This documentation is out of date!

This documentation site is for the versions of matrix-authentication-service maintained by the Foundation (, available under the Apache 2.0 licence.

Since version 0.12.0, matrix-authentication-service is now maintained by Element under a new licence (

If you are interested in the documentation for a later version of matrix-authentication-service, please refer to

Admin API

MAS provides a REST-like API for administrators to manage the service. This API is intended to build tools on top of MAS, and is only available to administrators.

Note: This Admin API is now the correct way for external tools to interact with MAS. External access to the Internal GraphQL API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Enabling the API

The API isn't exposed by default, and must be added to either a public or a private HTTP listener. It is considered safe to expose the API to the public, as access to it is gated by the urn:mas:admin scope.

To enable the API, tweak the http.listeners configuration section to add the adminapi resource:

    - name: web
        # Other public resources
        - name: discovery
        # …
        - name: adminapi
        - address: "[::]:8080"
    # or to a separate, internal listener:
    - name: internal
        # Other internal resources
        - name: health
        - name: prometheus
        # …
        - name: adminapi
        - host: localhost
          port: 8081

Reference documentation

The API is documented using the OpenAPI specification. The API schema is available here. This schema can be viewed in tools like Swagger UI, available here.

If admin API is enabled, MAS will also serve the specification at /api/spec.json, with a Swagger UI available at /api/doc/.


All requests to the admin API are gated using access tokens obtained using OAuth 2.0 grants. They must have the urn:mas:admin scope.

User-interactive tools

If the intent is to build admin tools where the administrator logs in themselves, interactive grants like the authorization code grant or the device authorization grant should be used.

In this case, whether the user can request admin access or not is defined by the can_request_admin attribute of the user.

To try it out in Swagger UI, a client can be defined statically in the configuration file like this:

  - client_id: 01J44Q10GR4AMTFZEEF936DTCM
    # For the authorization_code grant, Swagger UI uses the client_secret_post authentication method
    client_auth_method: client_secret_post
    client_secret: wie9oh2EekeeDeithei9Eipaeh2sohte
      # The Swagger UI callback in the hosted documentation
      # The Swagger UI callback hosted by the service

Then, in Swagger UI, click on the "Authorize" button. In the modal, enter the client ID and client secret in the authorizationCode section, select the urn:mas:admin scope and click on the "Authorize" button.

Automated tools

If the intent is to build tools that are not meant to be used by humans, the client credentials grant should be used.

In this case, the client must be listed in the configuration option.


To try it out in Swagger UI, a client can be defined statically in the configuration file like this:

  - client_id: 01J44QC8BCY7FCFM7WGHQGKMTJ
    # For the client_credentials grant, Swagger UI uses the client_secret_basic authentication method
    client_auth_method: client_secret_basic
    client_secret: eequie6Oth4Ip2InahT5zuQu8OuPohLi

Then, in Swagger UI, click on the "Authorize" button. In the modal, enter the client ID and client secret in the clientCredentials section, select the urn:mas:admin scope and click on the "Authorize" button.

General API shape

The API takes inspiration from the JSON API specification for its request and response shapes.

Single resource

When querying a single resource, the response is generally shaped like this:

  "data": {
    "type": "type-of-the-resource",
    "id": "unique-id-for-the-resource",
    "attributes": {
      "some-attribute": "some-value"
    "links": {
      "self": "/api/admin/v1/type-of-the-resource/unique-id-for-the-resource"
  "links": {
    "self": "/api/admin/v1/type-of-the-resource/unique-id-for-the-resource"

List of resources

When querying a list of resources, the response is generally shaped like this:

  "meta": {
    "count": 42
  "data": [
      "type": "type-of-the-resource",
      "id": "unique-id-for-the-resource",
      "attributes": {
        "some-attribute": "some-value"
      "links": {
        "self": "/api/admin/v1/type-of-the-resource/unique-id-for-the-resource"
    { "...": "..." },
    { "...": "..." }
  "links": {
    "self": "/api/admin/v1/type-of-the-resource?page[first]=10&page[after]=some-id",
    "first": "/api/admin/v1/type-of-the-resource?page[first]=10",
    "last": "/api/admin/v1/type-of-the-resource?page[last]=10",
    "next": "/api/admin/v1/type-of-the-resource?page[first]=10&page[after]=some-id",
    "prev": "/api/admin/v1/type-of-the-resource?page[last]=10&page[before]=some-id"

The meta will have the total number of items in it, and the links object contains the links to the next and previous pages, if any.

Pagination is cursor-based, where the ID of items is used as the cursor. Resources can be paginated forwards using the page[after] and page[first] parameters, and backwards using the page[before] and page[last] parameters.

Error responses

Error responses will use a 4xx or 5xx status code, with the following shape:

  "errors": [
      "title": "Error title"

Well-known error codes are not yet specified.


With the following configuration:

  - client_id: 01J44RKQYM4G3TNVANTMTDYTX6
    client_auth_method: client_secret_basic
    client_secret: phoo8ahneir3ohY2eigh4xuu6Oodaewi


curl example to list the users that are not locked and have the can_request_admin flag set to true:


# Get an access token
curl \
  -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=urn:mas:admin" \ \
  | jq -r '.access_token' \
  | read -r ACCESS_TOKEN

# List users (The -g flag prevents curl from interpreting the brackets in the URL)
curl \
  -g \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  '[can_request_admin]=true&filter[status]=active&page[first]=100' \
  | jq
Sample output
  "meta": {
    "count": 2
  "data": [
      "type": "user",
      "id": "01J2KDPHTZYW3TAT1SKVAD63SQ",
      "attributes": {
        "username": "kilgore-trout",
        "created_at": "2024-07-12T12:11:46.911578Z",
        "locked_at": null,
        "can_request_admin": true
      "links": {
        "self": "/api/admin/v1/users/01J2KDPHTZYW3TAT1SKVAD63SQ"
      "type": "user",
      "id": "01J3G5W8MRMBJ93ZYEGX2BN6NK",
      "attributes": {
        "username": "quentin",
        "created_at": "2024-07-23T16:13:04.024378Z",
        "locked_at": null,
        "can_request_admin": true
      "links": {
        "self": "/api/admin/v1/users/01J3G5W8MRMBJ93ZYEGX2BN6NK"
  "links": {
    "self": "/api/admin/v1/users?filter[can_request_admin]=true&filter[status]=active&page[first]=100",
    "first": "/api/admin/v1/users?filter[can_request_admin]=true&filter[status]=active&page[first]=100",
    "last": "/api/admin/v1/users?filter[can_request_admin]=true&filter[status]=active&page[last]=100"