Source code for matrix_client.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from .api import MatrixHttpApi
from .checks import check_user_id
from .errors import MatrixRequestError, MatrixUnexpectedResponse
from .room import Room
from .user import User
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from uuid import uuid4
from warnings import warn
import logging
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Cache constants used when instantiating Matrix Client to specify level of caching
[docs]class CACHE(int): pass
CACHE.NONE = CACHE(-1) CACHE.SOME = CACHE(0) CACHE.ALL = CACHE(1) # TODO: rather than having CACHE.NONE as kwarg to MatrixClient, there should be a separate # LightweightMatrixClient that only implements global listeners and doesn't hook into # User, Room, etc. classes at all.
[docs]class MatrixClient(object): """ The client API for Matrix. For the raw HTTP calls, see MatrixHttpApi. Args: base_url (str): The url of the HS preceding /_matrix. e.g. (ex: https://localhost:8008 ) token (Optional[str]): If you have an access token supply it here. user_id (Optional[str]): You must supply the user_id (as obtained when initially logging in to obtain the token) if supplying a token; otherwise, ignored. valid_cert_check (bool): Check the homeservers certificate on connections? Returns: `MatrixClient` Raises: `MatrixRequestError`, `ValueError` Examples: Create a new user and send a message:: client = MatrixClient("") token = client.register_with_password(username="foobar", password="monkey") room = client.create_room("myroom") room.send_image(file_like_object) Send a message with an already logged in user:: client = MatrixClient("", token="foobar", user_id="") client.add_listener(func) # NB: event stream callback client.rooms[0].add_listener(func) # NB: callbacks just for this room. room = client.join_room("") response = room.send_text("Hello!") response = room.kick("") Incoming event callbacks (scopes):: def user_callback(user, incoming_event): pass def room_callback(room, incoming_event): pass def global_callback(incoming_event): pass """ def __init__(self, base_url, token=None, user_id=None, valid_cert_check=True, sync_filter_limit=20, cache_level=CACHE.ALL): """ Create a new Matrix Client object. Args: base_url (str): The url of the HS preceding /_matrix. e.g. (ex: https://localhost:8008 ) token (str): Optional. If you have an access token supply it here. user_id (str): Optional. You must supply the user_id (as obtained when initially logging in to obtain the token) if supplying a token; otherwise, ignored. valid_cert_check (bool): Check the homeservers certificate on connections? cache_level (CACHE): One of CACHE.NONE, CACHE.SOME, or CACHE.ALL (defined in module namespace). Returns: MatrixClient Raises: MatrixRequestError, ValueError """ if token is not None and user_id is None: raise ValueError("must supply user_id along with token") self.api = MatrixHttpApi(base_url, token) self.api.validate_certificate(valid_cert_check) self.listeners = [] self.presence_listeners = {} self.invite_listeners = [] self.left_listeners = [] self.ephemeral_listeners = [] if isinstance(cache_level, CACHE): self._cache_level = cache_level else: self._cache_level = CACHE.ALL raise ValueError( "cache_level must be one of CACHE.NONE, CACHE.SOME, CACHE.ALL" ) self.sync_token = None self.sync_filter = '{ "room": { "timeline" : { "limit" : %i } } }' \ % sync_filter_limit self.sync_thread = None self.should_listen = False """ Time to wait before attempting a /sync request after failing.""" self.bad_sync_timeout_limit = 60 * 60 self.rooms = { # room_id: Room } if token: check_user_id(user_id) self.user_id = user_id self._sync()
[docs] def get_sync_token(self): warn("get_sync_token is deprecated. Directly access MatrixClient.sync_token.", DeprecationWarning) return self.sync_token
[docs] def set_sync_token(self, token): warn("set_sync_token is deprecated. Directly access MatrixClient.sync_token.", DeprecationWarning) self.sync_token = token
[docs] def set_user_id(self, user_id): warn("set_user_id is deprecated. Directly access MatrixClient.user_id.", DeprecationWarning) self.user_id = user_id
# TODO: combine register methods into single register method controlled by kwargs
[docs] def register_as_guest(self): """ Register a guest account on this HS. Note: HS must have guest registration enabled. Returns: str: Access Token Raises: MatrixRequestError """ response = self.api.register(kind='guest') return self._post_registration(response)
[docs] def register_with_password(self, username, password): """ Register for a new account on this HS. Args: username (str): Account username password (str): Account password Returns: str: Access Token Raises: MatrixRequestError """ response = self.api.register( { "auth": {"type": "m.login.dummy"}, "username": username, "password": password } ) return self._post_registration(response)
def _post_registration(self, response): self.user_id = response["user_id"] self.token = response["access_token"] self.hs = response["home_server"] self.api.token = self.token self._sync() return self.token
[docs] def login_with_password_no_sync(self, username, password): """Deprecated. Use ``login`` with ``sync=False``. Login to the homeserver. Args: username (str): Account username password (str): Account password Returns: str: Access token Raises: MatrixRequestError """ warn("login_with_password_no_sync is deprecated. Use login with sync=False.", DeprecationWarning) return self.login(username, password, sync=False)
[docs] def login_with_password(self, username, password, limit=10): """Deprecated. Use ``login`` with ``sync=True``. Login to the homeserver. Args: username (str): Account username password (str): Account password limit (int): Deprecated. How many messages to return when syncing. This will be replaced by a filter API in a later release. Returns: str: Access token Raises: MatrixRequestError """ warn("login_with_password is deprecated. Use login with sync=True.", DeprecationWarning) return self.login(username, password, limit, sync=True)
[docs] def login(self, username, password, limit=10, sync=True, device_id=None): """Login to the homeserver. Args: username (str): Account username password (str): Account password limit (int): Deprecated. How many messages to return when syncing. This will be replaced by a filter API in a later release. sync (bool): Optional. Whether to initiate a /sync request after logging in. device_id (str): Optional. ID of the client device. The server will auto-generate a device_id if this is not specified. Returns: str: Access token Raises: MatrixRequestError """ response = self.api.login( "m.login.password", user=username, password=password, device_id=device_id ) self.user_id = response["user_id"] self.token = response["access_token"] self.hs = response["home_server"] self.api.token = self.token if sync: """ Limit Filter """ self.sync_filter = '{ "room": { "timeline" : { "limit" : %i } } }' % limit self._sync() return self.token
[docs] def logout(self): """ Logout from the homeserver. """ self.stop_listener_thread() self.api.logout()
# TODO: move room creation/joining to User class for future application service usage # NOTE: we may want to leave thin wrappers here for convenience
[docs] def create_room(self, alias=None, is_public=False, invitees=None): """ Create a new room on the homeserver. Args: alias (str): The canonical_alias of the room. is_public (bool): The public/private visibility of the room. invitees (str[]): A set of user ids to invite into the room. Returns: Room Raises: MatrixRequestError """ response = self.api.create_room(alias, is_public, invitees) return self._mkroom(response["room_id"])
[docs] def join_room(self, room_id_or_alias): """ Join a room. Args: room_id_or_alias (str): Room ID or an alias. Returns: Room Raises: MatrixRequestError """ response = self.api.join_room(room_id_or_alias) room_id = ( response["room_id"] if "room_id" in response else room_id_or_alias ) return self._mkroom(room_id)
[docs] def get_rooms(self): """ Return a dict of {room_id: Room objects} that the user has joined. Returns: Room{}: Rooms the user has joined. """ warn("get_rooms is deprecated. Directly access MatrixClient.rooms.", DeprecationWarning) return self.rooms
# TODO: create Listener class and push as much of this logic there as possible # NOTE: listeners related to things in rooms should be attached to Room objects
[docs] def add_listener(self, callback, event_type=None): """ Add a listener that will send a callback when the client recieves an event. Args: callback (func(roomchunk)): Callback called when an event arrives. event_type (str): The event_type to filter for. Returns: uuid.UUID: Unique id of the listener, can be used to identify the listener. """ listener_uid = uuid4() # TODO: listeners should be stored in dict and accessed/deleted directly. Add # convenience method such that performs # MatrixClient.listeners[uuid4()] = Listener(...) self.listeners.append( { 'uid': listener_uid, 'callback': callback, 'event_type': event_type } ) return listener_uid
[docs] def remove_listener(self, uid): """ Remove listener with given uid. Args: uuid.UUID: Unique id of the listener to remove. """ self.listeners[:] = (listener for listener in self.listeners if listener['uid'] != uid)
[docs] def add_presence_listener(self, callback): """ Add a presence listener that will send a callback when the client receives a presence update. Args: callback (func(roomchunk)): Callback called when a presence update arrives. Returns: uuid.UUID: Unique id of the listener, can be used to identify the listener. """ listener_uid = uuid4() self.presence_listeners[listener_uid] = callback return listener_uid
[docs] def remove_presence_listener(self, uid): """ Remove presence listener with given uid Args: uuid.UUID: Unique id of the listener to remove """ self.presence_listeners.pop(uid)
[docs] def add_ephemeral_listener(self, callback, event_type=None): """ Add an ephemeral listener that will send a callback when the client recieves an ephemeral event. Args: callback (func(roomchunk)): Callback called when an ephemeral event arrives. event_type (str): The event_type to filter for. Returns: uuid.UUID: Unique id of the listener, can be used to identify the listener. """ listener_id = uuid4() self.ephemeral_listeners.append( { 'uid': listener_id, 'callback': callback, 'event_type': event_type } ) return listener_id
[docs] def remove_ephemeral_listener(self, uid): """ Remove ephemeral listener with given uid. Args: uuid.UUID: Unique id of the listener to remove. """ self.ephemeral_listeners[:] = (listener for listener in self.ephemeral_listeners if listener['uid'] != uid)
[docs] def add_invite_listener(self, callback): """ Add a listener that will send a callback when the client receives an invite. Args: callback (func(room_id, state)): Callback called when an invite arrives. """ self.invite_listeners.append(callback)
[docs] def add_leave_listener(self, callback): """ Add a listener that will send a callback when the client has left a room. Args: callback (func(room_id, room)): Callback called when the client has left a room. """ self.left_listeners.append(callback)
[docs] def listen_for_events(self, timeout_ms=30000): """ This function just calls _sync() In a future version of this sdk, this function will be deprecated and _sync method will be renamed sync with the intention of it being called by downstream code. Args: timeout_ms (int): How long to poll the Home Server for before retrying. """ # TODO: see docstring self._sync(timeout_ms)
[docs] def listen_forever(self, timeout_ms=30000, exception_handler=None, bad_sync_timeout=5): """ Keep listening for events forever. Args: timeout_ms (int): How long to poll the Home Server for before retrying. exception_handler (func(exception)): Optional exception handler function which can be used to handle exceptions in the caller thread. bad_sync_timeout (int): Base time to wait after an error before retrying. Will be increased according to exponential backoff. """ _bad_sync_timeout = bad_sync_timeout self.should_listen = True while (self.should_listen): try: self._sync(timeout_ms) _bad_sync_timeout = bad_sync_timeout # TODO: we should also handle MatrixHttpLibError for retry in case no response except MatrixRequestError as e: logger.warning("A MatrixRequestError occured during sync.") if e.code >= 500: logger.warning("Problem occured serverside. Waiting %i seconds", bad_sync_timeout) sleep(bad_sync_timeout) _bad_sync_timeout = min(_bad_sync_timeout * 2, self.bad_sync_timeout_limit) elif exception_handler is not None: exception_handler(e) else: raise except Exception as e: logger.exception("Exception thrown during sync") if exception_handler is not None: exception_handler(e) else: raise
[docs] def start_listener_thread(self, timeout_ms=30000, exception_handler=None): """ Start a listener thread to listen for events in the background. Args: timeout (int): How long to poll the Home Server for before retrying. exception_handler (func(exception)): Optional exception handler function which can be used to handle exceptions in the caller thread. """ try: thread = Thread(target=self.listen_forever, args=(timeout_ms, exception_handler)) thread.daemon = True self.sync_thread = thread self.should_listen = True thread.start() except RuntimeError: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logger.error("Error: unable to start thread. %s", str(e))
[docs] def stop_listener_thread(self): """ Stop listener thread running in the background """ if self.sync_thread: self.should_listen = False self.sync_thread.join() self.sync_thread = None
# TODO: move to User class. Consider creating lightweight Media class.
[docs] def upload(self, content, content_type): """ Upload content to the home server and recieve a MXC url. Args: content (bytes): The data of the content. content_type (str): The mimetype of the content. Raises: MatrixUnexpectedResponse: If the homeserver gave a strange response MatrixRequestError: If the upload failed for some reason. """ try: response = self.api.media_upload(content, content_type) if "content_uri" in response: return response["content_uri"] else: raise MatrixUnexpectedResponse( "The upload was successful, but content_uri wasn't found." ) except MatrixRequestError as e: raise MatrixRequestError( code=e.code, content="Upload failed: %s" % e )
def _mkroom(self, room_id): self.rooms[room_id] = Room(self, room_id) return self.rooms[room_id] def _sync(self, timeout_ms=30000): response = self.api.sync(self.sync_token, timeout_ms, filter=self.sync_filter) self.sync_token = response["next_batch"] for presence_update in response['presence']['events']: for callback in self.presence_listeners.values(): callback(presence_update) for room_id, invite_room in response['rooms']['invite'].items(): for listener in self.invite_listeners: listener(room_id, invite_room['invite_state']) for room_id, left_room in response['rooms']['leave'].items(): for listener in self.left_listeners: listener(room_id, left_room) if room_id in self.rooms: del self.rooms[room_id] for room_id, sync_room in response['rooms']['join'].items(): if room_id not in self.rooms: self._mkroom(room_id) room = self.rooms[room_id] # TODO: the rest of this for loop should be in room object method room.prev_batch = sync_room["timeline"]["prev_batch"] for event in sync_room["state"]["events"]: event['room_id'] = room_id room._process_state_event(event) for event in sync_room["timeline"]["events"]: event['room_id'] = room_id room._put_event(event) # TODO: global listeners can still exist but work by each # room.listeners[uuid] having reference to global listener # Dispatch for client (global) listeners for listener in self.listeners: if ( listener['event_type'] is None or listener['event_type'] == event['type'] ): listener['callback'](event) for event in sync_room['ephemeral']['events']: event['room_id'] = room_id room._put_ephemeral_event(event) for listener in self.ephemeral_listeners: if ( listener['event_type'] is None or listener['event_type'] == event['type'] ): listener['callback'](event)
[docs] def get_user(self, user_id): """ Return a User by their id. NOTE: This function only returns a user object, it does not verify the user with the Home Server. Args: user_id (str): The matrix user id of a user. """ return User(self.api, user_id)
# TODO: move to Room class
[docs] def remove_room_alias(self, room_alias): """Remove mapping of an alias Args: room_alias(str): The alias to be removed. Returns: bool: True if the alias is removed, False otherwise. """ try: self.api.remove_room_alias(room_alias) return True except MatrixRequestError: return False