* Room storage format:
* {
* id: "matrix|remote|link_key", // customisable
* matrix_id: "room_id",
* remote_id: "remote_room_id",
* matrix: { serialised matrix room info },
* remote: { serialised remote room info },
* data: { ... any additional info ... }
* }
* Each document can either represent a matrix room, a remote room, or
* a mapping. They look like this:
* {
* id: "!room:id",
* matrix_id: "!room:id",
* matrix: { .. custom data eg name: "A happy place" .. }
* }
* REMOTE (e.g. IRC)
* {
* id: "irc.freenode.net_#channame",
* remote_id: "irc.freenode.net_#channame",
* remote: { .. custom data e.g. is_pm_room: true .. }
* }
* {
* id: "!room:id__irc.freenode.net_#channame", // link key; customisable.
* matrix_id: "!room:id",
* remote_id: "irc.freenode.net_#channame",
* matrix: { .. custom data .. },
* remote: { .. custom data .. },
* data: { .. custom data about the mapping ..}
* }
* A unique, non-sparse index can be set on the 'id' key, and non-unique,
* sparse indexes can be set on matrix_id and remote_id to make mappings
* quicker to compute.
"use strict";
var BridgeStore = require("./bridge-store");
var MatrixRoom = require("../models/rooms/matrix");
var RemoteRoom = require("../models/rooms/remote");
var util = require("util");
* Construct a store suitable for room bridging information. Data is stored
* as {@link RoomBridgeStore~Entry}s which have the following
* <i>serialized</i> format:
* <pre>
* {
* id: "unique_id", // customisable
* matrix_id: "room_id",
* remote_id: "remote_room_id",
* matrix: { serialised matrix room info },
* remote: { serialised remote room info },
* data: { ... any additional info ... }
* }
* </pre>
* <p>If a unique 'id' is not given, the store will generate one by concatenating
* the <code>matrix_id</code> and the <code>remote_id</code>. The delimiter
* used is a property on this store and can be modified.</p>
* <p>The structure of Entry objects means that it is efficient to select based
* off the 'id', 'matrix_id' or 'remote_id'. Additional indexes can be added
* manually.</p>
* @constructor
* @param {Datastore} db The connected NEDB database instance
* @param {Object} opts Options for this store.
* @property {string} delimiter The delimiter between matrix and
* remote IDs. Defaults to three spaces. If the schema of your remote IDs
* allows spaces, you will need to change this.
function RoomBridgeStore(db, opts) {
this.db = db;
this.delimiter = " ";
util.inherits(RoomBridgeStore, BridgeStore);
* Insert an entry, clobbering based on the ID of the entry.
* @param {RoomBridgeStore~Entry} entry
* @return {Promise}
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.upsertEntry = function(entry) {
return this.upsert({
id: entry.id
}, serializeEntry(entry));
* Get an existing entry based on the provided entry ID.
* @param {String} id The ID of the entry to retrieve.
* @return {?RoomBridgeStore~Entry} A promise which resolves to the entry or null.
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getEntryById = function(id) {
return this.selectOne({
id: id
}, this.convertTo(function(doc) {
return new Entry(doc);
* Get a list of entries based on the matrix_id of each entry.
* @param {string} matrixId
* @return {RoomBridgeStore~Entry[]}
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getEntriesByMatrixId = function(matrixId) {
return this.select({
matrix_id: matrixId
}, this.convertTo(function(doc) {
return new Entry(doc);
* A batch version of <code>getEntriesByMatrixId</code>.
* @param {String[]} ids
* @return {Object.<string,RoomBridgeStore~Entry[]>} Resolves
* to a map of room_id => Entry[]
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getEntriesByMatrixIds = function(ids) {
return this.select({
matrix_id: {
$in: ids
}).then(function(docs) {
var entries = {};
docs.forEach(function(doc) {
if (!entries[doc.matrix_id]) {
entries[doc.matrix_id] = [];
entries[doc.matrix_id].push(new Entry(doc));
return entries;
* Get a list of entries based on the remote_id of each entry.
* @param {String} remoteId
* @return {RoomBridgeStore~Entry[]}
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getEntriesByRemoteId = function(remoteId) {
return this.select({
remote_id: remoteId
}, this.convertTo(function(doc) {
return new Entry(doc);
* Create a link between a matrix room and remote room. This will create an entry with:
* <ul>
* <li>The matrix_id set to the matrix room ID.</li>
* <li>The remote_id set to the remote room ID.</li>
* <li>The id set to the id value given OR a concatenation of the matrix and remote IDs
* if one is not provided.</li>
* </ul>
* @param {MatrixRoom} matrixRoom The matrix room
* @param {RemoteRoom} remoteRoom The remote room
* @param {Object=} data Information about this mapping.
* @param {string=} linkId The id value to set. If not given, a unique ID will be
* created from the matrix_id and remote_id.
* @return {Promise}
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.linkRooms = function(matrixRoom, remoteRoom, data, linkId) {
data = data || {};
linkId = linkId || createUniqueId(
matrixRoom.getId(), remoteRoom.getId(), this.delimiter
var self = this;
return self.upsert({
id: linkId
}, {
id: linkId,
remote_id: remoteRoom.getId(),
matrix_id: matrixRoom.getId(),
remote: remoteRoom.serialize(),
matrix: matrixRoom.serialize(),
data: data
* Create an entry with only a matrix room. Sets the 'id' of the entry to the
* Matrix room ID. If an entry already exists with this 'id', it will be replaced.
* This function is useful if you just want to store a room with some data and not
* worry about any mappings.
* @param {MatrixRoom} matrixRoom
* @return {Promise}
* @see RoomBridgeStore#getMatrixRoom
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.setMatrixRoom = function(matrixRoom) {
return this.upsertEntry({
id: matrixRoom.getId(),
matrix_id: matrixRoom.getId(),
matrix: matrixRoom
* Get an entry's Matrix room based on the provided room_id. The entry MUST have
* an 'id' of the room_id and there MUST be a Matrix room contained within the
* entry for this to return.
* @param {string} roomId
* @return {?MatrixRoom}
* @see RoomBridgeStore#setMatrixRoom
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getMatrixRoom = function(roomId) {
return this.getEntryById(roomId).then(function(e) {
return e ? e.matrix : null;
* Get all entries with the given remote_id which have a Matrix room within.
* @param {string} remoteId
* @return {MatrixRoom[]}
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getLinkedMatrixRooms = function(remoteId) {
return this.getEntriesByRemoteId(remoteId).then(function(entries) {
return entries.filter(function(e) {
return Boolean(e.matrix);
}).map(function(e) {
return e.matrix;
* Get all entries with the given matrix_id which have a Remote room within.
* @param {string} matrixId
* @return {RemoteRoom[]}
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getLinkedRemoteRooms = function(matrixId) {
return this.getEntriesByMatrixId(matrixId).then(function(entries) {
return entries.filter(function(e) {
return Boolean(e.remote);
}).map(function(e) {
return e.remote;
* A batched version of <code>getLinkedRemoteRooms</code>.
* @param {string[]} matrixIds
* @return {Object.<string, RemoteRoom>} A mapping of room_id to RemoteRoom.
* @see RoomBridgeStore#getLinkedRemoteRooms
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.batchGetLinkedRemoteRooms = function(matrixIds) {
return this.getEntriesByMatrixIds(matrixIds).then(function(entryMap) {
Object.keys(entryMap).forEach(function(k) {
entryMap[k] = entryMap[k].filter(function(e) {
return Boolean(e.remote);
}).map(function(e) {
return e.remote;
return entryMap;
* Get a list of entries based on a RemoteRoom data value.
* @param {Object} data The data values to retrieve based from.
* @return {RoomBridgeStore~Entry[]} A list of entries
* @example
* remoteRoom.set("some_key", "some_val");
* // store remoteRoom and then:
* store.getEntriesByRemoteRoomData({
* some_key: "some_val"
* });
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getEntriesByRemoteRoomData = function(data) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k) {
var query = data[k];
delete data[k];
data["remote." + k] = query;
return this.select(data, this.convertTo(function(doc) {
return new Entry(doc);
* Get a list of entries based on a MatrixRoom data value.
* @param {Object} data The data values to retrieve based from.
* @return {RoomBridgeStore~Entry[]} A list of entries
* @example
* matrixRoom.set("some_key", "some_val");
* // store matrixRoom and then:
* store.getEntriesByMatrixRoomData({
* some_key: "some_val"
* });
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getEntriesByMatrixRoomData = function(data) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k) {
var query = data[k];
delete data[k];
data["matrix.extras." + k] = query;
return this.select(data, this.convertTo(function(doc) {
return new Entry(doc);
* Get a list of entries based on the link's data value.
* @param {Object} data The data values to retrieve based from.
* @return {RoomBridgeStore~Entry[]} A list of entries
* @example
* store.linkRooms(matrixRoom, remoteRoom, { some_key: "some_val" });
* store.getEntriesByLinkData({
* some_key: "some_val"
* });
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.getEntriesByLinkData = function(data) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k) {
var query = data[k];
delete data[k];
data["data." + k] = query;
return this.select(data, this.convertTo(function(doc) {
return new Entry(doc);
* Remove entries based on remote room data.
* @param {Object} data The data to match.
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* remoteRoom.set("a_key", "a_val");
* // store remoteRoom and then:
* store.removeEntriesByRemoteRoomData({
* a_key: "a_val"
* });
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.removeEntriesByRemoteRoomData = function(data) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k) {
var query = data[k];
delete data[k];
data["remote." + k] = query;
return this.delete(data);
* Remove entries with this remote room id.
* @param {Object} remoteId The remote id.
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* new RemoteRoom("foobar");
* // store the RemoteRoom and then:
* store.removeEntriesByRemoteRoomId("foobar");
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.removeEntriesByRemoteRoomId = function(remoteId) {
return this.delete({
remote_id: remoteId
* Remove entries based on matrix room data.
* @param {Object} data The data to match.
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* matrixRoom.set("a_key", "a_val");
* // store matrixRoom and then:
* store.removeEntriesByMatrixRoomData({
* a_key: "a_val"
* });
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.removeEntriesByMatrixRoomData = function(data) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k) {
var query = data[k];
delete data[k];
data["matrix.extras." + k] = query;
return this.delete(data);
* Remove entries with this matrix room id.
* @param {Object} matrixId The matrix id.
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* new MatrixRoom("!foobar:matrix.org");
* // store the MatrixRoom and then:
* store.removeEntriesByMatrixRoomId("!foobar:matrix.org");
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.removeEntriesByMatrixRoomId = function(matrixId) {
return this.delete({
matrix_id: matrixId
* Remove entries based on the link's data value.
* @param {Object} data The data to match.
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* store.linkRooms(matrixRoom, remoteRoom, { a_key: "a_val" });
* store.removeEntriesByLinkData({
* a_key: "a_val"
* });
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.removeEntriesByLinkData = function(data) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k) {
var query = data[k];
delete data[k];
data["data." + k] = query;
return this.delete(data);
* Remove an existing entry based on the provided entry ID.
* @param {String} id The ID of the entry to remove.
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* store.removeEntryById("anid");
RoomBridgeStore.prototype.removeEntryById = function(id) {
return this.delete({ id });
function createUniqueId(matrixRoomId, remoteRoomId, delimiter) {
return (matrixRoomId || "") + delimiter + (remoteRoomId || "");
* Construct a new RoomBridgeStore Entry.
* @constructor
* @typedef RoomBridgeStore~Entry
* @property {string} id The unique ID for this entry.
* @property {?MatrixRoom} matrix The matrix room, if applicable.
* @property {?RemoteRoom} remote The remote room, if applicable.
* @property {?Object} data Information about this mapping, which may be an empty.
function Entry(doc) {
doc = doc || {};
this.id = doc.id;
this.matrix = doc.matrix_id ? new MatrixRoom(doc.matrix_id, doc.matrix) : undefined;
this.remote = doc.remote_id ? new RemoteRoom(doc.remote_id, doc.remote) : undefined;
this.data = doc.data;
// not a member function so callers can provide a POJO
function serializeEntry(entry) {
return {
id: entry.id,
remote_id: entry.remote ? entry.remote.getId() : undefined,
matrix_id: entry.matrix ? entry.matrix.getId() : undefined,
remote: entry.remote ? entry.remote.serialize() : undefined,
matrix: entry.matrix ? entry.matrix.serialize() : undefined,
data: entry.data
module.exports = RoomBridgeStore;