
Function access_token_with_authorization_code

pub async fn access_token_with_authorization_code(
    http_service: &BoxCloneSyncService<Request<Bytes>, Response<Bytes>, Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>,
    client_credentials: ClientCredentials,
    token_endpoint: &Url,
    code: String,
    validation_data: AuthorizationValidationData,
    id_token_verification_data: Option<JwtVerificationData<'_>>,
    now: DateTime<Utc>,
    rng: &mut impl Rng,
) -> Result<(AccessTokenResponse, Option<Jwt<'static, HashMap<String, Value>>>), TokenAuthorizationCodeError>
Available on crate feature experimental-oidc only.
Expand description

Exchange an authorization code for an access token.

This should be used as the first step for logging in, and to request a token with a new scope.


  • http_service - The service to use for making HTTP requests.

  • client_credentials - The credentials obtained when registering the client.

  • token_endpoint - The URL of the issuer’s Token endpoint.

  • code - The authorization code returned at the Authorization endpoint.

  • validation_data - The validation data that was returned when building the Authorization URL, for the state returned at the Authorization endpoint.

  • id_token_verification_data - The data required to verify the ID Token in the response.

    The signing algorithm corresponds to the id_token_signed_response_alg field in the client metadata.

    If it is not provided, the ID Token won’t be verified. Note that in the OpenID Connect specification, this verification is required.

  • now - The current time.

  • rng - A random number generator.


Returns an error if the request fails, the response is invalid or the verification of the ID Token fails.