
  • Bridge



opts: VettedBridgeOpts


  • get appService(): AppService
  • Returns AppService

  • get botUserId(): string
  • Returns string


  • Install a custom handler for an incoming HTTP API request. This allows callers to add extra functionality, implement new APIs, etc...


    • opts: { authenticate?: boolean; handler: ((req: Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>>, respose: Response<any, Record<string, any>>, next: NextFunction) => void); method: "PUT" | "POST" | "GET" | "DELETE"; path: string }

      Named options

      • Optional authenticate?: boolean

        Should the token be automatically checked. Defaults to true.

      • handler: ((req: Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>>, respose: Response<any, Record<string, any>>, next: NextFunction) => void)
          • (req: Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>>, respose: Response<any, Record<string, any>>, next: NextFunction): void
          • Function to handle requests


            • req: Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>>
            • respose: Response<any, Record<string, any>>
            • next: NextFunction

            Returns void

      • method: "PUT" | "POST" | "GET" | "DELETE"

        The HTTP method name.

      • path: string

        Path to the endpoint. to this endpoint.

    Returns void

  • Determines whether a room should be provisoned based on user provided rules and the room state. Will default to true if no rules have been provided.


    resolves if can and rejects if it cannot. A status code is returned on both.


    • roomId: string

      The room to check.

    • cache: boolean = true

      Should the validator check its cache.

    Returns Promise<RoomLinkValidatorStatus>

  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Close the appservice HTTP listener, and clear all timeouts.


    Resolves when the appservice HTTP listener has stopped

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Find a member for a given room. This method will fetch the joined members from the homeserver if the cache doesn't have it stored.


    The userID of the member.


    • roomId: string
    • preferBot: boolean = true

      Should we prefer the bot user over a ghost user

    Returns Promise<null | string>

  • Retrieve an Intent instance for the specified user ID. If no ID is given, an instance for the bot itself is returned.


    The intent instance


    • Optional userId: string

      Optional. The user ID to get an Intent for.

    • Optional request: Request<unknown>

      Optional. The request instance to tie the MatrixClient instance to. Useful for logging contextual request IDs.

    Returns Intent | EncryptedIntent

  • Retrieve an Intent instance for the specified user ID localpart. This must be the complete user localpart.


    The intent instance


    • localpart: string

      The user ID localpart to get an Intent for.

    • Optional request: Request<unknown>

      Optional. The request instance to tie the MatrixClient instance to. Useful for logging contextual request IDs.

    Returns Intent

  • Returns a PrometheusMetrics instance stored on the bridge, creating it first if required. The instance will be registered with the HTTP server so it can serve the "/metrics" page in the usual way. The instance will automatically register the Matrix SDK metrics by calling {PrometheusMetrics~registerMatrixSdkMetrics}.

    Ensure that PackageInfo.getBridgeVersion is returns the correct version before calling this, as changes to the bridge version after metric instantiation will not be detected.


    • registerEndpoint: boolean = true

      Register the /metrics endpoint on the appservice HTTP server. Defaults to true. Note: listen() must have been called if this is true or this will throw.

    • Optional registry: Registry

      Optionally provide an alternative registry for metrics.

    Returns PrometheusMetrics

  • Load registration, databases and initialise bridge components.

    This must be called before listen()

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Setup a HTTP listener to handle appservice traffic. ** This must be called after .initialise() **


    • port: number

      The port to listen on.

    • hostname: string = ""

      Optional hostname to bind to.

    • backlog: number = 10
    • Optional appServiceInstance: AppService

      The AppService instance to attach to. If not provided, one will be created.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Load the user and room databases. Access them via getUserStore() and getRoomStore().

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Check the homeserver -> appservice connection by sending a ping event.


    This will throw if another ping attempt is made, or if the request times out.


    The delay in milliseconds


    • roomId: string

      The room to use as a ping check.

    • timeoutMs: number = BRIDGE_PING_TIMEOUT_MS

      How long to wait for the ping attempt. Defaults to 60s.

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Provision a user on the homeserver.


    Resolved when provisioned.


    • matrixUser: MatrixUser

      The virtual user to be provisioned.

    • Optional provisionedUser: { name?: string; remote?: RemoteUser; url?: string }

      Provisioning information.

      • Optional name?: string
      • Optional remote?: RemoteUser
      • Optional url?: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • A convenient shortcut to calling registerBridgeGauges() on the PrometheusMetrics instance directly. This version will supply the value of the matrixGhosts field if the counter function did not return it, for convenience.


    bridge.registerBridgeGauges(() => {
    return {
    matrixRoomConfigs: Object.keys(this.matrixRooms).length,
    remoteRoomConfigs: Object.keys(this.remoteRooms).length,

    remoteGhosts: Object.keys(this.remoteGhosts).length,



    Returns void

  • Check a express Request to see if it's correctly authenticated (includes the hsToken). The query parameter access_token and the Authorization header are checked.


    True if authenticated, False if not.


    • req: Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>>

    Returns boolean

  • Run the bridge (start listening). This calls initialise() and listen().


    A promise resolving when the bridge is ready.


    • port: number

      The port to listen on.

    • Optional appServiceInstance: AppService

      The AppService instance to attach to. If not provided, one will be created.

    • hostname: string = ""

      Optional hostname to bind to.

    • backlog: number = 10

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    Returns void

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