Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
# Copyright 2018 Adam Beckmeyer
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
from uuid import uuid4

from .checks import check_room_id
from .user import User
from .errors import MatrixRequestError

[docs]class Room(object): """Call room-specific functions after joining a room from the client.""" def __init__(self, client, room_id): """Create a blank Room object. NOTE: This should ideally be called from within the Client. NOTE: This does not verify the room with the Home Server. """ check_room_id(room_id) self.room_id = room_id self.client = client self.listeners = [] self.state_listeners = [] self.ephemeral_listeners = [] = [] self.event_history_limit = 20 = None self.canonical_alias = None self.aliases = [] self.topic = None self.invite_only = None self.guest_access = None self._prev_batch = None self._members = []
[docs] def set_user_profile(self, displayname=None, avatar_url=None, reason="Changing room profile information"): """Set user profile within a room. This sets displayname and avatar_url for the logged in user only in a specific room. It does not change the user's global user profile. """ member = self.client.api.get_membership(self.room_id, self.client.user_id) if member["membership"] != "join": raise Exception("Can't set profile if you have not joined the room.") if displayname is None: displayname = member["displayname"] if avatar_url is None: avatar_url = member["avatar_url"] self.client.api.set_membership( self.room_id, self.client.user_id, 'join', reason, { "displayname": displayname, "avatar_url": avatar_url } )
@property def display_name(self): """Calculates the display name for a room.""" if return elif self.canonical_alias: return self.canonical_alias # Member display names without me members = [u.get_display_name() for u in self.get_joined_members() if self.client.user_id != u.user_id] first_two = members[:2] if len(first_two) == 1: return first_two[0] elif len(members) == 2: return "{0} and {1}".format( first_two[0], first_two[1]) elif len(members) > 2: return "{0} and {1} others".format( first_two[0], len(members) - 1) else: # len(members) <= 0 or not an integer # TODO i18n return "Empty room"
[docs] def send_text(self, text): """Send a plain text message to the room.""" return self.client.api.send_message(self.room_id, text)
[docs] def get_html_content(self, html, body=None, msgtype="m.text"): return { "body": body if body else re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', html), "msgtype": msgtype, "format": "org.matrix.custom.html", "formatted_body": html }
[docs] def send_html(self, html, body=None, msgtype="m.text"): """Send an html formatted message. Args: html (str): The html formatted message to be sent. body (str): The unformatted body of the message to be sent. """ return self.client.api.send_message_event( self.room_id, "", self.get_html_content(html, body, msgtype))
[docs] def set_account_data(self, type, account_data): return self.client.api.set_room_account_data( self.client.user_id, self.room_id, type, account_data)
[docs] def get_tags(self): return self.client.api.get_user_tags(self.client.user_id, self.room_id)
[docs] def remove_tag(self, tag): return self.client.api.remove_user_tag( self.client.user_id, self.room_id, tag )
[docs] def add_tag(self, tag, order=None, content=None): return self.client.api.add_user_tag( self.client.user_id, self.room_id, tag, order, content )
[docs] def send_emote(self, text): """Send an emote (/me style) message to the room.""" return self.client.api.send_emote(self.room_id, text)
[docs] def send_file(self, url, name, **fileinfo): """Send a pre-uploaded file to the room. See for fileinfo. Args: url (str): The mxc url of the file. name (str): The filename of the image. fileinfo (): Extra information about the file """ return self.client.api.send_content( self.room_id, url, name, "m.file", extra_information=fileinfo )
[docs] def send_notice(self, text): """Send a notice (from bot) message to the room.""" return self.client.api.send_notice(self.room_id, text)
# See for the # imageinfo args.
[docs] def send_image(self, url, name, **imageinfo): """Send a pre-uploaded image to the room. See for imageinfo Args: url (str): The mxc url of the image. name (str): The filename of the image. imageinfo (): Extra information about the image. """ return self.client.api.send_content( self.room_id, url, name, "m.image", extra_information=imageinfo )
[docs] def send_location(self, geo_uri, name, thumb_url=None, **thumb_info): """Send a location to the room. See for thumb_info Args: geo_uri (str): The geo uri representing the location. name (str): Description for the location. thumb_url (str): URL to the thumbnail of the location. thumb_info (): Metadata about the thumbnail, type ImageInfo. """ return self.client.api.send_location(self.room_id, geo_uri, name, thumb_url, thumb_info)
[docs] def send_video(self, url, name, **videoinfo): """Send a pre-uploaded video to the room. See for videoinfo Args: url (str): The mxc url of the video. name (str): The filename of the video. videoinfo (): Extra information about the video. """ return self.client.api.send_content(self.room_id, url, name, "", extra_information=videoinfo)
[docs] def send_audio(self, url, name, **audioinfo): """Send a pre-uploaded audio to the room. See for audioinfo Args: url (str): The mxc url of the audio. name (str): The filename of the audio. audioinfo (): Extra information about the audio. """ return self.client.api.send_content(self.room_id, url, name, "", extra_information=audioinfo)
[docs] def redact_message(self, event_id, reason=None): """Redacts the message with specified event_id for the given reason. See """ return self.client.api.redact_event(self.room_id, event_id, reason)
[docs] def add_listener(self, callback, event_type=None): """Add a callback handler for events going to this room. Args: callback (func(room, event)): Callback called when an event arrives. event_type (str): The event_type to filter for. Returns: uuid.UUID: Unique id of the listener, can be used to identify the listener. """ listener_id = uuid4() self.listeners.append( { 'uid': listener_id, 'callback': callback, 'event_type': event_type } ) return listener_id
[docs] def remove_listener(self, uid): """Remove listener with given uid.""" self.listeners[:] = (listener for listener in self.listeners if listener['uid'] != uid)
[docs] def add_ephemeral_listener(self, callback, event_type=None): """Add a callback handler for ephemeral events going to this room. Args: callback (func(room, event)): Callback called when an ephemeral event arrives. event_type (str): The event_type to filter for. Returns: uuid.UUID: Unique id of the listener, can be used to identify the listener. """ listener_id = uuid4() self.ephemeral_listeners.append( { 'uid': listener_id, 'callback': callback, 'event_type': event_type } ) return listener_id
[docs] def remove_ephemeral_listener(self, uid): """Remove ephemeral listener with given uid.""" self.ephemeral_listeners[:] = (listener for listener in self.ephemeral_listeners if listener['uid'] != uid)
[docs] def add_state_listener(self, callback, event_type=None): """Add a callback handler for state events going to this room. Args: callback (func(roomchunk)): Callback called when an event arrives. event_type (str): The event_type to filter for. """ self.state_listeners.append( { 'callback': callback, 'event_type': event_type } )
def _put_event(self, event): if len( > self.event_history_limit: if 'state_key' in event: self._process_state_event(event) # Dispatch for room-specific listeners for listener in self.listeners: if listener['event_type'] is None or listener['event_type'] == event['type']: listener['callback'](self, event) def _put_ephemeral_event(self, event): # Dispatch for room-specific listeners for listener in self.ephemeral_listeners: if listener['event_type'] is None or listener['event_type'] == event['type']: listener['callback'](self, event)
[docs] def get_events(self): """Get the most recent events for this room.""" return
[docs] def invite_user(self, user_id): """Invite a user to this room. Returns: boolean: Whether invitation was sent. """ try: self.client.api.invite_user(self.room_id, user_id) return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def kick_user(self, user_id, reason=""): """Kick a user from this room. Args: user_id (str): The matrix user id of a user. reason (str): A reason for kicking the user. Returns: boolean: Whether user was kicked. """ try: self.client.api.kick_user(self.room_id, user_id) return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def ban_user(self, user_id, reason): """Ban a user from this room Args: user_id (str): The matrix user id of a user. reason (str): A reason for banning the user. Returns: boolean: The user was banned. """ try: self.client.api.ban_user(self.room_id, user_id, reason) return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def unban_user(self, user_id): """Unban a user from this room Returns: boolean: The user was unbanned. """ try: self.client.api.unban_user(self.room_id, user_id) return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def leave(self): """Leave the room. Returns: boolean: Leaving the room was successful. """ try: self.client.api.leave_room(self.room_id) del self.client.rooms[self.room_id] return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def update_room_name(self): """Updates and returns True if room name has changed.""" try: response = self.client.api.get_room_name(self.room_id) if "name" in response and response["name"] != = response["name"] return True else: return False except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def set_room_name(self, name): """Return True if room name successfully changed.""" try: self.client.api.set_room_name(self.room_id, name) = name return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def send_state_event(self, event_type, content, state_key=""): """Send a state event to the room. Args: event_type (str): The type of event that you are sending. content (): An object with the content of the message. state_key (str, optional): A unique key to identify the state. """ return self.client.api.send_state_event( self.room_id, event_type, content, state_key )
[docs] def update_room_topic(self): """Updates self.topic and returns True if room topic has changed.""" try: response = self.client.api.get_room_topic(self.room_id) if "topic" in response and response["topic"] != self.topic: self.topic = response["topic"] return True else: return False except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def set_room_topic(self, topic): """Set room topic. Returns: boolean: True if the topic changed, False if not """ try: self.client.api.set_room_topic(self.room_id, topic) self.topic = topic return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def update_aliases(self): """Get aliases information from room state. Returns: boolean: True if the aliases changed, False if not """ try: response = self.client.api.get_room_state(self.room_id) for chunk in response: if "content" in chunk and "aliases" in chunk["content"]: if chunk["content"]["aliases"] != self.aliases: self.aliases = chunk["content"]["aliases"] return True else: return False except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def add_room_alias(self, room_alias): """Add an alias to the room and return True if successful.""" try: self.client.api.set_room_alias(self.room_id, room_alias) return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def get_joined_members(self): """Returns list of joined members (User objects).""" if self._members: return self._members response = self.client.api.get_room_members(self.room_id) for event in response["chunk"]: if event["content"]["membership"] == "join": self._mkmembers( User(self.client.api, event["state_key"], event["content"].get("displayname")) ) return self._members
def _mkmembers(self, member): if member.user_id not in [x.user_id for x in self._members]: self._members.append(member) def _rmmembers(self, user_id): self._members[:] = [x for x in self._members if x.user_id != user_id]
[docs] def backfill_previous_messages(self, reverse=False, limit=10): """Backfill handling of previous messages. Args: reverse (bool): When false messages will be backfilled in their original order (old to new), otherwise the order will be reversed (new to old). limit (int): Number of messages to go back. """ res = self.client.api.get_room_messages(self.room_id, self.prev_batch, direction="b", limit=limit) events = res["chunk"] if not reverse: events = reversed(events) for event in events: self._put_event(event)
[docs] def modify_user_power_levels(self, users=None, users_default=None): """Modify the power level for a subset of users Args: users(dict): Power levels to assign to specific users, in the form {"@name0:host0": 10, "@name1:host1": 100, "@name3:host3", None} A level of None causes the user to revert to the default level as specified by users_default. users_default(int): Default power level for users in the room Returns: True if successful, False if not """ try: content = self.client.api.get_power_levels(self.room_id) if users_default: content["users_default"] = users_default if users: if "users" in content: content["users"].update(users) else: content["users"] = users # Remove any keys with value None for user, power_level in list(content["users"].items()): if power_level is None: del content["users"][user] self.client.api.set_power_levels(self.room_id, content) return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def modify_required_power_levels(self, events=None, **kwargs): """Modifies room power level requirements. Args: events(dict): Power levels required for sending specific event types, in the form {"": 60, "": None}. Overrides events_default and state_default for the specified events. A level of None causes the target event to revert to the default level as specified by events_default or state_default. **kwargs: Key/value pairs specifying the power levels required for various actions: - events_default(int): Default level for sending message events - state_default(int): Default level for sending state events - invite(int): Inviting a user - redact(int): Redacting an event - ban(int): Banning a user - kick(int): Kicking a user Returns: True if successful, False if not """ try: content = self.client.api.get_power_levels(self.room_id) content.update(kwargs) for key, value in list(content.items()): if value is None: del content[key] if events: if "events" in content: content["events"].update(events) else: content["events"] = events # Remove any keys with value None for event, power_level in list(content["events"].items()): if power_level is None: del content["events"][event] self.client.api.set_power_levels(self.room_id, content) return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def set_invite_only(self, invite_only): """Set how the room can be joined. Args: invite_only(bool): If True, users will have to be invited to join the room. If False, anyone who knows the room link can join. Returns: True if successful, False if not """ join_rule = "invite" if invite_only else "public" try: self.client.api.set_join_rule(self.room_id, join_rule) self.invite_only = invite_only return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
[docs] def set_guest_access(self, allow_guests): """Set whether guests can join the room and return True if successful.""" guest_access = "can_join" if allow_guests else "forbidden" try: self.client.api.set_guest_access(self.room_id, guest_access) self.guest_access = allow_guests return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
def _process_state_event(self, state_event): if "type" not in state_event: return # Ignore event etype = state_event["type"] econtent = state_event["content"] clevel = self.client._cache_level # Don't keep track of room state if caching turned off if clevel >= 0: if etype == "": = econtent.get("name") elif etype == "": self.canonical_alias = econtent.get("alias") elif etype == "": self.topic = econtent.get("topic") elif etype == "": self.aliases = econtent.get("aliases") elif etype == "": self.invite_only = econtent["join_rule"] == "invite" elif etype == "": self.guest_access = econtent["guest_access"] == "can_join" elif etype == "" and clevel == clevel.ALL: # tracking room members can be large e.g. if econtent["membership"] == "join": self._mkmembers( User(self.client.api, state_event["state_key"], econtent.get("displayname")) ) elif econtent["membership"] in ("leave", "kick", "invite"): self._rmmembers(state_event["state_key"]) for listener in self.state_listeners: if ( listener['event_type'] is None or listener['event_type'] == state_event['type'] ): listener['callback'](state_event) @property def prev_batch(self): return self._prev_batch @prev_batch.setter def prev_batch(self, prev_batch): self._prev_batch = prev_batch