Interface ProvisioningApiOpts


  • ProvisioningApiOpts


apiPrefix?: string

Prefix to use for the API. E.g. /api in /api/v1/session

Default is /api.

disallowedIpRanges?: string[]

Disallow these IP ranges from being hit when handling OpenID requests. By default, a number of intenal ranges are blocked.



expressApp?: Application

Provide an existing express app to bind to.

Note: start() and close() will no-op when this is used.

openIdOverride?: { [serverName: string]: URL }

A set of Matrix server names to override the well known response to. Should only be used for testing.

Type declaration

  • [serverName: string]: URL
provisioningToken?: string

Secret token for provisioning requests

ratelimit?: boolean | Options

Options for ratelimiting requests to the api server. Does not affect static content loading.

widgetFrontendLocation?: string

Where are the files stored for the widget frontend. If undefined, do not host a frontend.

widgetTokenLifetimeMs?: number

How long should a widget token last for?

widgetTokenPrefix?: string

For widget tokens, use this prefix.

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