This documentation may be out of date!

This documentation site is for the versions of Synapse maintained by the Foundation (, available under the Apache 2.0 licence.

Since version 1.99, Synapse is now maintained by Element under a new licence (

If you are interested in the documentation for a later version of Synapse, please click here to navigate to this same page on the latest Element Synapse documentation site, if it's available.


Welcome to the documentation repository for Synapse, a Matrix homeserver implementation developed by the core team.

Installing and using Synapse

This documentation covers topics for installation, configuration and maintenance of your Synapse process:

Developing on Synapse

Contributions are welcome! Synapse is primarily written in Python. As a developer, you may be interested in the following documentation:

Donating to Synapse development

Want to help keep Synapse going but don't know how to code? Synapse is a Foundation project. Consider becoming a supporter on Liberapay, Patreon or through PayPal via a one-time donation.

If you are an organisation or enterprise and would like to sponsor development, reach out to us over email at: support (at)

Reporting a security vulnerability

If you've found a security issue in Synapse or any other Foundation project, please report it to us in accordance with our Security Disclosure Policy. Thank you!