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Interface BridgeController


  • BridgeController



Optional onAliasQueried

onAliasQueried: undefined | ((alias: string, roomId: string) => PossiblePromise<void>)

The bridge will invoke this function when a room has been created via onAliasQuery.

Optional onAliasQuery

onAliasQuery: undefined | ((alias: string, aliasLocalpart: string) => PossiblePromise<null | void | { creationOpts?: undefined | Record<string, unknown>; remote?: undefined | RemoteRoom; roomId?: undefined | string }>)

The bridge will invoke this function when queried via onAliasQuery. If not supplied, no rooms will be provisioned on alias queries. Provisioned rooms will automatically be stored in the associated roomStore.

Optional onEphemeralEvent

onEphemeralEvent: undefined | ((request: Request<EphemeralEvent>) => void)

The bridge will invoke this when a typing, read reciept or presence event is received from the HS. This will only work with the bridgeEncryption configuration set.


onEvent: (request: Request<WeakEvent>, context?: BridgeContext) => void

The bridge will invoke when an event has been received from the HS.

Type declaration

Optional onLog

onLog: undefined | ((text: string, isError: boolean) => void)

Invoked when logging. Defaults to a function which logs to the console.

Optional onUserQuery

onUserQuery: undefined | ((matrixUser: MatrixUser) => PossiblePromise<null | void | { name?: undefined | string; remote?: undefined | RemoteUser; url?: undefined | string }>)

The bridge will invoke this function when queried via onUserQuery. If not supplied, no users will be provisioned on user queries. Provisioned users will automatically be stored in the associated userStore.

Optional thirdPartyLookup

thirdPartyLookup: undefined | { protocols: string[]; getLocation?: any; getProtocol?: any; getUser?: any; parseLocation?: any; parseUser?: any }

If supplied, the bridge will respond to third-party entity lookups using the contained helper functions.

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