLoginToken requestMsisdnToken requestPasswordEmailToken requestPasswordMsisdnToken requestRegisterEmailToken requestRegisterMsisdnToken resendEvent resetNotifTimelineSet retryImmediately roomInitialSync roomState scrollback search searchMessageText searchRoomEvents searchUserDirectory sendEmoteMessage sendEvent sendHtmlEmote sendHtmlMessage sendHtmlNotice sendImageMessage sendMessage sendNotice sendReadReceipt sendReceipt sendStateEvent sendStickerMessage sendTextMessage sendToDevice sendTyping setAccessToken setAccountData setAccountDataRaw setAvatarUrl setCanResetTimelineCallback setDeviceDetails setDisplayName setExtendedProfile setExtendedProfileProperty setFallbackICEServerAllowed setForceTURN setGuest setGuestAccess setIdentityServerUrl setIgnoredUsers setLivekitServiceURL setLocalNotificationSettings setNotifTimelineSet setPassword setPowerLevel setPresence setProfileInfo setPusher setPushRuleActions setPushRuleEnabled setPushRules setRoomAccountData setRoomDirectoryVisibility setRoomMutePushRule setRoomName setRoomReadMarkers setRoomReadMarkersHttpRequest setRoomTag setRoomTopic setSupportsCallTransfer setSyncPresence slidingSync startClient stopClient stopPeeking storeClientOptions submitMsisdnToken submitMsisdnTokenOtherUrl supportsIntentionalMentions supportsThreads supportsVoip syncLeftRooms timestampToEvent turnServer unban unbindThreePid unstable_createLiveBeacon unstable_setLiveBeacon unstableCreateFileTree unstableGetFileTreeSpace updatePendingEventStatus upgradeRoom uploadContent uploadDeviceSigningKeys uploadKeySignatures uploadKeysRequest waitForClientWellKnown waitUntilRoomReadyForGroupCalls whoami whoisSynapseUser



    baseUrl: string
    callEventHandler?: CallEventHandler
    canResetTimelineCallback?: ResetTimelineCallback
    canSupport: Map<Feature, ServerSupport> = ...
    canSupportVoip: boolean = false
    checkTurnServersIntervalID?: Timeout
    clientOpts?: IStoredClientOpts
    clientRunning: boolean = false
    clientWellKnown?: IClientWellKnown
    clientWellKnownIntervalID?: Timeout
    clientWellKnownPromise?: Promise<IClientWellKnown>
    credentials: { userId: null | string }
    cryptoCallbacks: CryptoCallbacks
    deviceId: null | string
    fallbackICEServerAllowed: boolean = false
    forceTURN: boolean = false
    groupCallEventHandler?: GroupCallEventHandler
    http: MatrixHttpApi<IHttpOpts & { onlyData: true }>
    iceCandidatePoolSize: number = 0
    idBaseUrl?: string
    identityServer?: IIdentityServerProvider
    ignoredInvites: IgnoredInvites
    isGuestAccount: boolean = false
    isVoipWithNoMediaAllowed: boolean
    livekitServiceURL?: string
    mediaHandler: MediaHandler = ...
    notifTimelineSet: null | EventTimelineSet = null
    olmVersion: null | [number, number, number] = null
    ongoingScrollbacks: {
        [roomId: string]: { errorTs?: number; promise?: Promise<Room> };
    } = {}
    peekSync: null | SyncApi = null
    pushProcessor: PushProcessor = ...
    pushRules?: IPushRules
    roomNameGenerator?: (roomId: string, state: RoomNameState) => null | string
    serverVersionsPromise?: Promise<IServerVersions>
    sessionId: string
    supportsCallTransfer: boolean = false
    syncedLeftRooms: boolean = false
    syncLeftRoomsPromise?: Promise<Room[]>
    timelineSupport: boolean = false
    turnServers: ITurnServer[] = []
    turnServersExpiry: number = 0
    txnCtr: number = 0
    urlPreviewCache: { [key: string]: Promise<IPreviewUrlResponse> } = {}
    useLivekitForGroupCalls: boolean
    usingExternalCrypto: boolean = false
    verificationMethods?: string[]



    • Gets a set of room IDs in common with another user.

      Note: This endpoint is unstable, and can throw an Error. Check progress on MSC2666 for more details.


      • userId: string

        The userId to check.

      Returns Promise<string[]>

      Promise which resolves to an array of rooms

    • Take a result from an earlier searchRoomEvents call, and backfill results.

      Type Parameters


      • searchResults: T

        the results object to be updated

      Returns Promise<T>

      Promise which resolves: updated result object

    • Bind a 3PID for discovery onto an identity server via the homeserver. The identity server handles 3PID ownership validation and the homeserver records the new binding to track where all 3PIDs for the account are bound.


      • data: IBindThreePidBody

        A object with 3PID validation data from having called validate/<medium>/requestToken on the identity server. It should also contain id_server and id_access_token fields as well.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: to an empty object {}

    • Looks up the public Matrix ID mappings for multiple 3PIDs.


      • query: [string, string][]

        Array of arrays containing [medium, address]

      • identityAccessToken: string

        The access_token field of the Identity Server /account/register response (see registerWithIdentityServer).

      Returns Promise<{ threepids: [medium: string, address: string, mxid: string][] }>

      Promise which resolves: Lookup results from IS.

    • Cancel a queued or unsent event.


      Returns void

      Error if the event is not in QUEUED, NOT_SENT or ENCRYPTING state

    • Claim one-time keys


      • devices: [string, string][]

        a list of [userId, deviceId] pairs

      • keyAlgorithm: string = "signed_curve25519"

        desired key type

      • Optionaltimeout: number

        the time (in milliseconds) to wait for keys from remote servers

      Returns Promise<IClaimOTKsResult>

      Promise which resolves: result object. Rejects: with an error response (MatrixError).

    • Clear any data out of the persistent stores used by the client.

      Returns Promise<void>

      Promise which resolves when the stores have been cleared.

    • Create an alias to room ID mapping.


      • alias: string

        The room alias to create.

      • roomId: string

        The room ID to link the alias to.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: an empty object {}

    • Creates a new call. The place*Call methods on the returned call can be used to actually place a call


      • roomId: string

        The room the call is to be placed in.

      Returns null | MatrixCall

      the call or null if the browser doesn't support calling.

    • Makes a request to /messages with the appropriate lazy loading filter set. XXX: if we do get rid of scrollback (as it's not used at the moment), we could inline this method again in paginateEventTimeline as that would then be the only call-site


      • roomId: string
      • fromToken: null | string
      • limit: number = 30

        the maximum amount of events the retrieve

      • dir: Direction

        'f' or 'b'

      • OptionaltimelineFilter: Filter

        the timeline filter to pass

      Returns Promise<IMessagesResponse>

    • Makes a request to /messages with the appropriate lazy loading filter set. XXX: if we do get rid of scrollback (as it's not used at the moment), we could inline this method again in paginateEventTimeline as that would then be the only call-site


      • roomId: string
      • fromToken: null | string
      • limit: number = 30

        the maximum amount of events the retrieve

      • dir: Direction = Direction.Backward

        'f' or 'b'

      • threadListType: null | ThreadFilterType = ThreadFilterType.All
      • OptionaltimelineFilter: Filter

        the timeline filter to pass

      Returns Promise<IMessagesResponse>

    • Deactivates the logged-in account. Obviously, further calls that require authorisation should fail after this method is called. The state of the MatrixClient object is not affected: it is up to the caller to either reset or destroy the MatrixClient after this method succeeds.


      • Optionalauth: AuthDict

        Optional. Auth data to supply for User-Interactive auth.

      • Optionalerase: boolean

        Optional. If set, send as erase attribute in the JSON request body, indicating whether the account should be erased. Defaults to false.

      Returns Promise<{ id_server_unbind_result: IdServerUnbindResult }>

      Promise which resolves: On success, the empty object

    • Delete an alias to room ID mapping. This alias must be on your local server, and you must have sufficient access to do this operation.


      • alias: string

        The room alias to delete.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: an empty object {}.

    • Parameters

      • roomId: undefined
      • sessionId: undefined
      • Optionalversion: string

      Returns Promise<void>

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string
      • sessionId: undefined
      • Optionalversion: string

      Returns Promise<void>

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string
      • sessionId: string
      • Optionalversion: string

      Returns Promise<void>

    • Parameters

      • medium: string

        The threepid medium (eg. 'email')

      • address: string

        The threepid address (eg. '') this must be as returned by getThreePids.

      Returns Promise<{ id_server_unbind_result: IdServerUnbindResult }>

      Promise which resolves: The server response on success (generally the empty JSON object)

    • Query the server to see if it is forcing encryption to be enabled for a given room preset, based on the /versions response.


      • presetName: Preset

        The name of the preset to check.

      Returns Promise<boolean>

      true if the server is forcing encryption for the preset.

    • Determine if the server supports extended profiles, as described by MSC4133.

      Returns Promise<boolean>

      true if supported, otherwise false

    • Query the server to see if it lists support for an unstable feature in the /versions response


      • feature: string

        the feature name

      Returns Promise<boolean>

      true if the feature is supported

    • Download device keys


      • userIds: string[]

        list of users to get keys for

      • token: { token?: string } = {}

        sync token to pass in the query request, to help the HS give the most recent results

      Returns Promise<IDownloadKeyResult>

      Promise which resolves: result object. Rejects: with an error response (MatrixError).

    • Fetches the latest capabilities from the homeserver, ignoring any cached versions. The newly returned version is cached.

      Returns Promise<Capabilities>

      A promise which resolves to the capabilities of the homeserver

    • Fetches relations for a given event


      • roomId: string

        the room of the event

      • eventId: string

        the id of the event

      • relationType: null | string

        the rel_type of the relations requested

      • OptionaleventType: null | string

        the event type of the relations requested

      • opts: IRelationsRequestOpts = ...

        options with optional values for the request.

      Returns Promise<IRelationsResponse>

      the response, with chunk, prev_batch and, next_batch.

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string
      • deleteRoom: boolean = true

        True to delete the room from the store on success. Default: true.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: {} an empty object.

    • Generates a random string suitable for use as a client secret. This method is experimental and may change.

      Returns string

      A new client secret

    • Get the access token associated with this account.

      Returns null | string

      The access_token or null

    • Get account data event of given type for the current user. This variant gets account data directly from the homeserver if the local store is not ready, which can be useful very early in startup before the initial sync.

      Type Parameters


      • eventType: K

        The event type

      Returns Promise<null | AccountDataEvents[K]>

      Promise which resolves: The contents of the given account data event.

    • Experimental

      Get the OIDC issuer responsible for authentication on this server, if any

      Returns Promise<{ issuer: string }>

      Resolves: A promise of an object containing the OIDC issuer if configured

      in favour of getAuthMetadata

    • Experimental

      Discover and validate delegated auth configuration

      • delegated auth issuer openid-configuration is reachable
      • delegated auth issuer openid-configuration is configured correctly for us Fetches /auth_metadata falling back to legacy implementation using /auth_issuer followed by and other files linked therein. When successful, validated metadata is returned

      Returns Promise<OidcClientConfig>

      validated authentication metadata and optionally signing keys

      when delegated auth config is invalid or unreachable

      • part of MSC2965
    • Gets the cached capabilities of the homeserver. If none have been fetched yet, return undefined.

      Returns undefined | Capabilities

      The capabilities of the homeserver

    • Gets the cached capabilities of the homeserver, returning cached ones if available. If there are no cached capabilities and none can be fetched, throw an exception.

      Returns Promise<Capabilities>

      Promise resolving with The capabilities of the homeserver

    • Parameters

      • redirectUrl: string

        The URL to redirect to after the HS authenticates with CAS.

      Returns string

      The HS URL to hit to begin the CAS login process.

    • Access the crypto API for this client.

      If end-to-end encryption has been enabled for this client (via initRustCrypto), returns an object giving access to the crypto API. Otherwise, returns undefined.

      Returns undefined | CryptoApi

    • Get a list of all file uploads in progress

      Returns Upload[]

      Array of objects representing current uploads. Currently in progress is element 0. Keys:

      • promise: The promise associated with the upload
      • loaded: Number of bytes uploaded
      • total: Total number of bytes to upload
    • Get the device ID of this client

      Returns null | string

      device ID

    • Get the domain for this client's MXID

      Returns null | string

      Domain of this MXID

    • Get an EventTimeline for the given event

      If the EventTimelineSet object already has the given event in its store, the corresponding timeline will be returned. Otherwise, a /context request is made, and used to construct an EventTimeline. If the event does not belong to this EventTimelineSet then undefined will be returned.


      • timelineSet: EventTimelineSet

        The timelineSet to look for the event in, must be bound to a room

      • eventId: string

        The ID of the event to look for

      Returns Promise<Optional<EventTimeline>>

      Promise which resolves: EventTimeline including the given event

    • Get the fallback URL to use for unknown interactive-auth stages.


      • loginType: string

        the type of stage being attempted

      • authSessionId: string

        the auth session ID provided by the homeserver

      Returns string

      HS URL to hit to for the fallback interface

    • Retrieve a filter.


      • userId: string

        The user ID of the filter owner

      • filterId: string

        The filter ID to retrieve

      • allowCached: boolean

        True to allow cached filters to be returned. Default: True.

      Returns Promise<Filter>

      Promise which resolves: a Filter object

    • Get an existing group call for the provided room.


      • roomId: string

      Returns null | GroupCall

      The group call or null if it doesn't already exist.

    • Get the Homeserver URL of this client

      Returns string

      Homeserver URL of this client

    • Get account info from the identity server. This is useful as a neutral check to verify that other APIs are likely to approve access by testing that the token is valid, terms have been agreed, etc.


      • identityAccessToken: string

        The access_token field of the Identity Server /account/register response (see registerWithIdentityServer).

      Returns Promise<{ user_id: string }>

      Promise which resolves: an object with account info.

    • Gets the V2 hashing information from the identity server. Primarily useful for lookups.


      • identityAccessToken: string

        The access token for the identity server.

      Returns Promise<{ algorithms: string[]; lookup_pepper: string }>

      The hashing information for the identity server.

    • Get the identity server URL of this client


      • stripProto: boolean = false

        whether or not to strip the protocol from the URL

      Returns undefined | string

      Identity server URL of this client

    • Gets the users that are ignored by this client

      Returns string[]

      The array of users that are ignored (empty if none)

    • Ask the server for a list of users who have changed their device lists between a pair of sync tokens


      • oldToken: string
      • newToken: string

      Returns Promise<{ changed: string[]; left: string[] }>

      Promise which resolves: result object. Rejects: with an error response (MatrixError).

    • Get an EventTimeline for the latest events in the room. This will just call /messages to get the latest message in the room, then use client.getEventTimeline(...) to construct a new timeline from it.


      Returns Promise<Optional<EventTimeline>>

      Promise which resolves: EventTimeline timeline with the latest events in the room

    • Returns undefined | string

    • Gets the local aliases for the room. Note: this includes all local aliases, unlike the curated list from the state event.


      • roomId: string

        The room ID to get local aliases for.

      Returns Promise<{ aliases: string[] }>

      Promise which resolves: an object with an aliases property, containing an array of local aliases

    • Get the config for the media repository.


      • useAuthenticatedMedia: boolean = false

        If true, the caller supports authenticated media and wants an authentication-required URL. Note that server support for authenticated media will not be checked - it is the caller's responsibility to do so before calling this function.

      Returns Promise<IMediaConfig>

      Promise which resolves with an object containing the config.

    • Gets a bearer token from the homeserver that the user can present to a third party in order to prove their ownership of the Matrix account they are logged into.

      Returns Promise<IOpenIDToken>

      Promise which resolves: Token object

    • Parameters

      • userId: string
      • Optionalinfo: string

        The kind of info to retrieve (e.g. 'displayname', 'avatar_url').

      Returns Promise<{ avatar_url?: string; displayname?: string }>

      Promise which resolves: TODO

    • Obtain a dict of actions which should be performed for this event according to the push rules for this user. Caches the dict on the event.


      • event: MatrixEvent

        The event to get push actions for.

      • forceRecalculate: boolean = false

        forces to recalculate actions for an event Useful when an event just got decrypted

      Returns null | IActionsObject

      A dict of actions to perform.

    • Obtain a dict of actions which should be performed for this event according to the push rules for this user. Caches the dict on the event.


      • event: MatrixEvent

        The event to get push actions for.

      • forceRecalculate: boolean = false

        forces to recalculate actions for an event Useful when an event just got decrypted

      Returns null | PushDetails

      A dict of actions to perform.

    • Get the refresh token associated with this account.

      Returns null | string

      The refresh_token or null

    • Get the room for the given room ID. This function will return a valid room for any room for which a Room event has been emitted. Note in particular that other events, eg. RoomState.members will be emitted for a room before this function will return the given room.


      • roomId: undefined | string

        The room ID

      Returns null | Room

      The Room or null if it doesn't exist or there is no data store.

    • Get the visibility of a room in the current HS's room directory


      • roomId: string

      Returns Promise<{ visibility: Visibility }>

      Promise which resolves: TODO

    • Fetches or paginates a room hierarchy asmatrix-js-sdk/spec/unit/matrix-client.spec.ts defined by MSC2946. Falls back gracefully to sourcing its data from getSpaceSummary if this API is not yet supported by the server.


      • roomId: string

        The ID of the space-room to use as the root of the summary.

      • Optionallimit: number

        The maximum number of rooms to return per page.

      • OptionalmaxDepth: number

        The maximum depth in the tree from the root room to return.

      • suggestedOnly: boolean = false

        Whether to only return rooms with suggested=true.

      • OptionalfromToken: string

        The opaque token to paginate a previous request.

      Returns Promise<IRoomHierarchy>

      the response, with next_batch & rooms fields.

    • Get room info for the given alias.


      • alias: string

        The room alias to resolve.

      Returns Promise<{ room_id: string; servers: string[] }>

      Promise which resolves: Object with room_id and servers.

    • Get the room-kind push rule associated with a room.


      • scope: "global" | "device"

        "global" or device-specific.

      • roomId: string

        the id of the room.

      Returns undefined | IPushRule

      the rule or undefined.

    • Retrieve all known rooms.

      Returns Room[]

      A list of rooms, or an empty list if there is no data store.

    • Determines the history of room upgrades for a given room, as far as the client can see. Returns an array of Rooms where the first entry is the oldest and the last entry is the newest (likely current) room. If the provided room is not found, this returns an empty list. This works in both directions, looking for older and newer rooms of the given room.


      • roomId: string

        The room ID to search from

      • verifyLinks: boolean = false

        If true, the function will only return rooms which can be proven to be linked. For example, rooms which have a create event pointing to an old room which the client is not aware of or doesn't have a matching tombstone would not be returned.

      • msc3946ProcessDynamicPredecessor: boolean = false

        if true, look for state events as well as create events, and prefer predecessor events where they exist (MSC3946).

      Returns Room[]

      An array of rooms representing the upgrade history.

    • Get the user-id of the logged-in user

      Returns string

      MXID for the logged-in user

      Error if not logged in

    • Get the session ID of this client

      Returns string

      session ID

    • Parameters

      • redirectUrl: string

        The URL to redirect to after the HS authenticates with the SSO.

      • loginType: string = "sso"

        The type of SSO login we are doing (sso or cas). Defaults to 'sso'.

      • OptionalidpId: string

        The ID of the Identity Provider being targeted, optional.

      • Optionalaction: SSOAction

        the SSO flow to indicate to the IdP, optional.

      Returns string

      The HS URL to hit to begin the SSO login process.

    • Retrieve a state event.


      • roomId: string
      • eventType: string
      • stateKey: string

      Returns Promise<Record<string, any>>

      Promise which resolves: TODO

    • Returns the additional data object associated with the current sync state, or null if there is no such data. Sync errors, if available, are put in the 'error' key of this object.

      Returns null | SyncStateData

    • Get information on how a specific place on a third party protocol may be reached.


      • protocol: string

        The protocol given in getThirdpartyProtocols()

      • params: { searchFields?: string[] }

        Protocol-specific parameters, as given in the response to getThirdpartyProtocols()

      Returns Promise<IThirdPartyLocation[]>

      Promise which resolves to the result object

    • Get the third party protocols that can be reached using this HS

      Returns Promise<{ [protocol: string]: IProtocol }>

      Promise which resolves to the result object

    • Get information on how a specific user on a third party protocol may be reached.


      • protocol: string

        The protocol given in getThirdpartyProtocols()

      • Optionalparams: QueryDict

        Protocol-specific parameters, as given in the response to getThirdpartyProtocols()

      Returns Promise<IThirdPartyUser[]>

      Promise which resolves to the result object

    • Get the unix timestamp (in milliseconds) at which the current TURN credentials (from getTurnServers) expire

      Returns number

      The expiry timestamp in milliseconds

    • Get a preview of the given URL as of (roughly) the given point in time, described as an object with OpenGraph keys and associated values. Attributes may be synthesized where actual OG metadata is lacking. Caches results to prevent hammering the server.


      • url: string

        The URL to get preview data for

      • ts: number

        The preferred point in time that the preview should describe (ms since epoch). The preview returned will either be the most recent one preceding this timestamp if available, or failing that the next most recent available preview.

      Returns Promise<IPreviewUrlResponse>

      Promise which resolves: Object of OG metadata.

    • Returns true if to-device signalling for group calls will be encrypted with Olm. If false, it will be sent unencrypted.

      Returns boolean

      boolean Whether group call signalling will be encrypted

    • Retrieve a user.


      • userId: string

        The user ID to retrieve.

      Returns null | User

      A user or null if there is no data store or the user does not exist.

    • Get the user-id of the logged-in user

      Returns null | string

      MXID for the logged-in user, or null if not logged in

    • Get the local part of the current user ID e.g. "foo" in "@foo:bar".

      Returns null | string

      The user ID localpart or null.

    • Retrieve all known users.

      Returns User[]

      A list of users, or an empty list if there is no data store.

    • Retrieve all rooms that should be displayed to the user This is essentially getRooms() with some rooms filtered out, eg. old versions of rooms that have been replaced or (in future) other rooms that have been marked at the protocol level as not to be displayed to the user.


      • msc3946ProcessDynamicPredecessor: boolean = false

        if true, look for an state event and use it if found (MSC3946).

      Returns Room[]

      A list of rooms, or an empty list if there is no data store.

    • Get if lazy loading members is being used.

      Returns boolean

      Whether or not members are lazy loaded by this client

    • Performs a hashed lookup of addresses against the identity server. This is only supported on identity servers which have at least the version 2 API.


      • addressPairs: [string, string][]

        An array of 2 element arrays. The first element of each pair is the address, the second is the 3PID medium. Eg: ["", "email"]

      • identityAccessToken: string

        The access token for the identity server.

      Returns Promise<{ address: string; mxid: string }[]>

      A collection of address mappings to found MXIDs. Results where no user could be found will not be listed.

    • Initialise support for end-to-end encryption in this client, using the rust matrix-sdk-crypto.

      WARNING: the cryptography stack is not thread-safe. Having multiple MatrixClient instances connected to the same Indexed DB will cause data corruption and decryption failures. The application layer is responsible for ensuring that only one MatrixClient issue is instantiated at a time.


      • args: {
            storageKey?: Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>;
            storagePassword?: string;
            useIndexedDB?: boolean;
        } = {}
        • OptionalstorageKey?: Uint8Array<ArrayBufferLike>

          A key with which to encrypt the indexeddb store. If provided, it must be exactly 32 bytes of data, and must be the same each time the client is initialised for a given device. If both this and storagePassword are unspecified, the store will be unencrypted.

        • OptionalstoragePassword?: string

          An alternative to storageKey. A password which will be used to derive a key to encrypt the store with. Deriving a key from a password is (deliberately) a slow operation, so prefer to pass a storageKey directly where possible.

        • OptionaluseIndexedDB?: boolean

          True to use an indexeddb store, false to use an in-memory store. Defaults to 'true'.

      Returns Promise<void>

      a Promise which will resolve when the crypto layer has been successfully initialised.

    • Invite a user to a room based on their email address.


      • roomId: string

        The room to invite the user to.

      • email: string

        The email address to invite.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: {} an empty object.

    • Invite a user to a room based on a third-party identifier.


      • roomId: string

        The room to invite the user to.

      • medium: string

        The medium to invite the user e.g. "email".

      • address: string

        The address for the specified medium.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: {} an empty object.

    • Get whether to allow a fallback ICE server should be used for negotiating a WebRTC connection if the homeserver doesn't provide any servers. Defaults to false.

      Returns boolean

    • Return whether the client is configured for a guest account.

      Returns boolean

      True if this is a guest access_token (or no token is supplied).

    • Whether the initial sync has completed.

      Returns boolean

      True if at least one sync has happened.

    • Returns boolean

      true if there is a valid access_token for this client.

    • Determines if the current user is an administrator of the Synapse homeserver. Returns false if untrue or the homeserver does not appear to be a Synapse homeserver. This function is implementation specific and may change as a result.

      Returns Promise<boolean>

      true if the user appears to be a Synapse administrator.

    • Gets whether or not a specific user is being ignored by this client.


      • userId: string

        the user ID to check

      Returns boolean

      true if the user is ignored, false otherwise

    • Check whether a username is available prior to registration. An error response indicates an invalid/unavailable username.


      • username: string

        The username to check the availability of.

      Returns Promise<boolean>

      Promise which resolves: to boolean of whether the username is available.

    • Check if a particular spec version is supported by the server.


      • version: string

        The spec version (such as "r0.5.0") to check for.

      Returns Promise<boolean>

      Whether it is supported

    • Join a room. If you have already joined the room, this will no-op.


      • roomIdOrAlias: string

        The room ID or room alias to join.

      • opts: IJoinRoomOpts = {}

        Options when joining the room.

      Returns Promise<Room>

      Promise which resolves: Room object.

    • Knock a room. If you have already knocked the room, this will no-op.


      • roomIdOrAlias: string

        The room ID or room alias to knock.

      • opts: KnockRoomOpts = {}

        Options when knocking the room.

      Returns Promise<{ room_id: string }>

      Promise which resolves: {room_id: {string}}

    • Leaves all rooms in the chain of room upgrades based on the given room. By default, this will leave all the previous and upgraded rooms, including the given room. To only leave the given room and any previous rooms, keeping the upgraded (modern) rooms untouched supply false to includeFuture.


      • roomId: string

        The room ID to start leaving at

      • includeFuture: boolean = true

        If true, the whole chain (past and future) of upgraded rooms will be left.

      Returns Promise<{ [roomId: string]: null | Error | MatrixError }>

      Promise which resolves when completed with an object keyed by room ID and value of the error encountered when leaving or null.

    • Logs out the current session. Obviously, further calls that require authorisation should fail after this method is called. The state of the MatrixClient object is not affected: it is up to the caller to either reset or destroy the MatrixClient after this method succeeds.


      • stopClient: boolean = false

        whether to stop the client before calling /logout to prevent invalid token errors.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: On success, the empty object {}

    • Looks up the public Matrix ID mapping for a given 3rd party identifier from the identity server


      • medium: string

        The medium of the threepid, eg. 'email'

      • address: string

        The textual address of the threepid

      • identityAccessToken: string

        The access_token field of the Identity Server /account/register response (see registerWithIdentityServer).

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject | { address: string; medium: string; mxid: string }>

      Promise which resolves: A threepid mapping object or the empty object if no mapping exists

    • Make up a new transaction id

      Returns string

      a new, unique, transaction id

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string
      • OptionalincludeMembership: string

        the membership type to include in the response

      • OptionalexcludeMembership: string

        the membership type to exclude from the response

      • OptionalatEventId: string

        the id of the event for which moment in the timeline the members should be returned for

      Returns Promise<{ [userId: string]: IStateEventWithRoomId[] }>

      Promise which resolves: dictionary of userid to profile information

    • Turn an MXC URL into an HTTP one. This method is experimental and may change.


      • mxcUrl: string

        The MXC URL

      • Optionalwidth: number

        The desired width of the thumbnail.

      • Optionalheight: number

        The desired height of the thumbnail.

      • OptionalresizeMethod: string

        The thumbnail resize method to use, either "crop" or "scale".

      • OptionalallowDirectLinks: boolean

        If true, return any non-mxc URLs directly. Fetching such URLs will leak information about the user to anyone they share a room with. If false, will return null for such URLs.

      • OptionalallowRedirects: boolean

        If true, the caller supports the URL being 307 or 308 redirected to another resource upon request. If false, redirects are not expected. Implied true when useAuthentication is true.

      • OptionaluseAuthentication: boolean

        If true, the caller supports authenticated media and wants an authentication-required URL. Note that server support for authenticated media will not be checked - it is the caller's responsibility to do so before calling this function. Note also that useAuthentication implies allowRedirects. Defaults to false (unauthenticated endpoints).

      Returns null | string

      the avatar URL or null.

    • Take an EventTimeline, and back/forward-fill results.


      Returns Promise<boolean>

      Promise which resolves to a boolean: false if there are no events and we reached either end of the timeline; else true.

    • Peek into a room and receive updates about the room. This only works if the history visibility for the room is world_readable.


      • roomId: string

        The room to attempt to peek into.

      • limit: number = 20

        The number of timeline events to initially retrieve.

      Returns Promise<Room>

      Promise which resolves: Room object

    • Calls aggregation functions for event types that are aggregated Polls and location beacons


      • Optionalroom: Room

        room the events belong to

      • Optionalevents: MatrixEvent[]

        timeline events to be processed

      Returns void

    • Processes a list of threaded events and adds them to their respective timelines


      • room: Room

        the room the adds the threaded events

      • threadedEvents: MatrixEvent[]

        an array of the threaded events

      • toStartOfTimeline: boolean

        the direction in which we want to add the events

      Returns void

    • Processes a list of thread roots and creates a thread model


      • room: Room

        the room to create the threads in

      • threadedEvents: MatrixEvent[]

        an array of thread roots

      • toStartOfTimeline: boolean

        the direction

      Returns void

    • Sends events directly to specific devices using Matrix's to-device messaging system. The batch will be split up into appropriately sized batches for sending and stored in the store so they can be retried later if they fail to send. Retries will happen automatically.


      Returns Promise<void>

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string
      • eventId: string
      • OptionaltxnId: string

        transaction id. One will be made up if not supplied.

      • Optionalopts: IRedactOpts

        Redact options

      Returns Promise<ISendEventResponse>

      Promise which resolves: TODO

      Error if called with with_rel_types (MSC3912) but the server does not support it. Callers should check whether the server supports MSC3912 via MatrixClient.canSupport.

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string
      • threadId: null | string
      • eventId: string
      • OptionaltxnId: string

        transaction id. One will be made up if not supplied.

      • Optionalopts: IRedactOpts

        Redact options

      Returns Promise<ISendEventResponse>

      Promise which resolves: TODO

      Error if called with with_rel_types (MSC3912) but the server does not support it. Callers should check whether the server supports MSC3912 via MatrixClient.canSupport.

    • Refreshes an access token using a provided refresh token. The refresh token must be valid for the current access token known to the client instance.

      Note that this function will not cause a logout if the token is deemed unknown by the server - the caller is responsible for managing logout actions on error.


      • refreshToken: string

        The refresh token.

      Returns Promise<IRefreshTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves to the new token.

    • Parameters

      • username: string
      • password: string
      • sessionId: null | string
      • auth: { session?: string; type: string }
      • OptionalbindThreepids: { email?: boolean; msisdn?: boolean }

        Set key 'email' to true to bind any email threepid uses during registration in the identity server. Set 'msisdn' to true to bind msisdn.

      • OptionalguestAccessToken: string
      • OptionalinhibitLogin: boolean

      Returns Promise<RegisterResponse>

      Promise which resolves to a RegisterResponse object

    • Register a guest account. This method returns the auth info needed to create a new authenticated client, Remember to call setGuest(true) on the (guest-)authenticated client, e.g:

      const tmpClient = await sdk.createClient(MATRIX_INSTANCE);
      const { user_id, device_id, access_token } = tmpClient.registerGuest();
      const client = createClient({
      baseUrl: MATRIX_INSTANCE,
      accessToken: access_token,
      userId: user_id,
      deviceId: device_id,


      Returns Promise<RegisterResponse>

      Promise which resolves: JSON object that contains: { user_id, device_id, access_token, home_server }

    • Register with an identity server using the OpenID token from the user's Homeserver, which can be retrieved via MatrixClient#getOpenIdToken.

      Note that the /account/register endpoint (as well as IS authentication in general) was added as part of the v2 API version.


      Returns Promise<{ access_token: string; token: string }>

      Promise which resolves: with object containing an Identity Server access token.

    • Returns relations for a given event. Handles encryption transparently, with the caveat that the amount of events returned might be 0, even though you get a nextBatch. When the returned promise resolves, all messages should have finished trying to decrypt.


      • roomId: string

        the room of the event

      • eventId: string

        the id of the event

      • relationType: null | string

        the rel_type of the relations requested

      • OptionaleventType: null | string

        the event type of the relations requested

      • opts: IRelationsRequestOpts = ...

        options with optional values for the request.

      Returns Promise<
              events: MatrixEvent[];
              nextBatch?: null
              | string;
              originalEvent?: null | MatrixEvent;
              prevBatch?: null | string;

      an object with events as MatrixEvent[] and optionally nextBatch if more relations are available.

    • Removes an existing pusher


      • pushKey: string

        pushkey of pusher to remove

      • appId: string

        app_id of pusher to remove

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: Empty json object on success

    • Reports an event as inappropriate to the server, which may then notify the appropriate people.


      • roomId: string

        The room in which the event being reported is located.

      • eventId: string

        The event to report.

      • score: number

        The score to rate this content as where -100 is most offensive and 0 is inoffensive.

      • reason: string

        The reason the content is being reported. May be blank.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves to an empty object if successful

    • Reports a room as inappropriate to the server, which may then notify the appropriate people.

      This API was introduced in Matrix v1.13.


      • roomId: string

        The room being reported.

      • reason: string

        The reason the room is being reported. May be blank.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves to an empty object if successful

    • Requests an email verification token for the purposes of adding a third party identifier to an account. This API requests a token from the homeserver. The doesServerRequireIdServerParam() method can be used to determine if the server requires the id_server parameter to be provided. If an account with the given email address already exists and is associated with an account other than the one the user is authed as, it will either send an email to the address informing them of this or return M_THREEPID_IN_USE (which one is up to the homeserver).


      • email: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • clientSecret: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • sendAttempt: number

        As requestEmailToken

      • OptionalnextLink: string

        As requestEmailToken

      Returns Promise<IRequestTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves: As requestEmailToken

    • Requests a text message verification token for the purposes of adding a third party identifier to an account. This API proxies the identity server /validate/email/requestToken API, adding specific behaviour for the addition of phone numbers to an account, as requestAdd3pidEmailToken.


      • phoneCountry: string

        As requestRegisterMsisdnToken

      • phoneNumber: string

        As requestRegisterMsisdnToken

      • clientSecret: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • sendAttempt: number

        As requestEmailToken

      • OptionalnextLink: string

        As requestEmailToken

      Returns Promise<IRequestMsisdnTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves: As requestEmailToken

    • Requests an email verification token directly from an identity server.

      This API is used as part of binding an email for discovery on an identity server. The validation data that results should be passed to the bindThreePid method to complete the binding process.


      • email: string

        The email address to request a token for

      • clientSecret: string

        A secret binary string generated by the client. It is recommended this be around 16 ASCII characters.

      • sendAttempt: number

        If an identity server sees a duplicate request with the same sendAttempt, it will not send another email. To request another email to be sent, use a larger value for the sendAttempt param as was used in the previous request.

      • OptionalnextLink: string

        Optional If specified, the client will be redirected to this link after validation.

      • OptionalidentityAccessToken: string

        The access_token field of the identity server /account/register response (see registerWithIdentityServer).

      Returns Promise<IRequestTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves: TODO

      Error if no identity server is set

    • Requests a MSISDN verification token directly from an identity server.

      This API is used as part of binding a MSISDN for discovery on an identity server. The validation data that results should be passed to the bindThreePid method to complete the binding process.


      • phoneCountry: string

        The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which phoneNumber should be parsed relative to.

      • phoneNumber: string

        The phone number, in national or international format

      • clientSecret: string

        A secret binary string generated by the client. It is recommended this be around 16 ASCII characters.

      • sendAttempt: number

        If an identity server sees a duplicate request with the same sendAttempt, it will not send another SMS. To request another SMS to be sent, use a larger value for the sendAttempt param as was used in the previous request.

      • OptionalnextLink: string

        Optional If specified, the client will be redirected to this link after validation.

      • OptionalidentityAccessToken: string

        The access_token field of the Identity Server /account/register response (see registerWithIdentityServer).

      Returns Promise<IRequestMsisdnTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves to an object with a sid string

      Error if no identity server is set

    • Requests an email verification token for the purposes of resetting the password on an account. This API proxies the identity server /validate/email/requestToken API, adding specific behaviour for the password resetting. Specifically, if no account with the given email address exists, it may either return M_THREEPID_NOT_FOUND or send an email to the address informing them of this (which one is up to the homeserver).

      requestEmailToken calls the equivalent API directly on the identity server, therefore bypassing the password reset specific logic.


      • email: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • clientSecret: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • sendAttempt: number

        As requestEmailToken

      • OptionalnextLink: string

        As requestEmailToken

      Returns Promise<IRequestTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves: As requestEmailToken

    • Requests a text message verification token for the purposes of resetting the password on an account. This API proxies the identity server /validate/email/requestToken API, adding specific behaviour for the password resetting, as requestPasswordEmailToken.


      • phoneCountry: string

        As requestRegisterMsisdnToken

      • phoneNumber: string

        As requestRegisterMsisdnToken

      • clientSecret: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • sendAttempt: number

        As requestEmailToken

      • nextLink: string

        As requestEmailToken

      Returns Promise<IRequestMsisdnTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves: As requestEmailToken

    • Requests an email verification token for the purposes of registration. This API requests a token from the homeserver. The doesServerRequireIdServerParam() method can be used to determine if the server requires the id_server parameter to be provided.

      Parameters and return value are as for requestEmailToken


      • email: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • clientSecret: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • sendAttempt: number

        As requestEmailToken

      • OptionalnextLink: string

        As requestEmailToken

      Returns Promise<IRequestTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves: As requestEmailToken

    • Requests a text message verification token for the purposes of registration. This API requests a token from the homeserver. The doesServerRequireIdServerParam() method can be used to determine if the server requires the id_server parameter to be provided.


      • phoneCountry: string

        The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country in which phoneNumber should be parsed relative to.

      • phoneNumber: string

        The phone number, in national or international format

      • clientSecret: string

        As requestEmailToken

      • sendAttempt: number

        As requestEmailToken

      • OptionalnextLink: string

        As requestEmailToken

      Returns Promise<IRequestMsisdnTokenResponse>

      Promise which resolves: As requestEmailToken

    • Reset the notifTimelineSet entirely, paginating in some historical notifs as a starting point for subsequent pagination.

      Returns void

    • Retry a backed off syncing request immediately. This should only be used when the user explicitly attempts to retry their lost connection. Will also retry any outbound to-device messages currently in the queue to be sent (retries of regular outgoing events are handled separately, per-event).

      Returns boolean

      True if this resulted in a request being retried.

    • Retrieve older messages from the given room and put them in the timeline.

      If this is called multiple times whilst a request is ongoing, the same Promise will be returned. If there was a problem requesting scrollback, there will be a small delay before another request can be made (to prevent tight-looping when there is no connection).


      • room: Room

        The room to get older messages in.

      • limit: number = 30

        Optional. The maximum number of previous events to pull in. Default: 30.

      Returns Promise<Room>

      Promise which resolves: Room. If you are at the beginning of the timeline, Room.oldState.paginationToken will be null.

    • Perform a server-side search for room events.

      The returned promise resolves to an object containing the fields:

      • count: estimate of the number of results
      • next_batch: token for back-pagination; if undefined, there are no more results
      • highlights: a list of words to highlight from the stemming algorithm
      • results: a list of results

      Each entry in the results list is a SearchResult.


      Returns Promise<ISearchResults>

      Promise which resolves: result object

    • Query the user directory with a term matching user IDs, display names and domains.


      • options: { limit?: number; term: string }
        • Optionallimit?: number

          the maximum number of results to return. The server will apply a limit if unspecified.

        • term: string

          the term with which to search.

      Returns Promise<IUserDirectoryResponse>

      Promise which resolves: an array of results.

    • Send a receipt.


      • event: MatrixEvent

        The event being acknowledged

      • receiptType: ReceiptType

        The kind of receipt e.g. "". Other than ReceiptType.Read are experimental!

      • Optionalbody: Record<string, any>

        Additional content to send alongside the receipt.

      • unthreaded: boolean = false

        An unthreaded receipt will clear room+thread notifications

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: to an empty object {}

    • Send an event to a specific list of devices. This is a low-level API that simply wraps the HTTP API call to send to-device messages. We recommend using queueToDevice() which is a higher level API.


      • eventType: string

        type of event to send content to send. Map from user_id to device_id to content object.

      • contentMap: SendToDeviceContentMap
      • OptionaltxnId: string

        transaction id. One will be made up if not supplied.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: to an empty object {}

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string
      • isTyping: boolean
      • timeoutMs: number

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: to an empty object {}

    • Set the access token associated with this account.


      • token: string

        The new access token.

      Returns void

    • Set a function which is called when /sync returns a 'limited' response. It is called with a room ID and returns a boolean. It should return 'true' if the SDK can SAFELY remove events from this room. It may not be safe to remove events if there are other references to the timelines for this room, e.g because the client is actively viewing events in this room. Default: returns false.


      Returns void

    • Update the given device


      • deviceId: string

        device to update

      • body: { display_name: string }

        body of request

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: to an empty object {}

    • Set whether to allow a fallback ICE server should be used for negotiating a WebRTC connection if the homeserver doesn't provide any servers. Defaults to false.


      • allow: boolean

      Returns void

    • Set whether VoIP calls are forced to use only TURN candidates. This is the same as the forceTURN option when creating the client.


      • force: boolean

        True to force use of TURN servers

      Returns void

    • Experimental

      Set whether this client is a guest account. This method is experimental and may change without warning.


      • guest: boolean

        True if this is a guest account. if the token is a macaroon, it should be encoded in it that it is a 'guest' access token, which means that the SDK can determine this entirely without the dev manually flipping this flag.

      Returns void

    • Set the identity server URL of this client


      • Optionalurl: string

        New identity server URL

      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • newURL: string

      Returns void

    • Make a request to change your password.


      • authDict: AuthDict
      • newPassword: string

        The new desired password.

      • OptionallogoutDevices: boolean

        Should all sessions be logged out after the password change. Defaults to true.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: to an empty object {}

    • Set a power level to one or multiple users. Will apply changes atop of current power level event from local state if running & synced, falling back to fetching latest from the /state/ API.


      • roomId: string

        the room to update power levels in

      • userId: string | string[]

        the ID of the user or users to update power levels of

      • powerLevel: undefined | number

        the numeric power level to update given users to

      Returns Promise<ISendEventResponse>

      Promise which resolves: to an ISendEventResponse object

    • Parameters

      • info: "avatar_url"

        The kind of info to set (e.g. 'avatar_url')

      • data: { avatar_url: string }

        The JSON object to set.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

    • Parameters

      • info: "displayname"

        The kind of info to set (e.g. 'avatar_url')

      • data: { displayname: string }

        The JSON object to set.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

    • Update the push rules for the account. This should be called whenever updated push rules are available.


      Returns void

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string
      • eventType: string

        event type to be set

      • content: Record<string, any>

        event content

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: to an empty object {}

    • Set the visibility of a room in the current HS's room directory


      • roomId: string
      • visibility: Visibility

        "public" to make the room visible in the public directory, or "private" to make it invisible.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: to an empty object {}

    • Set a room-kind muting push rule in a room. The operation also updates MatrixClient.pushRules at the end.


      • scope: "global" | "device"

        "global" or device-specific.

      • roomId: string

        the id of the room.

      • mute: boolean

        the mute state.

      Returns undefined | Promise<void>

      Promise which resolves: result object

    • Set a marker to indicate the point in a room before which the user has read every event. This can be retrieved from room account data (the event type is m.fully_read) and displayed as a horizontal line in the timeline that is visually distinct to the position of the user's own read receipt.


      • roomId: string

        ID of the room that has been read

      • rmEventId: string

        ID of the event that has been read

      • OptionalrrEvent: MatrixEvent

        the event tracked by the read receipt. This is here for convenience because the RR and the RM are commonly updated at the same time as each other. The local echo of this receipt will be done if set. Optional.

      • OptionalrpEvent: MatrixEvent

        the read receipt event for when we don't want other users to see the read receipts. This is experimental. Optional.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: the empty object, {}.

    • Set a marker to indicate the point in a room before which the user has read every event. This can be retrieved from room account data (the event type is m.fully_read) and displayed as a horizontal line in the timeline that is visually distinct to the position of the user's own read receipt.


      • roomId: string

        ID of the room that has been read

      • rmEventId: string

        ID of the event that has been read

      • OptionalrrEventId: string

        ID of the event tracked by the read receipt. This is here for convenience because the RR and the RM are commonly updated at the same time as each other. Optional.

      • OptionalrpEventId: string

        rpEvent the read receipt event for when we don't want other users to see the read receipts. This is experimental. Optional.

      Returns Promise<EmptyObject>

      Promise which resolves: the empty object, {}.

    • Parameters

      • roomId: string

        The room to update the topic in.

      • Optionaltopic: string

        The plaintext topic. May be empty to remove the topic.

      • OptionalhtmlTopic: string


      Returns Promise<ISendEventResponse>

      Promise which resolves: TODO

    • Set whether to advertise transfer support to other parties on Matrix calls.


      • support: boolean

        True to advertise the '' capability

      Returns void

    • Specify the set_presence value to be used for subsequent calls to the Sync API. This has an advantage over calls to the PUT /presence API in that it doesn't clobber status_msg set by other devices.


      • Optionalpresence: SetPresence

        the presence to specify to set_presence of sync calls

      Returns Promise<void>

    • High level helper method to stop the client from polling and allow a clean shutdown.

      Returns void

    • Stop any ongoing room peeking.

      Returns void

    • store client options with boolean/string/numeric values to know in the next session what flags the sync data was created with (e.g. lazy loading)

      Returns Promise<void>

      for store operation

    • Submits a MSISDN token to the identity server

      This is used when submitting the code sent by SMS to a phone number. The identity server has an equivalent API for email but the js-sdk does not expose this, since email is normally validated by the user clicking a link rather than entering a code.


      • sid: string

        The sid given in the response to requestToken

      • clientSecret: string

        A secret binary string generated by the client. This must be the same value submitted in the requestToken call.

      • msisdnToken: string

        The MSISDN token, as entered by the user.

      • identityAccessToken: null | string

        The access_token field of the Identity Server /account/register response (see registerWithIdentityServer). Some legacy identity servers had no authentication here.

      Returns Promise<{ success: boolean }>

      Promise which resolves: Object, containing success boolean.

      Error if No identity server is set

    • Submits a MSISDN token to an arbitrary URL.

      This is used when submitting the code sent by SMS to a phone number in the newer 3PID flow where the homeserver validates 3PID ownership (as part of requestAdd3pidMsisdnToken). The homeserver response may include a submit_url to specify where the token should be sent, and this helper can be used to pass the token to this URL.


      • url: string

        The URL to submit the token to

      • sid: string

        The sid given in the response to requestToken

      • clientSecret: string

        A secret binary string generated by the client. This must be the same value submitted in the requestToken call.

      • msisdnToken: string

        The MSISDN token, as entered by the user.

      Returns Promise<{ success: boolean }>

      Promise which resolves: Object, containing success boolean.

    • Experimental

      A helper to determine intentional mentions support

      Returns boolean

      a boolean to determine if intentional mentions are enabled on the server

    • A helper to determine thread support

      Returns boolean

      a boolean to determine if threads are enabled

    • Check if the runtime environment supports VoIP calling.

      Returns boolean

      True if VoIP is supported.

    • Populate the store with rooms the user has left.

      Returns Promise<Room[]>

      Promise which resolves: TODO - Resolved when the rooms have been added to the data store.

    • Unbind a 3PID for discovery on an identity server via the homeserver. The homeserver removes its record of the binding to keep an updated record of where all 3PIDs for the account are bound.


      • medium: string

        The threepid medium (eg. 'email')

      • address: string

        The threepid address (eg. '') this must be as returned by getThreePids.

      Returns Promise<{ id_server_unbind_result: IdServerUnbindResult }>

      Promise which resolves: on success

    • Creates a new file tree space with the given name. The client will pick defaults for how it expects to be able to support the remaining API offered by the returned class.

      Note that this is UNSTABLE and may have breaking changes without notice.


      • name: string

        The name of the tree space.

      Returns Promise<MSC3089TreeSpace>

      Promise which resolves to the created space.

    • Gets a reference to a tree space, if the room ID given is a tree space. If the room does not appear to be a tree space then null is returned.

      Note that this is UNSTABLE and may have breaking changes without notice.


      • roomId: string

        The room ID to get a tree space reference for.

      Returns null | MSC3089TreeSpace

      The tree space, or null if not a tree space.

    • Upgrades a room to a new protocol version


      • roomId: string
      • newVersion: string

        The target version to upgrade to

      Returns Promise<{ replacement_room: string }>

      Promise which resolves: Object with key 'replacement_room'

    • Upload a file to the media repository on the homeserver.


      • file: XMLHttpRequestBodyInit

        The object to upload. On a browser, something that can be sent to XMLHttpRequest.send (typically a File). Under node.js, a a Buffer, String or ReadStream.

      • Optionalopts: UploadOpts

        options object

      Returns Promise<UploadResponse>

      Promise which resolves to response object, as determined by this.opts.onlyData, opts.rawResponse, and opts.onlyContentUri. Rejects with an error (usually a MatrixError).

    • Wait until an initial state for the given room has been processed by the client and the client is aware of any ongoing group calls. Awaiting on the promise returned by this method before calling getGroupCallForRoom() avoids races where getGroupCallForRoom is called before the state for that room has been processed. It does not, however, fix other races, eg. two clients both creating a group call at the same time.


      • roomId: string

        The room ID to wait for

      Returns Promise<void>

      A promise that resolves once existing group calls in the room have been processed.